Friday, 25 June 2021



                                                WHEN 'DELTA' REPLACED 'INDIAN'

Delta!  The new, politically-correct name for Indian, a well-known variant brought to you by the Covid family.  We've had the Kent version, now re-named Alpha, Brazil's offering is now Gamma, while South Africa chimes in with good old Beta.  It's interesting to note that nobody worried about the latter three being associated with two countries and an English county - as it happens, the 'Garden of England' - but India!  Living in Surrey, a county bordering Kent, I didn't descend into panic mode and not cross the border.  I didn't sue for compensation and trauma.  I know many a 'Man of Kent'...  and many a 'Kentish Man' come to think of it.  Mind you, they are what I'd call 'proper people' born and bred in 'Sarf East London' in the days when most of it was still Kent. 

Suddenly, a new strain appears on the Asian horizon and all hell breaks loose at the World Health Organisation.  You can just imagine a gaggle of Head Office headless chickens running about in panic as the realisation that the very origin of this latest variant could cause an outbreak of anti-Indian sentiment in far-flung overseas Indian territories such as the north-west of England for instance!  

Who do the WHO think we true Brits are?  We are no more likely to mutter a word of anti-Indian criticism or comment, for as a nation we've been programmed to accept colonisation by the migrant masses for decades.   It's what we do best, we accept.  We are a nation of acceptors.  We might grumble at home to loved ones who have witnessed Britain's diverse decline and are of a like mind, but speak publicly of fears and concerns? Only at the ballot box during the referendum did we see the public express its dissatisfaction with Britain's lot.  Sadly we, the present generation, ironically pays the price for our colonial forebears who landed on continental shores two to three hundred years ago and left us to pay for it by way of what some would  describe as 'ethnic communities' and which  many more would consider 'ghettos'. 

It isn't without coincidence that many north west towns in Lancashire and those previously within that once beautiful county and now enmeshed within the sprawling metropolis that is Manchester, have shown an inordinate increase in Covid cases.  Bedford, Luton, Slough, Reading, the 'Republic of East London' and many more towns and areas densely populated with Asians have all recorded spikes in cases, enough nationally to put back the end of lockdown while denying millions of community-spirited and responsible people from resuming their work after fifteen months of enforced lay-off!  But that's OK, everyone has rights.  Everyone has the right to say 'No' to a vaccination thus depriving themselves of protection and more importantly, others who they will undoubtably contaminate.  

The Government should make it a lot tougher, a lot more difficult to say 'No'.  I'd like to see a public proclamation stating the rights of the individual versus the penalty for nonconformity.  This would include the inability to work as it would be a condition of employment that full vaccination had taken place.  No jabs - no job!  There would be a complete withdrawal of all welfare benefits as it was the lack of action from a stubborn, selfish sod who decided to put him or herself in this position in the first place.  Admittance to any shop, leisure activity, museum, pub... in fact any outdoor pursuit would be prohibited.  In essence, one would be grounded, confined to a ghetto, literally ring-fenced by bricks, mortar and quite possibly flammable cladding.  The only travel allowed would be via a one way flight to a destination of our Government's choice, namely the country that gave its name to the variant in the first place.  Hopefully a huge dollop of humble pie would be eaten and not a little reality finally kicking in with others of a similarly selfish ilk also signing up for a jab - or two.  

What fools we are to put up with such dissent by those from an ethnic background who fail to accept our science or culture.  What fools we are to equally put up with the dross that spreads misinformation about the virus, in all its forms.  Do they really not believe what has happened worldwide over the past year and a quarter?  That the virus hasn't 'taken out' those who contribute little to humanity and all that goes with it is a real bugger, and not a tad disappointing if I'm honest, but that's life... or possibly death if you fail your fellow man - or woman, obviously!

Monday, 21 June 2021




This was a previously safe Tory seat although the party had been haemorrhaging votes over the past two elections in 2017 and 2019.  The constituency's seemingly popular MP, one Cheryl Gillan, achieved 33,514 votes in 2017.  That equated to 60.7 per cent of the total votes cast.  In 2019 the lady attained 30,850 votes, equal to 55.4 per cent.  

Her death brought about last weeks by-election where the Tory candidate polled a miserable 13,489 votes (35.5 per cent)  coming second to the Liberal Democrats who are probably preparing for government. They certainly would be if the now somewhat discredited David Steel was still at the party's helm!

