Friday 25 June 2021



                                                WHEN 'DELTA' REPLACED 'INDIAN'

Delta!  The new, politically-correct name for Indian, a well-known variant brought to you by the Covid family.  We've had the Kent version, now re-named Alpha, Brazil's offering is now Gamma, while South Africa chimes in with good old Beta.  It's interesting to note that nobody worried about the latter three being associated with two countries and an English county - as it happens, the 'Garden of England' - but India!  Living in Surrey, a county bordering Kent, I didn't descend into panic mode and not cross the border.  I didn't sue for compensation and trauma.  I know many a 'Man of Kent'...  and many a 'Kentish Man' come to think of it.  Mind you, they are what I'd call 'proper people' born and bred in 'Sarf East London' in the days when most of it was still Kent. 

Suddenly, a new strain appears on the Asian horizon and all hell breaks loose at the World Health Organisation.  You can just imagine a gaggle of Head Office headless chickens running about in panic as the realisation that the very origin of this latest variant could cause an outbreak of anti-Indian sentiment in far-flung overseas Indian territories such as the north-west of England for instance!  

Who do the WHO think we true Brits are?  We are no more likely to mutter a word of anti-Indian criticism or comment, for as a nation we've been programmed to accept colonisation by the migrant masses for decades.   It's what we do best, we accept.  We are a nation of acceptors.  We might grumble at home to loved ones who have witnessed Britain's diverse decline and are of a like mind, but speak publicly of fears and concerns? Only at the ballot box during the referendum did we see the public express its dissatisfaction with Britain's lot.  Sadly we, the present generation, ironically pays the price for our colonial forebears who landed on continental shores two to three hundred years ago and left us to pay for it by way of what some would  describe as 'ethnic communities' and which  many more would consider 'ghettos'. 

It isn't without coincidence that many north west towns in Lancashire and those previously within that once beautiful county and now enmeshed within the sprawling metropolis that is Manchester, have shown an inordinate increase in Covid cases.  Bedford, Luton, Slough, Reading, the 'Republic of East London' and many more towns and areas densely populated with Asians have all recorded spikes in cases, enough nationally to put back the end of lockdown while denying millions of community-spirited and responsible people from resuming their work after fifteen months of enforced lay-off!  But that's OK, everyone has rights.  Everyone has the right to say 'No' to a vaccination thus depriving themselves of protection and more importantly, others who they will undoubtably contaminate.  

The Government should make it a lot tougher, a lot more difficult to say 'No'.  I'd like to see a public proclamation stating the rights of the individual versus the penalty for nonconformity.  This would include the inability to work as it would be a condition of employment that full vaccination had taken place.  No jabs - no job!  There would be a complete withdrawal of all welfare benefits as it was the lack of action from a stubborn, selfish sod who decided to put him or herself in this position in the first place.  Admittance to any shop, leisure activity, museum, pub... in fact any outdoor pursuit would be prohibited.  In essence, one would be grounded, confined to a ghetto, literally ring-fenced by bricks, mortar and quite possibly flammable cladding.  The only travel allowed would be via a one way flight to a destination of our Government's choice, namely the country that gave its name to the variant in the first place.  Hopefully a huge dollop of humble pie would be eaten and not a little reality finally kicking in with others of a similarly selfish ilk also signing up for a jab - or two.  

What fools we are to put up with such dissent by those from an ethnic background who fail to accept our science or culture.  What fools we are to equally put up with the dross that spreads misinformation about the virus, in all its forms.  Do they really not believe what has happened worldwide over the past year and a quarter?  That the virus hasn't 'taken out' those who contribute little to humanity and all that goes with it is a real bugger, and not a tad disappointing if I'm honest, but that's life... or possibly death if you fail your fellow man - or woman, obviously!

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