Sunday 11 July 2021




So, after seventeen months we are (hopefully) going to see restrictions lifted and a sense of normality return.  Many false dawns along with many false starts have seen society accept, adapt and carry on regardless.  It is what the majority of us do because we have an innate desire to survive.  Sadly, it is the minority who for a wide number of reasons, make life awkward at best and dangerous in the extreme for those who have toed the line, followed guidance and been vaccinated twice.  

I understand there are those who, due to a medical condition cannot be given the jab, but in similar vein to disabled badges, 'vaccination exemptions' appear to be handed out willy-nilly.  I suspect that in many cases, the exemption holder feels, in the same way as a parent of a child with so-called 'special needs'... well, special!  It appears to be an achievement all of its own.  Something to be talked about, someone to be talked about.  We live in times when the needy are at their neediest. In a way - a very small way - I can cope with stories, or hearing word of these people, because they are basically sad under-achievers with little self-esteem and you're rather glad you don't know them personally.  I do not possess the greatest patience or time for those who do not help themselves, they generally blame everyone else for their situation and wallow in self-pity and helplessness.

Apart from the genuinely exempt and the needy exempt are those with agendas - the naysayers, disbelievers, conspiracy theorists, those who use their religion as a shield instead of a vaccination, the arrogant, the sheer bloody-minded and worst of all, the 'professional' protester, those incomplete wastes of space who drain our welfare system and contribute the square root of bugger-all to the country that houses, feeds and clothes them... (Feeling better now!)

However, cometh the 19th, cometh the implementation of our potentially new-found freedom, the finer detailed points of which are, at the time of writing, still to be announced.  It is expected that face-masks will still be necessary on transport and possibly when shopping.  I fully expect people to be keeping their distance for many a month yet regardless of any relaxation we may be afforded.  There are many who still do not wish to venture out, for the fear is palpable in many instances, especially in the older age bracket.

What I would like is a breakdown of statistics in relation to who exactly is defying advice and continuing to remain unprotected.  They obviously consider themselves above infection, or are convinced that Covid doesn't exist.  Either way they have complete disregard for others.  Ninety-nine per cent of all new cases are of the Indian... sorry, sorry... Delta variety, averaging 25,000 new cases daily, though with many fewer hospitalisations.  We've previously discussed the most infectious geographical areas and the make-up of those who live there, but is it race, religion or arrogance that deters due to information from mainly 'white professionals' advising you of both risk and protection.  A lot of professional, informed Asians work within the medical profession and encourage those within their fellow religion or race to protect themselves and others. The 19th should/will see greater numbers meeting in closer proximity.  Is it fair on those who have been responsible to have to sit next to, shop next to, have a meal next to someone who has flouted advice and therefore the opportunity of a jab? 

I still feel that a vaccination passport is the answer.  No playing the game, no freedom of movement. Arrogance fronting any perceived reason would mean being housebound.  Home deliveries only, no travel, no friends or family other than those living within that household.  Those within that household who enjoyed a modicum of intelligence and had been vaccinated would be forced to forego their freedom due to the stubborn or misguided soul(s) within their family who had made things bad for everyone.  How do we know who is a danger and who is not.  Pressure from the airline and travel industries isn't helping with more pressure heaped upon the government for one reason and one reason only - money!

I realise there would be hell to pay by the libertarians but you either play your part in society or you face the consequences.  It would of course give the rest of us a fighting chance but we sadly live in a world where rights are everything and responsibility comes a very poor second...

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