Friday 19 July 2024

                                         IT'S ALL A QUESTION OF NUMBERS!

Rioting took place the last night before last in the City of Leeds.  Appalling scenes were shown on yesterday's early morning news.  The area known as Harehills is not a suburb I have ever visited, nor ever likely to.  It looks ghastly even without the efforts of mindless scum to make it a lot worse.  I noticed that little was mentioned about the society or heritage of the main protagonists during the BABC news.  

Only as I write these notes on the left hand side of the screen, with the right hand dedicated to my research pages, which include many pictures and videos, does it become apparent that there were an awfully large number of those from Asian backgrounds involved, or resident in the area.   No wonder there was no mention of this on the news, the last thing the left-leaning Beeb want to do is to upset a minority, even when it is an offending minority!  

Looking through the photographs taken during the flotsam-cultivated unrest, one swarthy character can be seen setting fire to a double-decker bus - the picture is very clear. I do hope he is arrested, charged and when found guilty,  made to pay the bus owners every penny that it takes to replace the one he has either destroyed single-handedly or helped to destroy.  Of course he won't be, as that is not the British way of dealing with crime.  For the sake of balance, even-handedness and that inscrutably English sense of fair play, a baseball-cap toting, tattooed white chap is pictured damaging a police car - why?  Other than allowing him the opportunity to vent his anger at the police, society  or life as a hole - and for many, that's what it is on a daily basis - what good does that pointless destruction do in the long term?  This is  why we have so many criminals and situations such as this.  The law is not a deterrent because sentences are far too lenient with redress to victims woefully inadequate.  If I were responsible for the City, tear-gas would have been brought into play very early on followed by water canons.  Why is authority so weak?

Nigel Farage MP, the voice of common sense commented:  'The politics of the subcontinent are currently playing out on the streets of Leeds.  Don't say I didn't warn you.'  He is not wrong and speaks for the vast majority of white, English citizens who have seen the face of Britain turn darker and more ugly.  It is all about numbers.  Do those in Parliament not understand that the greater the build-up of population in compressed geographical areas with a background and religion that is culturally alien to ours, the greater the confidence to create their own code of conduct, their own divorced society and ultimately their own laws.

Alex Sobel, the MP for Leeds Central and Headingly, was quick to admonish our Nige.  But then he would, wouldn't he...  Donald Trump's running mate, JD Vance made the astute observation that 'the United Kingdom could, under Labour, be the first Islamist country with nuclear weapons'.  Naturally, Angela Rayner, our newly installed Deputy Prime Minister opined that she  'didn't recognise that characterisation'.  But then she wouldn't, would she!  Baroness Warsi, the first Muslim to serve in a British cabinet,  said that Mr. Vance's comments represented 'the everyday Islamaphobia and anti-Muslim racism which is casually thrown around by some of the most powerful in our societies'.  This is opposed to those of certain societies who casually throw around bombs on busses, in streets and theatres indiscriminately killing innocent men, women and children, and all for their religion, their calling - ultimately their desire for power.  

Reversing the situation, would an Asian, or more specifically, a Muslim country allow an enclave of migrant Brits to riot, overturn their police cars and set light to public transport without serious consequences?  I think not! Can you see a situation where sub-continent suburbs crammed with white immigrant masses hailing from Harlow, Milton Keynes, Telford and Pratts Bottom form a Christian based society and demand rights over and above those enjoyed by the indigenous Muslim population?  No, exactly.  It just wouldn't happen.  That is not even taking into account the killing of innocent lives through a perceived idea that a Christian God is above all others in another country that follows a different religious path. Once again, I have absolutely no doubt that public anger would be far more severe and retribution much more extreme than that meted out in the UK.

The greatest threat to both the UK and Europe comes from the increasing influence of the Muslim faith and those within it who want it to take precedence over all others.  Europe is sleep-walking into a cultural war that could turn very ugly and costly if it doesn't wake up and listen to the people. France had the opportunity during its recent elections to do something about it.  The left, centre-left and all those with an agenda to continue to look the other way,  formed a collective that has brought French politics and government into a three-way stalemate.  It will be sorted, it always is, but imagine a government that actually listened to the concerns of the ordinary worker in France, those of French heritage who must be shaking their heads at the change in society that no-one voted for, few want but ultimately can do little about, such is the power in politics when backs are against the wall.

On a personal note, I have met with Muslim doctors in my local hospital.  They have always been respectful and courteous.  I would like to think they thought the same of me.  It is all down to numbers.  I had occasion some months ago to find myself returning from a talk in East London.  My sat-nav took me through Ilford.  The main thoroughfare was teeming with life, street markets, shops still open and all this at 9.30, maybe 10pm.  One could have been forgiven for assuming one was travelling through an Asian suburb somewhere in Pakistan.  I genuinely struggled to spot a white face.  At no time did I feel intimidated, but it came as a bit of a culture shock to see just how much the area had changed over a relatively short number of years.  Couldn't imagine hearing the phrase ''Ow yer doing me old china?'.

Still, I'm sure our left-of-centre Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper will sort out the mess and ensure that Britain's indigenous population has even less rights over the next five years.  The Labour Party could adopt the tag-line: 'Vote Labour - Where Work Doesn't Benefit, But Benefits DO!'  That should encourage the fag-burning, lager-consuming, scratch-card buying, designer-shoe wearing father of eight to get off his backside and vote for a more comfortable continuation of his life of luxury.  Can there be anything more profitable to the unemployed  and usually unemployable, than being classified by a newly-qualified social worker with umpteen degrees and no life skills, or experience, as 'living in poverty'?  For REAL poverty speak to those who lived through the 1930's.  Probably too traumatic for those with delicate ears and a needy disposition.

Right, that's it until the next time.  Bye for now...


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