Friday 14 June 2013


                                                             WINIFRED ROBINSON

For those officiandos of that flagship broadcasting station Radio 4, I wonder how other listeners respond to the delightful intonations of the presenter Winifred Robinson.   I listen to her on "You and Yours" during the week as I travel around the south-east of England and there's something about her voice that really captivates me.   There is a dream-like quality which emanates from her voice and even the fact that she pronounces  the word "says" as "saze" is completely forgiven.   In fact, I have sat parked in a layby having munched my lunch and been totally consumed, to the point of being comatose.   I am of the opinion that  no-one need attend relaxation or stress busting classes - just listen from 12 noon to 1 pm on the days she presents, and the world will seem a much softer, peaceful and ethereal place.

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