The trial of female black Australian footballer Sam Kerr concluded yesterday. Not being a follower of women's football, her name was previously unknown to me, as was her country of origin, her colour, her sexual preferences or the fact that she was the captain of the Australian national team. So, 'the gal's done good' in her career - credit where it's due.
Credit ends at that point, however. Ms. Kerr and her partner, Kristie Mewis, had been on a night out in Twickenham on the 30th January 2023. A dispute later arose with the taxi driver who no doubt would have thought 'Why me?' during the journey - one that ended up at Twickenham Police Station instead of the intended destination. It would appear that their behaviour in the cab was not exactly 'ladylike', one of them vomiting and a cab window being broken apparently. You can't buy class... I also read that there was further disagreement over the fare. The taxi driver locked the women in his cab and drove to Twickenham Police Station. The surprise, of course, is that Twickenham still has a police station!
At the station, SK commented to PC Lovell that 'This is a racial f****** thing' - but then she would do, wouldn't she? You could write the script. Another 'person of colour' with a chip the size of a plank on their shoulders whinging about race, when she should have been making grovelling apologies to the taxi driver for the mess they made of his cab and offering financial restitution plus a donation to the 'Taxi Drivers Welfare Fund' - if there is one - or some such associated charity if there isn't. It's not as if she can't afford it, she kicks a ball for a living after all! It's quite clearly not in SK's nature to apologise when overly merry, she has an altercation with PC Lovell and adds further racial fuel to the antipodean fire by calling him 'f****** stupid and white'. And there we have it! SK contends that while she does not deny making her accusation, she rejects any notion that her outburst was racial. How does that work? What a foul-mouthed, loathsome piece of imported Aussie she is.
The jury took over four hours to find her 'not guilty' on Tuesday. I would like to know the make-up of the Jury. If it's anything like our TV adverts then the 12 chaps and chapesses, 'good and true', would have consisted of more ethnics than white natives. If it did consist of those with a more pale complexion then they must have been either Liberal-Democrats, to the left of common-sense or downright deluded! As the prosecutor asserted, if it were the other way round and the officer was described as 'f****** stupid and black', all racial hell would have been let loose. Demonstrations outside Downing Street, public disturbances in London before kicking-off in other cities and towns across the country. Looting, processions, calls for changes in the law and all that goes with minority power.
Anyway, her football club, Chelsea, appear to be taking no further action while Football Australia is to 'reflect' on the matter. Once again, if the colours were reversed, the disgraced racist white player would be metaphorically tarred and feathered, forced to attend race, gender and diversity classes for an extended period, made to apologise to all and sundry within the world of sport and banned from competitive football until the age of which he or she would be retired anyway. Slight exaggeration? Maybe, but sadly. it's one rule for the indigenous white population and another for the coloured minority - a minority that is not so minor of course!
Footnote, the BABC describes Kristie Mewis, her partner, as her 'fiancee'. Is that an upgrade? Also revealed in one of the stories about the farcical outcome of this case is the fact that the couple are expecting their first child. I think we can safely assume that its first word will be four-lettered! Ye Gods and little fishes...
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