Tuesday 9 March 2021



                               CATS. PIGEONS, AND A YANK IN THE ROYAL COURT 

The British press are rubbing their collective grubby mitts over the Meghan Markle interview on a chat show fronted by some black female American Presenter.  The world's press and TV are awash with the interview.  The Black and Asian Broadcasting Corporation (officially still entitled the BBC) are beside themselves with news, views, interviews and opinions - providing they are the right views and opinions of course - listen to Radio 4's Woman's Hour for clarification!  One word and one word only is central to the story - RACE!

No-one can be in any doubt of my contempt and dislike of the Royal family.  I am not overly-fussed by many of the household's members.  I have serious reservations about any family being born into such wealth and privilege.  I have serious misgivings over the army of employees funded by the taxpayer in order to keep this strange band of inbreds cocooned in their little world of advantage and opulence.  But... and it is a big but!... they really have no right of reply in the manner afforded to the man and woman in the street. 

Nobody interested in this story should really be surprised that a member of the Royal family broached the subject of race.  It is a discussion that would be broached in any residence should their offspring marry someone of different skin colour.  That it appears to be only one member of the Royal household would seem to me to be a complete fabrication of reality and a denial of normal human response, intrigue and basic desire at any given opportunity to smirk at a very white institution having to come to terms with that dreadful word 'diversity' as it hit them head-on!  Surely that would have been the first thing anyone would have asked the minute Harry made it clear to Daddy and Step-mummy... oh, and William and Kate... that he was to marry a mixed heritage (half-caste as was) thrice-married unknown Yankee actress and bring her into the Royal fold.  It's moments like these that you'd give a lot to be a fly on the wall for just those few minutes and witness the shock as it all sinks in to those within the cloistered surroundings of whichever palace everyone was gathered, when the news was broken and 'The Family" came to terms with the awfulness of the situation.  My advice to the Monarchy and all who sail in her is to sit tight and say nothing.  Princess Needy and her puppy have brought disgrace and disappointment to our country and should be left to paddle their own celebrity-culture driven canoe as far into the never-ending cesspit of showbiz quagmire as their ambitions allow.  Strip them of all remaining Royal titles, privileges and rank. Once out of our country and what it gave you, stay out!

I'm on the side of the Monarchy on this one.  They are damned if they do, they are damned if they don't. Looking back for a moment to Princess Di, I have always been of the opinion that she was disposed of by what I can only refer to as 'The Establishment'.  Without going into the details, the mysteries surrounding her demise, the questions that remain unanswered - and will probably stay that way - you have to ask, what if she was pregnant at the time of her passing by Dodi Fayed?  He would have brought a bit of colour into the lives of those at Buckingham Palace, had their relationship blossomed. I cannot see Prince Philip being comfortable having to chat about his father's shop in Knightsbridge and having to address the newly announced addition as Viscount Ahmed or Prince Faisal of Rochdale!  A Royal Muslim in the Family would surely have been seen as taking diversity several thousand steps too far - and far too soon - by about a century, I'd say!

It is good sport for the world's press, social media, and those who take the first opportunity to criticise the rights of others to have an opinion that doesn't match their own.  It is equally good sport for those with an artistic, rebellious and humorous nature to save the day whilst making mine!

WhatsApp has been the source of several Meghan related pics and cartoons.  There was one sent yesterday of the Queen sitting in a Royal car holding a gun whilst driving.  The caption reads: 'When you spend £32 million on your  grandson's wedding and his wife starts bitching to Oprah...'  Another pic has the Queen and Prince Philip sitting on a sofa (settee as was in Battersea) with both of them holding a giant golliwog. The caption reads 'All I said was...will he look like this?  The last in the trio has a photo showing Queenie, our Phil, Harry, Meghan - holding her sprog - and a black woman who I presume is either the Yank's mother or someone who's into photo-bombing.  Anyway the punchline is the colour chart the Queen is holding in her hand.  Alongside the lighter colours is the word 'Okay' and besides the darker tones is written 'Not okay'.  Now that is good, clean British humour when baited by what is basically imported trailer trash attempting to change centuries of inbreeding by gatecrashing our institutions and thinking they'd be accepted within our society, a society of class and standards.  Remember, all Americans are Red-necks, it's just that some wear suits and look smart... but don't let that fool you! 

Just read that the Breakfast Show on ITV this morning had a little problem aired live between their weather man and Piers Morgan.  You can always rely on Piers to be the voice of reason, the ordinary man's champion.  It's days like this I'd love to see Boris announce 'our Piers' as Minister without Portfolio, directed to instal common sense into every government department and scupper the aspirations of those intent on destroying - literally in some instances - our heritage and culture.

Thought... A Piers Morgan Bank Holiday'... More cats and pigeons?

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