Tuesday 16 February 2021



It was not without a little disquiet that my attention was drawn to an article concerning the reaction to Captain Tom Moore's passing and the subsequent clapping of hands.  This gesture was to provide the public with an opportunity to share not only the family's grief but to acknowledge his achievements and celebrate a life unknown to the public at large for ninety-nine years and then known world-wide for his last few months.

The option was afforded to all, to clap or not to clap.  What was totally unnecessary was the response on social media by a black homosexual vicar deriding the gesture.  Now, on the basis that freedom of speech is fundamental in a democracy it is difficult to argue against someone posting their views, feelings and observations via Fastbuck, Twatter or any other platform shared by millions.  That said, feathers were ruffled across the white majority of this country - and it is still a majority despite the BBC indicating otherwise.

Whilst the angry young - well, 29year-old man - may not wish to join in  a public mark of respect for Captain Moore, his comment that the clapping was a 'Cult of white British nationalism' smacked of all things tribal and sadly becomes all to easy to mock.  The very fact that this black homosexual wishes to spend his time sniping at his fellow indigenous white neighbours whilst taking employment from a religious cult is fairly ironic in itself! Just how 'christian' is the man? 

You can garner a taste of his bile when he describes Boris Johnson and Priti Patel as 'Oppressors'.  He goes on to argue that the British honours system is 'Deeply married to white supremacy' before labelling those involved 'Ignorant white christian men'.  The poor boy does seem troubled...

Apparently Mr. J R-B was recently appointed to a pointless posting at a presbyterian church  by the equally pointless Bishop of London, a gal who goes by the name of Sarah Mulally.  At least the cult's hierarchy deemed their great black hope's views with concern describing them as 'unacceptable, insensitive and ill-judged'.  There is also a review to be launched by the Highly Pointless Archdeacon of London.  Talk about jobs for the unemployable.  Still, it keeps them off the streets and cocooned in their  little world of historic abuse and denouncement of sin perpetrated by those outside their church! (Wry smile time)

Hard on the heals of his social postings, as opposed to an overseas posting, which is what I'd give him, he has been subjected to 'Racist abuse'. Surprise, surprise!  The man clearly hates our native population and our country. He should do the honourable thing and leave our shores,  never to return, Go! Bugger off, your'e clearly not happy here... But then, people like him never are.   He would rather remain and whinge from within, possessing as he does a lifelong shoulder chip of black origin. 

During one of his social media rants on Twatter he opined that the 'UK government do not want those experiencing poverty or homelessness to survive this pandemic'.  He clearly has a problem with authority and his role in society.  True to form, and close to his ethnic heart he commented, somewhat predictably on the Home Office's decision to deport 50 blacks back to Jamaica.  He said 'The Home Office can go to hell. 50 Black Brits are to be deported tomorrow. Utter injustice and wickedness'.  These 50 undesirables are all criminals.  Why should British taxpayers continue to support them in this country, we have enough undesirables of our own to contend with let alone those who arrived from foreign climes - either recently, or those who are the offspring of immigrants arriving several generations ago.  To me they are merely passport holders and will never be British, certainly never English!

Last November he commented that 'Jamaicans should build a device to direct all the flood water to Britain because those landslides and severe flooding are a legacy of colonisation and poor infrastructure'.  As I said, the poor deluded sap has problems.  He is to publish a book this coming July entitled 'Black, Gay, British, Christian, Queer'.   Well, you can't say he isn't hanging all his hangups on a single mast. Hmmmmm...Just thinking, perhaps I should take inspiration from his title and call my next book 'White, Straight, English, Atheist, Normal'.  Can't see me getting much publicity on the BBC though... 

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