Tuesday, 22 October 2024

                          OH THE JUSTICE OF IT ALL

Before you can say 'Brixton Riots', news comes that puts to bed any lingering doubts the colour-blind may have as to the character of Mr. Chris Kaba.  I described him yesterday as being the sort of cove one wouldn't invite around for afternoon tea.  I am further of the opinion that he shouldn't have been allowed anywhere south of Croydon!  The public at large will now be aware through information spread across the media that he was named as the gunman in a nightclub shooting only days before he met the full force of the law - a law devised and designed to protect the innocent and convict the guilty.  The Oval Space nightclub in Hackney was the venue where he shot another man in both legs on the 30th August 2022.   It also appears that he was a member of a particularly violent gang.  He has convictions going back to his early teenage years.   Tsk tsk...  

So, for all the inflammatory, anti-police statements and comments  from his family, friends and the ever-supportive 'black community' plus Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott, their rhetoric looks a little pale, somewhat diluted to say the least - and that is the least I can say! (Jezza and Di being two of the best reasons never to vote Labour, and a never-ending boost for the Tories).  His family must know of his background.  The fact that he was imprisoned in his youth would surely give them reason to at least keep an open mind on the way he met his death?  Family loyalty is one thing, perpetrating the continual offensive against the police and, by inference, white society in general is entirely another.  These black people - or should that be 'people of colour',  I never can remember what the ruling term is at any one time - do not help themselves by acting in such an aggressive and predictable way. 

I'd be interested to know if there will be mitigating circumstances put forward as to why Mr. Kaba turned out the way he did, sadly like so many with his background.  I expect the 'Good Ship Empire Windrush' will make an appearance when thoughts turn to influences and 'wrong path's taken'.   Slavery, colonialism, bad company, peer pressure, missed opportunities, lack of opportunities... You name it, an excuse will be given, and usually to the detriment of anyone who isn't black.  

All in all, enough good news to hopefully dampen the excesses of the 'Rights Brigade' be they white or black. Last word goes to a comment posted after Julia Hartley-Brewer's interview with a former Conservative advisor regarding the case on Talk TV.  It read:  'If his family are not happy with the English Police, leave England, go somewhere else and moan'.  And so say all of us!  And so say...


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