Sunday 3 March 2013


                                                      EASTLEIGH BY-ELECTION

What strange coves the voting public are.  I honestly didn't expect the Liberal Democrats to retain Eastleigh constituency.  I am aware that the election only came about because of the downfall of its MP and we are mid-term and governments are never very popular at this time, but how on earth did so many people come to the conclusion that a Lib-Dem candidate was the candidate for them?  It beggars belief that anyone would vote for a party that is only in government by default.  It is without doubt the most 'fence-sitting, namby-pamby, let them all come to our shores and settle here party' I have ever had the misfortune to witness.  Heaven help this country from a full Lib-Dem government.  As a speaker on Radio 4 put it very succinctly, two thirds of the electorate voted for right of centre parties and once again, the left of centre party got pride of place at the finishing post.  What a pity a few more people didn't vote with confidence and put their cross against the UKIP candidate.  For David Cameron to comment that it is a typical mid-term blip and the UKIP was once again a protest vote, shows a great deal of arrogance and little real comprehension that the public is frustrated beyond belief at the Conservatives' inability to really tackle Europe and immigration.

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