Friday 5 July 2024

                                         ALL OVER BAR THE INFIGHTING

With just six seats left to declare, the United Kingdom faces the certainty of a Labour government.  As I commented upon in an earlier post and supported by Conservatives MP's and interviewees as the results came in, the party's desire to spend countless months of public squabbling finally nailed the lid on their time in office.  If only the Tories had looked outwards instead of inwards they might have seen the frustration on the voters' faces and got on with governing for the betterment of the country.  I had a chance encounter with Jeremy Hunt late last year.  During our five minute meeting I endeavoured to get across to him the despair, disappointment and anger felt by so-called 'ordinary working people'.  I mentioned the uncontrolled immigration - both legal and illegal -  that is swamping our landscape.  Why are we paying £9 million a day to house these would-be settlers, I asked?  I said that most people, given the choice, would prefer to see the money spent on the NHS.  The lack of doctors and subsequent appointments, dentistry, the closure of services, community centres, youth clubs etc were making this country an unhappier place to live in with every cost saving measure.  And yes, I did mention the continued rape of our land for housing without the support facilities to go with them.  To be fair to the then Chancellor, he did not attempt to interrupt. His answer was party-line and predictable, certainly not inspiring.  Totally out-of-touch, I felt.  Ah well, it all came out in the wash, at least he retained his seat, albeit by less than 900 votes.

It is, however, what it is.  Labour have a thumping majority, the Tories have the least number of seats in its history and Reform have taken around 15% of the vote.  Unfortunately that sizeable percentage did not turn into more than four seats, but from little acorns...  The Lib-Dems, who I class in the same category as Lord Longford, Elton John and Sadiq Khan, such is my loathing and disdain for the aforementioned trio, did impressively well garnering over 70 seats.  My breakfast, which consisted of two slices of toast topped with Waitrose apricot conserve, accompanied by tea and tablets, was very nearly brought back up when confronted by the sight of their leader, 'Odious Ed Davey', 'Dad dancing' to 'Sweet Caroline' at their post-result celebrations. This type of action, when shown of TV to an unsuspecting public, should be preceded by a eye-catching warnings.  It was not an edifying sight by any strech of the imagination - and mine can be stretched quite considerably given a fair wind and 'Our Carol' talking about 'cold fronts' approaching from Urals - but that's another fantasy!   

In four to five years time, when the Labour Party has had its elongated moment of glory and Momentum are the driving force with the trade unions dictating policy, the phrase 'What goes around, comes around', may be very apt!   With Mr. Starmer struggling to maintain his grip on a party ever more embroiled with its Muslim supporters over Palestine, arms sales and support for Israel, uncontrolled immigration, yet-to-be-disclosed tax increases, inflation at record levels, Uniting Ireland - and more - the immediate future for our sceptic Isles does not make for comfortable thought.

I will rely on the true opposition, in the shape of Mr Farage and Mr Lowe (newly-elected member for Great Yarmouth), plus their fellow Reform compatriots to table questions on behalf of the British people that will make for awkward moments in th House of Commons.  

As for the coverage of the elections on television last night, it was without doubt the most amateurish and shambolic I have ever witnessed.  I watched the BABC for the first few hours before turning over to ITV to see if their coverage was any better.  Sadly, it was not. A return to the Beeb witnessed Clive Myrie 'umming' and 'arring' constantly.  For a seasoned journalist and broadcaster he looked and sounded totally uncomfortable. Not being the greatest admirer of Laura Kuenssberg, I have to say she should have been left to do the job by herself.  She was the consummate professional and could easily have held it together with Chris Mason as the political analyst by her side with guests coming and going during the night and early morning. What didn't go unnoticed was the large number of black and Asian reporters out and about. Other than the overly-excited Jeremy Vine, striding the length and breadth of the UK in his quest to show the projected state of play on his digitally-produced maps and models, (surprised he didn't cycle!). there were very few white males in evidence.  Such is the left-wing wokery of the BABC.  Oh for the days of David Dimbleby and his ilk.

Spare a thought for the likes of Liz Truss, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Penny Mordaunt and Grant Shapps, to name a few of the high-profile ex-MP's and Ministers who will be networking as I type, seeking out directorships and executive positions on boards within industry and commerce.  They will still never have to wait for a doctor's appointment, seek out an NHS dental appointment or find themselves trapped at a  railway station due to union strike action.  

And that is why they are no longer in power...

Tuesday 2 July 2024


While Messrs Sunak and Starmer travelled the country mustering waverers to their cause, Ed Davey, the leader of the eleven seat-holding Lib-Dems was last seen doing exercises in a hall. Naturally placed in the front row for publicity and fame - within his party of course - he swerved and swayed to the music as regular members thought about this non-magical moment they shared with someone who will never make a blind bit of difference to anyone's life other than his own and that of his family.  To be fair, whether to have beef or duck as a Sunday roast is the stuff, not to mention stuffing, of family decisions!

In France, meantime, Marine Le Pen is making headway against the establishment, an establishment that has turned its back on the true French, their ideals and their traditions.  Politicians do that at their peril.  This coming Sunday's  second and final round of results could see the biggest shift in policies ever witnessed in modern times.  I am surprised it has taken the French this long to wake up from the acutely apparent threats to lives and French society in general.  

Back in Blighty, I for one received an impassioned plea in the shape and form of an e-mail promoted by Alan Mabbutt on behalf of the Conservative Party.  It was addressed 'Friend', which isn't as friendly as one's actual name, but as I don't know the fellow, it's about as good as it will get!  Anyway,  Several 'bullet points' are made about the evils of an incoming Labour Government. On taxes, it states that they will rise by £2094 per year for 'every working family',  Pensions will be raided by a retirement tax and motorists will be hit with pay-per-mile charges.  Our voting system will be 'rigged' apparently.  In Alan's words, 'allowing 16-year olds, prisoners and EU migrants to vote'.  I have heard nothing about these extremely important issues being discussed when interviews have taken place?  I certainly do not pretend to have listened to every debate or interview, there is only so much 'bull' one can be subjected to before it becomes a Japanese high-risk gameshow!  Could the media - BABC especially -  be avoiding any subject that might not go down well with their prospective masters?  Bearing in mind the Tories general lack of faith in both broadcasting bias and the continued funding by licence payers, perhaps there is a policy of not rocking any political - let alone migrants' -  boats until after the honeymoon period is over.  

Three points made in this e-mail are, however, crystal clear and sadly supported during interviews I have seen with Mr. Starmer.  One: Our borders will be opened up to even greater uncontrolled and unlimited immigration.  (If only the Tories realised that by plugging loopholes and stopping the boats they would probably be re-elected). Two:  Labour despise middle England, the middle-classes and they will do their damnedest to concrete  over the remaining green and pleasant lands of the Home Counties. Three:  Nuclear deterrents will be up for debate and the extreme left (Momentum) will take on the persona  of rabid dogs as they go for the left-of-centre jugular.  

The Tories have only themselves to blame for the mess they, and we,  are in.  Fourteen years to get just a couple of things right would have given them more than a fighting chance - NHS waiting lists, NHS dentists, doctors appointments, raising the income tax threshold to a meaningful level, cutting net migration so that services might cope, and not being hell-bent on destroying our countryside. Something memorable that the public could hang a vote on, but no.  If ever there was an example of clutching defeat from the jaws of success, it will be this election.  Perhaps a move to France may be the answer, let's see how next Sunday plays out huh?