Sunday 20 December 2020



                                                THE DAY OF THE SULLIED MAT

I am still getting over the shock, the shock of being the recipient of the most hideous flyer that anyone could find landing on their doormat - a mat now totally sullied by this incursion into my privacy.   If only the flyer had been generated by a team of local paedophiles, murderers or, dare I say it, even worse, a local cycling club, but nothing could compare with what I found.   Yes, it was a leaflet from the Guildford Liberal Democrats.   On one side there is a photograph of a local church, taken from across the road, without a car in sight - in fact, as  sylvan scenes go, this could be part of the footage from an episode of Midsomer Murders!   The background to the church tower is pure sky and trees.   It shows not the new housing development taking place within a 100 or so yards, nor the developments that have taken place over the last fifty years and have totally annihilated the fields that prevailed prior to the continued rape of our landscape.   Pride of place in this photograph goes to the Liberal Democrat County Council candidate for Ash and Ash Vale.   A very pleasant looking lady sporting a black and white striped top, black cardigan complimented and finished off with a yellow scarf around her neck.   I assume the choice of colour is to cement the Lib-Dem connection within the reader's psyche?   'There's clever', as they say on Barry Island! She is leaning on rustic fencing and is looking to all the world like a proper person.  I've mentioned it before, but how on earth could she represent a party whose name, Liberal Democrat, represents the most undemocratic of all parties.   That any political party in this country could openly go against the majority of people who voted in a Referendum to leave the European Union because they didn't like the result is staggering.  It is with relish I recall that their policy to overturn and ignore the wishes of that majority culminated in political suicide at the last election.

I have in times past voted for the Liberal Democrats (local elections only),  but it is not an action I would ever take again.   The flyer starts in a friendly manner, in fact, it starts "Dear Friend" before saying in bold, "I just wanted to wish you a happy and prosperous 2021".   The candidate goes on to say, "As always the local Lib Dem team and I will spend this year working hard on local issues that matter to you.   I've included the local party's details, along with some other important numbers and a useful 2021 calendar on the reverse".   It then goes on about getting in touch if you have problems and is signed by the Liberal Democrat candidate.   There is a little sticker thanking you for your support - that anyone would give it is beyond belief, but I understand people still read the Guardian and wear sandals....

Turning over and looking below the calendar, amongst the useful local numbers, ie police, NHS, street repairs, bins and recycling, there is one for Childline.   That's a bit rich coming from a party whose founding fathers include David Steel, a leader who appears to have turned a very blind eye to the inappropriate actions over many years by Cyril Smith.   However, what goes round comes round.   There is also a telephone number for the Farnham Food Bank.   I wonder just how much poverty there really is in Farnham?   Still, where you have an estate you will find alleged poverty.   It beggars belief that in this day and age we have food banks.   Real poverty was in the 1920's and 30's, the Victorian times when we had workhouses.   A more overworked and mis-used word would be hard to find.  Poverty now seems to be when your children do not have the latest IPhone. 

The last words on the flyer read:- 'Liberal Democrats - working hard all year round'.  Perhaps if they tried listening a bit harder they wouldn't need to work quite so hard!  Just another thought...

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