Monday 17 June 2024

                                                     A NEW DAWN BECKONS

It doesn't seem like two and a half years since my last posting.  A lot has happened however.  I have retired from the speakers circuit, a new book has been published, and sadly, we had to have our beloved canine companion, Chris, put down at the age of fourteen.  She did well, but in the end the tumour on her liver had spread and the balance between keeping her alive whilst still enjoying a modicum of good health and suffering tipped against her and so, on Friday, 3rd May, we said our goodbyes.  

2022 saw the passing of two cousins, my best friend of sixty-eight years standing and a very good friend whom I had known for over thirty-five years.  

With time to spare, well, not spare exactly, but without spending umpteen hours a day on the M25 travelling to and from talks, I can now afford the luxury of  time at the keyboard commenting on life in general, the bizarre, the surprising and that that makes you shake your head in disbelief and wondering if the world has gone completely mad, whilst leaving you pining for a past life when things were simple and common sense and reason were everyday occurrences!

As mentioned in the first paragraph, a new book - 'Of Mice And Mann' - has recently been published - and reprinted - details of which can be found on the revised Blog post dated 13th April 2021.  Do have a look, if any, or all, of the books or CD are of interest, they can be purchased via the website:-

Until shortly - or not too long anyway...

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