Dear, oh dear, that most exalted of all within his sect was not sitting comfortably - though nowhere near as uncomfortably as the boys and young men who suffered appallingly at the hands of the now deceased Mr John Smyth, QC. Not a nice man by any standards, he is described as a 'British child abuser, barrister and active Christian involved in ministry with children'. Well, that's one way of putting it! Oh, and he also represented Mary Whitehouse as her lawyer some decades ago during her years of campaigning against what she considered to be a lowering of moral standards on both TV and the media. What hypocrisy!
Justin Portal Welby, who revelled in the full title of 'The Most Reverend and the Right Honourable the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury GCVO', has been toppled from his post of Top God - sorry, Dog - bloody lysdexia!. The latter stands for 'Grand Cross Victorian Order'. -there's posh! Sadly, his titles outplayed his talent for justice. I'd like to know what these people do? It's not a proper job. They're not contributing to society in any form. Shelf-stackers at Sainsbury's contribute far more than these religious wastes of space. In this case it is the Church of England, but irrespective of whichever cult the sheep in human form follows, power, greed and abuse have been prevalent from time immemorial. For many it has been the safe haven to continue abuse to this day - and tomorrow, and next week, and forever onwards, it appears. Shrouded in secrecy but known to many within the hallowed halls of clerical establishment and hierarchy, those that abuse will continue with impunity, those that know, but turn a blind eye, will also continue to be all-unseeing and un-knowing. That 'Club' mentality which permeates so many sects and orders continues to weave its magic across the world.
There will be a number of bishops and no doubt those lower down in the pecking order, wondering if the call will come for them to explain their involvement, if any, or knowledge of, if any, abuse carried out by the disgusting Smyth character. The Reverend Michael Coran (as opposed to Koran, which I would have found slightly amusing), suggested that more people should be questioned. Presumably that puts him in the clear!. It could turn into another Post Office scandal with bishops scurrying around defending their actions - or lack of them - in a manner not too dissimilar to PO or Fujitsu bosses claiming amnesia or being in the loo at the time and therefore 'none of it being their fault'! Another bishop interviewed this morning on the BABC was the current Bishop of Winchester, latterly Bishop of Truro and in a previous role, the Executive Leader of the 'Church Mission Society', which in itself doesn't appear overly seemly! His name is Philip Mounstephen, just a 'T' away from a schoolboy snigger and the begging of the question 'Does he?' That of course is before said boy is sent to John Smyth for punishment. Pure whimsy of course, but satisfying to conjure with all the same.
Perhaps if the left-leaning, migrant loving, do-gooding, slave-apologising Welby had spent more time looking at the bigger picture of Britain's ills, as experienced by the tax-paying public day-in, day-out, he might also have taken note of what was going on with his ex-fellow 'happy camper' back in the 1970's! If they weren't 'bunking-buddies' they certainly knew each other. You can see the Arse-Bishop wringing his hands thinking 'This is a bit of a bugger and no mistake, let's hope it all blows over soon, huh!'. It didn't and there are stories to be told, cases to be investigated, financial settlements to be made by the Church in the fullness of time and hopefully, several resignations along the way.
What the C of E are left with is finding a replacement that is whiter than white in their private life, preferably without a history of abuse to their names, though probably 'nothing within the last five years will be as good as it gets'. I spoke with a friend of mine who also fails to see the significance and point of any religion other than a cover for unedifying sexual activities and he said, 'A pound to a penny the next one will be black and female - two boxes ticked, there's a result!'. He's probably not wrong.
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