Wednesday 30 December 2020



                                             IT'S ALL A QUESTION OF PRIORITIES!

The 'Breaking News' this morning is that the Oxford Zeneca vaccine has been approved for distribution and our government has ordered 100 million doses, which should be good for everyone.  It now emerges that there is to be a twelve week gap between the first jab and the follow-up.  Presumably this is to allow more people to obtain some initial protection.  I only mention this as I was under the impression that the two injections were much closer together.  It matters not to me, I'm just thankful that a potential life and society saver has been developed. (bloody Chinese!)

I fully understand the priorities in terms of age, but I do ponder as to whether it is as simple as this.  For instance, shouldn't priority be arranged by class, breeding and social standing?  I mean, it's all right starting with the elderly, but you can have two seventy year olds, one who smokes, drinks heavily and/or gorges the night away, while the other leads a healthy life looking after him or herself thus saving the NHS millions.   The saved millions doubtless being spent on kidney dialysis machines or lung and heart transplants!  And of course it's not just 'The North' that suffers from the former wastrel, I understand we have estates in parts of the south as well...I know, I couldn't believe it myself at first, but that's modern Britain for you.

My priorities would be those that could trace their lineage back to the reign of Henry VIII as that is not only a reasonable time to be able to describe oneself  as English through and through, but it marks the end of Catholicism as the ruling religion, which is fairly significant in itself! Good old Henry I say...

So, having brought together the first to be inoculated, in what order should it be?.... let's see... Those who work, or have worked - the longer the number of years, the further up the queue you are - that's easy. Those who voted to leave the EU, work with animals or in conservation go first, naturally, followed by anyone contributing to the making of pork pies, Branston Pickle or  Evostik.  There may well be foreign workers  involved in these processes, but we are talking of  'reserved occupations' after all and thus qualifies them for temporary 'British' status - NOT to be confused with the issuing of a UK passport.  As we say in Surrey, any fool can be be British, but it takes breeding to be English!

I think we can swiftly say that all those fulfilling useful work and lives will be entitled to a welcome at the vaccine clinic. those at the back of the queue will be the unemployed, smokers, alcoholics, druggies, cyclists, all staff at The Guardian, all paid-up members of the Lib-Dems, those who voted to Remain, teachers - on the basis that I've never witnessed such a whinging group of so-called professionals in all my life, Elton John - on the basis that he makes my skin crawl, and any Covid protester who feels they should hedge their bet and have a shot anyway!

The devil is in the detail as they say, but the devil in this case is north of the border, so what rotten luck that there isn't enough to go round and Scotland misses out!   But life's not fair, if it was Nigel Farage would be given a knighthood for services to his country and Piers Morgan would have taken over from Dominic Cummings!


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