Sunday 10 January 2021



                                                        FIFTEEN MINUTES OF FAME

We are living at a time when Covid is rampant  and protection of yourself and others in your proximity is vital.  Does it not become a little irritating when you read, and not for the first or doubtless last time, that some cove considers himself exempt from the same rules as the rest of us?

There is a chap, hailing from Chilwell in Nottinghamshire who is suing Argos because staff at the Long Eaton store that he visited 'Threw him out' for not wearing a mask.  Quite right!  Apparently the sap suffers from 'Anxiety'.  I have to tell you I have no truck with anxiety or any other needy syndrome that costs society and the NHS in particular when hard-pressed resources could be so readily be spent on patients with real illnesses.

Apparently, if you are needy and considered exempt, you are issued with a medical certificate.  So far, so exasperating.  Where the system becomes cloudy is in the large print.  As a holder of one of these certificates - which automatically puts you in the 'To be avoided at all costs as any involvement will rebound on you' category - it is not compulsory to have it about your person.  Why is that?  It should be mandatory so that no-one is placed in an invidious position.   The  offender  then returns in order to serve them with a legal letter as he intends to sue them but then, that is what the needy do!  No thought of being responsible and helping those who are trying to make the store safe for all, oh no, it's me, me, me!

He was told to leave once more and quite rightly so.  His desire for attention is exemplified by his comment that 'My anxiety was so bad because of this that I was almost on the verge of calling an ambulance... '  For goodness sake, an ambulance?  Does he not know that the service is pretty tied up with real patients, you know, those that need immediate help!  The verge is where I'd have left him!

Sadly, and not unexpectedly, Mr. Yannis Athanasiadis has been issued with an apology and offered an unspecified 'Gesture of goodwill' by Sainsbury's - owners of Argos.  I would have banned him from the store for life on the grounds that the last thing we need in our emporium is a disruptive non-conformist. The fact that our irritant had a foreign name made absolutely no difference to the way I felt when reading of this incident - though it didn't help obviously!

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