Monday 26 October 2020



                                                COVID  - NEED, FEED AND GREED

The very nature of Covid 19 surely means that governments worldwide need to protect its citizens.  I see no problem in asking the public to support any measures or actions designed to reduce risk and hopefully eradicate the virus.  The need to protect requires the need to support.  Why then do the likes of Piers Corbyn and the Massed Band of Irritating Ticks feel the need to openly protest in town and city centres flagrantly and provocatively breaching social distancing and mask wearing rules? Do they really believe all this social disruption is an inter-governmental plot in order to 'undermine civil liberties', 'the clamping down of human rights' or 'engaging in mass containment of thought and deed'?

There is no precedent, no government of any political persuasion that  could have known what to do at the start of the outbreak.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing, a bit like a vaccine, but it isn't available yet so rules must change with the circumstances as the situation unfolds and evolves.  Any political party can run the most efficient country when in opposition.  I am not the greatest supporter of either Boris nor the Tories in general, but the thought of a Labour Party in control is on a par with being in the company of Pol Pot,  Kim Jong-Un or any paid-up member of the Liberal Democrats!

The government should be supported and not be subjected to 'virus fatigue' or left-wing agitators spoiling for a fight - any fight that is!  We need to find the true source of this pandemic.  Where did it really start - a street market, a laboratory?  Was it an accident due to a lack of animal welfare, an experiment that got out of hand and into the system, or was it manufactured to create chaos within western economies?  Who knows, but I wouldn't bet against the latter!

We currently witness the social elite of the left sadly supported by certain soft-centred Tories clambering on the 'Poverty-stricken' bandwagon.  Oh how The Guardian and The Independent newspapers enjoy any attempt to shame-face the government into allowing free meals during half-term to those without... without what?  Food? Really...? Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of children are going to be, or are hungry in this country.  Where? How? And finally Why?  I would love to see an honest independent breakdown of the statistics so as to determine the true extent of such claims.  Good headlines for the left, students and teachers who positively immerse themselves in such drama, but who are we actually talking about.  I take it it's mainly those in the north, so who amongst this vast number of under-privileged, unfed and presumably unwashed actually worked before Covid?  How many stopped producing offspring prior to realising that expenses outweighed either genuinely earned income or social welfare?  As if this strain on the national debt  wasn't enough, along comes Marcus Rashford, footballer of a certain northern parish on his charger, leading the race to change policy and spend millions more of taxpayers' money on the feckless, the workshy and those with more rights than responsibility.  Bet they all possess the latest mobile phones, smoke heavily, drink to excess and still buy lottery tickets... and that is just the children! 

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