Often the second largest party nationally takes advantage of a mid-term opportunity, but Chesham and Amersham  is not what you'd call traditional Labour territory.   It is Bucks not Bolton, very little in the way of ferrets, cloth caps and ghettos.  It has green rolling countryside... or rather it has green rolling countryside that is being built upon at a vast rate of knots.  As elsewhere in the south-east of England, county councils are under extreme government pressure to build anywhere - everywhere!  We are fools, we destroy the very reasons people moved to these towns and villages in the first place.  There is no joined-up thinking in government policy regarding house-building, merely joined-up towns. 

The Tories may well poo-poo this result but the writing was on the wall during the recent local elections when they lost many council seats to the Lib-Dems.  The irony of that lies within that party's wider policies of  relaxing immigration and refugee laws should that 'bastion of Remainers' ever get into power.  How many houses would we need for them?   The country is steeling itself for the next invasion from Hong Kong, it's only a matter of time, and where do we put all of them - their offspring, their parents, their grandparents, their Aunt Fanny Hoo Poo who is once removed twice over in the family pecking order but cannot be left behind!

This constituency is also suffering great upheaval and change brought about by the ridiculous HS2 project. Indeed, only today it was mentioned in the papers for no worse reason than its cost has just risen by another 1.6 billion pounds.  This is an added bone of contention to the local non-yokels and another reason for dissent, for protest, for voting tactically and giving a bloody nose to those who fail to listen.

Whilst the Lib-Dems crow their success it has to be noted that even though locally the party is against HS2, nationally they support it.  So what would happen if False God forbid, they ever did achieve power?  Well, national policy trumps local every time, so the destruction would continue - only with more allotted space for social housing.

What is significant is the dramatic fall in the Labour Party vote.  As mentioned above, it is not a 'Red Wall' area, but back in 2017 Labour amassed 11,374 votes (20.6 per cent) coming second, in 2019 their vote was 7,166 (12.9 per cent) coming third.  Last week they scrambled 622 votes, coming fourth after the Greens (1.1 per cent).  To rub salt into their unknown policy wounds the Labour Party ended up with less than half of the Green Party's haul of 1.480 votes (1.6 per cent), which in itself is pretty abysmal!

We have Batley and Spen, a true 'Red Wall' constituency by-election coming up next week.  'Ee by 'eck as like, that should make reet good reading and no mistake...  Now where's that ferret?

Sunday, 20 June 2021



                                          AN ALTERNATIVE PHONETIC CODE

Whist walking the dog yesterday and thinking of aspects of life not considered for at least an hour, I contemplated a new phonetic code designed with more than a nod towards England's left-leaning universities and their mealy-mouthed, unforgiving, vexatious students.

So, with the above in mind here goes!

A - Albion   (Britain in ancient times when the population was British)        

B - Boy   (One of only two sexes)

C - Colonial   or   Colston   (Either should inflame their lack of senses...)

D - Democracy   (Not a word they understand or encourage)

E - Empire   or   England    (See C)

F - Far-Right  (A way of thinking engendered by their blinkered views!)

G -  Girl   (The only other sex)   or   Genocide  (Underrated means of reducing population growth)

H - Homophobia  (A word used to slate an opposite viewpoint or opinion)

I - Indian   (Name of a Covid19 variant until the WHO changed it to 'Delta' as a sop to racial harmony)

J - Jeopardy  (Where their lobbying and protesting is putting democracy)

K - Killjoy   (Blanket description of these miserable, obsessed scrotes)

L - Lee   (As in Robert E...)   or   Limp   (As in 'wristed')

M - Migrant   (Not a term used - or indeed required -  in the Albion of yore)

N - Neurotic  (Hopefully their pain will cease when they reach 35, own a house and vote Tory!)

O - Obnoxious   (How 'normal' people perceive them)

P - Pander   (What University Chancellors and Dons do to these paragons of virtual dictatorship)   

Q - Queer   (How many students see themselves - and coincidentally how we see them too!)

R - Rhodesia   or   Rhodes.  (See C... again!)

S - Slavery   (C above... Sorry, See above!)

