Sunday 16 May 2021



                                  FOR MINORITIES, EVERY DAY IS A 'SPECIAL DAY'.

Sadly, there is an increasing number of activists in this country.  Lawful and peaceful protests are one thing, stopping officials going about their business is another.  What should be seen and reported as a disgraceful waste of police time and expense is seen by a Guardian reporter  as a 'Special Day'.  

Libby Brooks, the paper's Scotland correspondent told her story in Friday's edition.  What glee she seems to take from the knowledge that an immigration enforcement van was stopped in its tracks by baying mobs intent on releasing two men suspected of immigration offences.   This Libby character (is it short for Liberal?) is obviously not on the side of law and order, but heavily backs disruption and mayhem.  Writing for The Guardian is, of course, an ideal outlet for such wayward, anti-society, left-wing sympathies.  So much so in fact that the poor misguided lady can no longer see the migrant wood for the indigenous trees.

Crowds of 'locals' - I use the word extremely loosely - commenced their intimidating action in Glasgow's southside at 9am with the stand-off lasting a full eight hours before the  'Southside 2', as I think of them, were freed and by Friday were receiving advice from asylum support groups - well they would be, wouldn't they!  Some complete arse who goes by the name of 'Van Man' crawled under the enforcement vehicle for much of the day in order to discourage movement.  What soft fools we are!  I'd have given him a very generous five minutes to 'get out and bugger off before the vehicle moves on'.  It would then have been his choice, and it is all about choices, as to whether he lived to irritate and disrupt come another day, or be a road fatality.  It really wouldn't have bothered me one way or another... though I do have a slight preference.  Hmmm... I wonder if he works?

All over the country there are legal eagles, asylum support groups, minority rights groups all there at the sniff of a deportation ready to grind our laws into the dust - bastards!  Getting back to the 'Scottish Skirmish', there was a translator called Declan Blench who sat behind the van to stop it from reversing - same rules would apply to him as they would to Van Man if common  sense were ever to be taken into account.  A lawyer by the name of Aamer Anwar described the heavy police presence as 'inflammatory and provocative'.  Thats rich!  He then goes on to add that he 'couldn't believe that the Home Office had done this on one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar'.  Let me set you right on this, Mr Anwar, there are people who live outside your ethnic and white supported bubble. They are called the general population who couldn't give a flying fig about any ethnic 'holy day'.  All you have done is to tie up an already overstretched police force in order to free two men who should by now be in secure accommodation whilst the rights and wrongs of their case is discussed in a lawful manner.

Imagine sir, if you will, the joy, the adrenaline rush that comes when we, the native, and constantly under-fire white, far-sighted resident of these isles hear or read of another plane load being deported for varying reasons.  It's music to our ears,  dear boy,  pure music....

It comes back as always to the choices we discussed earlier.  If you don't like how we do things in OUR country, you don't have to stay, which for many of your ilk would be our preference... given the choice that is!

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