Sunday, 30 June 2024


The 4th July, a date yet to be fully remembered as history isn't usually written until after the event.  This Election Day will see a change of party governing the United Kingdom for the first time in 14 years.  When discussing the potential outcome with friends over dinner some eighteen months ago, I envisaged a hung Parliament, similar to the Conservative/Lib-Dem coalition headed by David Cameron and not-overly-ably supported by Nick Clegg, or Clagg as a friend of mine referred to the fence-sitting cove.  Like all retired politicians, Old Nick has gone on to headier financial success with Meta.  He is currently President of Global Affairs responsible for decisions affecting users of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger and Oculas (which I'd never heard of!).  Then again, I use WhatsApp sparingly but have never felt the need to sully my phone with Fast Buck - as I think of it - or the other two mentioned.  Just for the record, I'm not on 'Twatter' (Latterly known as X) either.

When you look back at the Tory years in power, they had it easy, up until Covid of course, the tide then turning against normal governance.  With Jeremy Corbyn at the helm of the only true opposition party, the Tories were on a never-ending roll.  The road to continued electoral support was theirs for the asking and taking.  Dave the Brave went all out for support with his deal for Britain against the might of the EU negotiators and comes back seemingly doing a very good impersonation of Mr. Attlee on his return from Germany waving his piece of paper whilst declaring 'Peace in our times'.  The 'Brave' side of Dave, was tested with his announcement that there would be a referendum on the issue of our staying or leaving the  Euro-Club, the 'Trough of Plenty', as I see the unwieldy and unrepresentative behemoth.

Sadly for our Dave the vote did not go his way and he resigned, only to pop back into our lives several years and a fortune made through business and the speakers circuit later, as Rishi Sunak's Foreign Secretary. (I recall President Biden referring to our publicly-unelected Prime Minister as Rashid Chinook - or am I dreaming that?)  

Theresa May took charge and despite her 'Remain' credentials a lot of us thought she would make a fist of it.  Remember, JC and his box of left-wing nowhere-near-delights were the only true opposition -  in other words, absolutely no opposition at all.  The election in 2017 was there for the taking. It was a one-horse race that should have cranked up Mrs. May's ratings and secured a larger and politically more emphatic majority.  Instead, she accomplished exactly the opposite,  having announced a range of measures that would severely affect the wealth of those very voters the Tories relied on, the dyed-in-the-ballot-box, blue-rinse-in-the-shires aged between 50 and dead!  Unfortunately, she became a nag instead of a thoroughbred and the Tories lost 13 seats overall, whilst Labour picked up a net increase of 30.  Not for the first time Conservatives shot themselves in the foot when the target was easier to hit.  The Lib-Dems had a new leader from 2015 in the shape of Tim Farron, a weak looking chap who never inspired but appeared amiable at best and bland at the other end.    Vince Cable took the helm. He consumed an oversized slice of the political debating pie,  bearing in mind their round dozen seats out of 650 or so.  Hardly worth arranging meetings with that amount of public support, perhaps someone with authority in the party should have ordered a jigsaw as a team bonding exercise. 

2019 saw a change of Tory leader once more.  Mrs. May surrendered her position and the graves marked 'Failure' were further enhanced in the 'Cemetery of Unfortunates' upon TM's arrival.  JC was still leading the Labour Party and  as unpopular with the majority of the UK population as he had been since elected leader in 2015.  His airy-fairy weak political stance meant he remained the Tories best advertisement for never voting Labour!  Bring on Boris, the Big Gun, he who will make mincemeat of Europe and swashbuckle his way to glory and everlasting appreciation from a grateful public. That year's election saw the Tories returned with a massively increased majority - 365 seats to Labours 202 it really was a pasting and gave the Tories the mandate and confidence to govern with optimism.  If you remember, the Lib-Dems had a new leader of their own in the form of Jo Swinson who announced that once elected to govern the country, her party would seek a further referendum in order to get the result they wanted and not the one that the public voted for!    Having secured 11 seats, one less than two years previously, the lady departed and I for one have never heard of her since.  Always thought she'd make a good Akala, a position I would imagine giving greater satisfaction than fronting a party that will never see government itself, traditionally there at every election to make up the numbers. But then, three has always been a crowd.  I feel that  Lib-Dems  are a group of individuals, lost souls who have found a political church in which they find friendship, social self-help and self-pity, whilst never straying from the delusion of unattainable power.  That jigsaw should come in handy!

Covid, Ukraine and the Tories excelling at public infighting saw the best Prime Minister since Churchill forced to leave office and be replaced by a multi-millionaire in the shape and form of that diminutive Asian - Rashid Ch...   sorry,  Rich Sun...  sorry,  Rishi Sunak!

More  thoughts during the week methinks,  as the slagging-off, the accusations, the counter accusations and the downright lies build to a crescendo of  euphoria for some and an avalanche of despair for others.  It will be interesting anyway!  Enjoy the countdown to five years of Labour misery...

Tuesday, 25 June 2024


For seemingly intelligent people, varying in ages spanning three, maybe four generations, there must be a common link - or kink!  Protesters used to display care, passion and a commitment whilst seeking to change the world, their country, their town, their park, and all for the better.