T - Territories   (See E... See also LMS Jubilee Class locomotives for a wide range of former territories)

U - United Kingdom   (What can never be bettered yet they seek to destroy!)

V - Victim.  (Term used to describe the unwashed, the unemployable, the socially deprived and depraved)

W - White   (Needs no explanation...)

X - Xenophobia   (See H)

Y - Yam Yam   (Never forget the Black Country... or re-visit!)

Z - Zealot   (Term used to describe the 'Left-of-Corbyn students permeating Britain's universities. These thoughtless - for they are thoughtless - activists heralding from both our shores and  former colonies are hell-bent on undermining the fabric and history of this country using literally destructive methods in order to achieve their goals.  See D!)

I enjoyed doing that and I will use it when and as required. After all where would the world be without a bit of light-hearted fun and banter?  Oh yes, ruled by those 'bright young things' with an excess of intelligence and a complete lack of proportion and common sense.

Thursday, 10 June 2021



                                   THE SOMEWHAT IGNORANT MR. FERDINAND

The Mr. Ferdinand in question is an ex-footballer.  First name Rio, he has taken a swipe at those attending England football matches who have had the effrontery to boo as England players go down on one knee in order to pay homage to black superiority.  Now I know that is not what was and is intended by this action, but that is exactly how it is perceived by many.  

Before I move on to the main thrust of this post, I feel the need to air a thought, I wonder how/why he ended up being called Rio?  Was it after Grande, perhaps somebody in his family liked the film of the same name.  Was he conceived there maybe on a family holiday?  Rio de Janeiro could be worth a punt... or did relatives have shares in Rio Tinto Zinc?  The possibilities are destined to run out soon, so I'll quit while I'm behind.

Right, on with the 'thrust'.  If I were to attend a match, be it an England game, a Premier League or a EFL match and players went about this divisive action before kick-off I would be booing as loudly as my ageing lungs could muster.  Does that make me and all who boo racist?  In the eyes of those with the giant shoulder chip, of course it does, but the retort goes a lot deeper than a mere vocal reaction.   It is the white man's cry against the systematic and continuous assault on our society by an influential, vocal and biased BABC on an everyday basis. Then there are programme makers, news editors, advertisers, film makers,  educationalists,  charities, support groups and protest groups  to name but a few, all putting in their four pennyworth of drip-fed black issues.  Everywhere you turn it's a case of black this and black that.  Oh the poverty, oh the deprivation, oh the unfairness of living in England.  The weight of that black shoulder chip is never mentioned in any programme, but then nothing is debated when dealing with race - or as many see it, England's teflon-coated vociferous and not-so-small minority problem.

Rio Ferdinand suggests that those who boo are 'ignorant and should be educated'.  Coming from a spokesperson who purports to represent a race of people whose own anti-social activities are historically known to be extremely dubious - murder, knife crimes, assaults, robberies, drug running... one could go on - I find his comment regarding 'white education' to be a bit rich!

If the pandemic had not been around and crowds were swelling the turnstiles at matches both national and international, I'm certain Mr. F would have had a far greater number of candidates up for re-education.  It would have shown exactly what we thought of this ridiculous posturing.  It certainly isn't gaining newly-converted friends from the white majority, they just feel bereft of identity and voice.  

Note to the latest flag-bearing whinger:  Put yourself, if you will, in the mind of someone who is white and a true native of our once glorious country.  You and your ilk collectively fail to understand that by harping on about 'Black lives mattering' you are excluding the (still) majority of the population in their own country. You sir, are insulting the natives!  If it was a case of  'All lives mattering', irritating as the slogan would be, at least true Englishmen and women would feel included and not completely isolated whilst all focus is on those whose colour is non-white!

Footnote:  Last night an acquaintance sent me a caption and photo for my amusement and sanity.  The caption reads 'BBC announce remake of 101 Dalmatians'.  The photo is of a black Labrador!  Says it all really!  Hang on, the door bell has rung, it's the Thought Police!  Alright, I made it up, it was actually the post lady, but how long will it be before a racial quip is not monitored online by 'The Establishment' and one is carted off for re-programming before you can say 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry 'before grovelling at the feet (kneeling) of the fully armed 'Race Protection Officer'?  Free speech is akin to a precious stone in need of polishing and restoration so as to be appreciated and respected by all!