Thursday 10 June 2021



                                   THE SOMEWHAT IGNORANT MR. FERDINAND

The Mr. Ferdinand in question is an ex-footballer.  First name Rio, he has taken a swipe at those attending England football matches who have had the effrontery to boo as England players go down on one knee in order to pay homage to black superiority.  Now I know that is not what was and is intended by this action, but that is exactly how it is perceived by many.  

Before I move on to the main thrust of this post, I feel the need to air a thought, I wonder how/why he ended up being called Rio?  Was it after Grande, perhaps somebody in his family liked the film of the same name.  Was he conceived there maybe on a family holiday?  Rio de Janeiro could be worth a punt... or did relatives have shares in Rio Tinto Zinc?  The possibilities are destined to run out soon, so I'll quit while I'm behind.

Right, on with the 'thrust'.  If I were to attend a match, be it an England game, a Premier League or a EFL match and players went about this divisive action before kick-off I would be booing as loudly as my ageing lungs could muster.  Does that make me and all who boo racist?  In the eyes of those with the giant shoulder chip, of course it does, but the retort goes a lot deeper than a mere vocal reaction.   It is the white man's cry against the systematic and continuous assault on our society by an influential, vocal and biased BABC on an everyday basis. Then there are programme makers, news editors, advertisers, film makers,  educationalists,  charities, support groups and protest groups  to name but a few, all putting in their four pennyworth of drip-fed black issues.  Everywhere you turn it's a case of black this and black that.  Oh the poverty, oh the deprivation, oh the unfairness of living in England.  The weight of that black shoulder chip is never mentioned in any programme, but then nothing is debated when dealing with race - or as many see it, England's teflon-coated vociferous and not-so-small minority problem.

Rio Ferdinand suggests that those who boo are 'ignorant and should be educated'.  Coming from a spokesperson who purports to represent a race of people whose own anti-social activities are historically known to be extremely dubious - murder, knife crimes, assaults, robberies, drug running... one could go on - I find his comment regarding 'white education' to be a bit rich!

If the pandemic had not been around and crowds were swelling the turnstiles at matches both national and international, I'm certain Mr. F would have had a far greater number of candidates up for re-education.  It would have shown exactly what we thought of this ridiculous posturing.  It certainly isn't gaining newly-converted friends from the white majority, they just feel bereft of identity and voice.  

Note to the latest flag-bearing whinger:  Put yourself, if you will, in the mind of someone who is white and a true native of our once glorious country.  You and your ilk collectively fail to understand that by harping on about 'Black lives mattering' you are excluding the (still) majority of the population in their own country. You sir, are insulting the natives!  If it was a case of  'All lives mattering', irritating as the slogan would be, at least true Englishmen and women would feel included and not completely isolated whilst all focus is on those whose colour is non-white!

Footnote:  Last night an acquaintance sent me a caption and photo for my amusement and sanity.  The caption reads 'BBC announce remake of 101 Dalmatians'.  The photo is of a black Labrador!  Says it all really!  Hang on, the door bell has rung, it's the Thought Police!  Alright, I made it up, it was actually the post lady, but how long will it be before a racial quip is not monitored online by 'The Establishment' and one is carted off for re-programming before you can say 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry 'before grovelling at the feet (kneeling) of the fully armed 'Race Protection Officer'?  Free speech is akin to a precious stone in need of polishing and restoration so as to be appreciated and respected by all! 

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