Signing partitions, demonstrating outside the premises of those you feel needed a wake-up call, standing as a candidate at local or national elections were the time-honoured means of attracting attention.  Sadly, we are forced to witness countless disaffected morons of supposedly high moral standing,  displaying all the tactics and charm of mindless vandals out for a day's self-gratification.  

Surely you win over support by informing those ignorant or unaware of your cause in a manner that would make them feel sympathetic to you and your fellow like-minded souls?  Sadly, what we have is a cold collation of youthful ideologists, seasoned campaigners, disruptors and vandals seeking a platform on which to make their mark.  They are akin to dogs peeing against a wall!  The dog, however, is not as needy or anywhere near as attention seeking.  Indeed a pet asks only for love and affection,  oh, and a walk obviously, but not disdain or rejection.

Over the past few years the British public have witnessed, and been subjected to, hours of misery as they sat in their cars on motorways as educated misfits waged a war on society going about its peaceful and tax-paying business.  Those who had glued themselves to tarmac or  chained to gantries, the motorist paid a heavy price both in time, stress and often anger!  Who are these people who are allowed to ruin your day?  A business meeting, a hospital appointment, a wedding or a funeral, this waste of society's space couldn't give a fig.  There is nothing peaceful in either sitting down in a road or walking slowly with traffic piling up behind for hours on end.  Do those involved really believe their actions will sway public opinion?  In my world they would have been forcefully removed, tried, found guilty of public disorder, vandalism and whatever else in the book that could be thrown at them!   'Just Stop Oiks' feels more appropriate!

I have met only one person, a female, who supported their disruptive action.  Her political opinions from what little conversation I had with her over several months, were almost criminally left of centre.  You could surmise her stance visually, as whilst  not being in her first flush of youth, she donned pink, red or blue highlights on a regular basis!  Says it all... 

If you look at JSO on Google, you'll find an invitation for you to 'get involved' - Events, Training, Action, Volunteering.  It's all there, but are they?  Do these socially-inadequate and non-caring saps really believe that their actions will change government policy on fossil fuels?  The likelihood of a forthcoming Labour government will make little difference to overall policy.  We all know politicians lie.  The thought of oil and gas revenues plus the realisation that big business actually runs the world and its economy will make for little change in the short term.  Will these disciples of a lesser god still continue with their irritating and childish behaviour?   More than likely, it's their RIGHT! 

From smashing glass on a painting in the National Gallery to defacing Stonehenge, these are  the actions of a hybrid group of troublemakers not looking to garner public support. For them, sensationalism becomes glory!

From disrupting a performance of Les Miserable in the West End of London, to spraying paint on an aeroplane at Stansted Airport, these are the actions of those I would dearly give ten years imprisonment to with no early release for even reasonable behaviour!  The term would be served mainly in a quarry, breaking rocks, with gruel being their staple diet.  Rest time would be spent in solitary confinement with a book of etiquette necessary for equipping them for a future where, once released, they can identify with ordinary people who just want a quiet life without their journey to work or their place of employment being delayed or damaged. They would also be financially broken. Every penny it took to clean shop fronts, stonework, repair artworks and artefacts plus compensating theatregoers for their ruined evening would be taken from either their accounts and/or those at the top, the faceless ones who appear to have so little respect for their fellow citizens, but an unlimited amount of funding.

I wonder if any of these reprehensible coves work?  Their mothers must be terribly proud of them.  Those whose parents have passed away will be the more fortunate for not having the burden of embarrassment and shame.  They are supported by Emma Thompson, whose  title 'Dame' appears to be mis-spelt?  Surely 'Damn' Emma Thompson would be more fitting?. Not a lady whose political views I share or whom I would like to meet up with for afternoon tea and scones.  One awaits reading of further inevitable anti-social behaviour with tiresome loathing...

Monday, 17 June 2024

                                                     A NEW DAWN BECKONS

It doesn't seem like two and a half years since my last posting.  A lot has happened however.  I have retired from the speakers circuit, a new book has been published, and sadly, we had to have our beloved canine companion, Chris, put down at the age of fourteen.  She did well, but in the end the tumour on her liver had spread and the balance between keeping her alive whilst still enjoying a modicum of good health and suffering tipped against her and so, on Friday, 3rd May, we said our goodbyes.  

2022 saw the passing of two cousins, my best friend of sixty-eight years standing and a very good friend whom I had known for over thirty-five years.  

With time to spare, well, not spare exactly, but without spending umpteen hours a day on the M25 travelling to and from talks, I can now afford the luxury of  time at the keyboard commenting on life in general, the bizarre, the surprising and that that makes you shake your head in disbelief and wondering if the world has gone completely mad, whilst leaving you pining for a past life when things were simple and common sense and reason were everyday occurrences!

As mentioned in the first paragraph, a new book - 'Of Mice And Mann' - has recently been published - and reprinted - details of which can be found on the revised Blog post dated 13th April 2021.  Do have a look, if any, or all, of the books or CD are of interest, they can be purchased via the website:-

Until shortly - or not too long anyway...