Thursday 5 September 2024

                                       FREE SPEECH AND ITS CONSEQUENCES

A 41 year-old childminder was charged late last month with publishing material intending to stir up racial hatred.  Lucy Connolly, aged 41, tweeted that there should be mass deportation and suggested setting fire to hotels housing immigrants.  This emotional message was posted in the wake of three young children being knifed to death in Southport by a 17 year-old youth, named as Axel Muganwa Rudakubana.  This Cardiff-born monstrosity, whose names give rise to suggestions of foreign extraction, is also charged with 10 counts of attempted murder.  Eight other children and two adults were seriously injured as well during the attack.

In the wake of these appalling crimes committed by the teenager, riots took place across the north of England, plus one or two minor protests in the south. (See previous posts on this blog site for further reading, frustration and irritation!).  Lucy Connelly was echoing thoughts regarding deportation that will be shared by millions of natives throughout the land, both before and after the attack.  Her post read as follows:  'Mass deportation now, set fire to all the fucking hotels full of the bastards for all I care... if that makes me racist so be it.'  Whilst naturally considered unacceptable views by those on the migrant-supporting left, her utterings would be thought of as 'strident' by the majority of natives, frustrated at successive British governments inability to address immigration. What for me is the most blatantly unacceptable aspect of her publicly-made suggestion is the use of the 'F' word!  Why?   It lowers the tone of any piece, it devalues the intrinsic emotion and reduces the reader to assuming the lady is an uneducated oaf - or in her case - oafess - of 'common stock' as we say in Surrey.   One should take pride in one's use of language and rise above that perpetrated every other word during a comedy night at the Apollo!

While many took to the streets in order to make their mark, mostly in a negative manner, Lucy Connelly aired her anger and frustration through anti-social media.  The vast majority of white natives did what we always do, we stayed at home, muttered, tutted and exclaimed to no-one in particular,  'Another bloody foreigner huh - bastard' and got on with making, or eating our dinners whilst catching up with Chris Packham, standing in one of our last remaining fields prior to this government authorising its conversion into a new housing development.  Mrs. C was spot however with 'bastard'.  There is no better word to use when venting one's anger in such circumstances.  It is akin to my verbal reaction having hit my thumb when hammering a nail.  An elongated exclamation of 'Shit' can never be bettered for dissipating pain!

Given the opportunity to set light to a hotel full of non-paying, services-draining occupants, would Mrs. Connelly, in the cold light of day have lit the match herself?  Only she knows the answer, but I very much doubt it - and my doubt is on a par with that of Charlton Athletic winning the FA Cup this, or any other year before I pass from this mortal coil.  She apparently has no previous convictions for setting light to anywhere, let alone facilities for channel-hopping, recently-arrived, benefit-seeking flotsam, as most of us tax-paying sufferers consider them to be.  

All in all, she seems like a very nice lady, but with a penchant for engaging gob before brain.  Is that the greatest of crimes?  Whilst we all say things in the heat of the moment, sadly with X, (formerly known as something I can't remember as I never used it in the beginning), once uploaded, you are sharing your thoughts with the world -  and isn't the world quick to judge?  The fact that the lady in question is the wife of a Northampton Conservative councillor hasn't helped matters, though it has certainly helped our left-leaning press! They have had a field day with headlines making capital of her husband's political allegiance and position.  It was nothing to do with him, but mud sticks.  She is likely to receive a custodial sentence.  I'm sure our new left-of-left-of centre government will do all it can to make examples of those valiant enough to air their frustrations over a country that has lost its identity. Sadly, those with the power to make change 'cock a deaf 'un'.   Politicians from both sides of the policy divide continue to bury their collective heads in the French coastal sands, and all the while, tension and frustration mount, festering away, submersed by society until the next attack or suicide bomb. 

I do hope the judiciary will act in an identical manner when sentencing a Muslim for exclaiming damnations regarding those they have taken a dislike to in their adopted country.  A country that has given them all the freedoms they would not allow to others if the roles were reversed.  How is it that we, the ordinary man and woman in the street, can feel the slippery slope of social change under our feet but those elected see only the destruction of our countryside as an answer to the problem?  They turn a blind eye at society's peril.