Tuesday 25 June 2024


For seemingly intelligent people, varying in ages spanning three, maybe four generations, there must be a common link - or kink!  Protesters used to display care, passion and a commitment whilst seeking to change the world, their country, their town, their park, and all for the better.

Signing partitions, demonstrating outside the premises of those you feel needed a wake-up call, standing as a candidate at local or national elections were the time-honoured means of attracting attention.  Sadly, we are forced to witness countless disaffected morons of supposedly high moral standing,  displaying all the tactics and charm of mindless vandals out for a day's self-gratification.  

Surely you win over support by informing those ignorant or unaware of your cause in a manner that would make them feel sympathetic to you and your fellow like-minded souls?  Sadly, what we have is a cold collation of youthful ideologists, seasoned campaigners, disruptors and vandals seeking a platform on which to make their mark.  They are akin to dogs peeing against a wall!  The dog, however, is not as needy or anywhere near as attention seeking.  Indeed a pet asks only for love and affection,  oh, and a walk obviously, but not disdain or rejection.

Over the past few years the British public have witnessed, and been subjected to, hours of misery as they sat in their cars on motorways as educated misfits waged a war on society going about its peaceful and tax-paying business.  Those who had glued themselves to tarmac or  chained to gantries, the motorist paid a heavy price both in time, stress and often anger!  Who are these people who are allowed to ruin your day?  A business meeting, a hospital appointment, a wedding or a funeral, this waste of society's space couldn't give a fig.  There is nothing peaceful in either sitting down in a road or walking slowly with traffic piling up behind for hours on end.  Do those involved really believe their actions will sway public opinion?  In my world they would have been forcefully removed, tried, found guilty of public disorder, vandalism and whatever else in the book that could be thrown at them!   'Just Stop Oiks' feels more appropriate!

I have met only one person, a female, who supported their disruptive action.  Her political opinions from what little conversation I had with her over several months, were almost criminally left of centre.  You could surmise her stance visually, as whilst  not being in her first flush of youth, she donned pink, red or blue highlights on a regular basis!  Says it all... 

If you look at JSO on Google, you'll find an invitation for you to 'get involved' - Events, Training, Action, Volunteering.  It's all there, but are they?  Do these socially-inadequate and non-caring saps really believe that their actions will change government policy on fossil fuels?  The likelihood of a forthcoming Labour government will make little difference to overall policy.  We all know politicians lie.  The thought of oil and gas revenues plus the realisation that big business actually runs the world and its economy will make for little change in the short term.  Will these disciples of a lesser god still continue with their irritating and childish behaviour?   More than likely, it's their RIGHT! 

From smashing glass on a painting in the National Gallery to defacing Stonehenge, these are  the actions of a hybrid group of troublemakers not looking to garner public support. For them, sensationalism becomes glory!

From disrupting a performance of Les Miserable in the West End of London, to spraying paint on an aeroplane at Stansted Airport, these are the actions of those I would dearly give ten years imprisonment to with no early release for even reasonable behaviour!  The term would be served mainly in a quarry, breaking rocks, with gruel being their staple diet.  Rest time would be spent in solitary confinement with a book of etiquette necessary for equipping them for a future where, once released, they can identify with ordinary people who just want a quiet life without their journey to work or their place of employment being delayed or damaged. They would also be financially broken. Every penny it took to clean shop fronts, stonework, repair artworks and artefacts plus compensating theatregoers for their ruined evening would be taken from either their accounts and/or those at the top, the faceless ones who appear to have so little respect for their fellow citizens, but an unlimited amount of funding.

I wonder if any of these reprehensible coves work?  Their mothers must be terribly proud of them.  Those whose parents have passed away will be the more fortunate for not having the burden of embarrassment and shame.  They are supported by Emma Thompson, whose  title 'Dame' appears to be mis-spelt?  Surely 'Damn' Emma Thompson would be more fitting?. Not a lady whose political views I share or whom I would like to meet up with for afternoon tea and scones.  One awaits reading of further inevitable anti-social behaviour with tiresome loathing...

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