Tuesday, 24 December 2024

                                    CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND GRUNTINGS

I must be getting into the Christmas spirit.   I awoke earlier to Chris Rea in my ear - not literally, obviously, we've never met.   I'm not that strange!  It did, however,  prompt me to extend the hand of friendship to those considered 'proper' people and a cursory grunt to all others.  From mere irritating ticks to those who would never be invited round for a mince pie or hot toddy.  No Ho-Ho-Ho for them, simply a grunting!  Far from being engulfed in the marketable and profitable time of goodwill, harmony and love, I perceive it to be more a case of cloying hypocrisy, sycophantic and sick-making  behaviour by the masses.   

So, with Christmas almost upon us, may I extend the warmest of seasonal greetings and felicitations to readers of this blog wherever you may be residing within this overpopulated world.  To regular readers of this blog in the UK,  USA,  Germany,  Switzerland,  South Korea,  Singapore,  Japan and Russia, thank you for your continued interest.  To those of you who may be new to my muses, I hope you will stay with me throughout the coming year.

Readers of my books may recall that there is a 'Pit of Pointlessness' into which, over successive titles, I have decreed that individuals, groups and whole species with common interest are metaphorically shackled before being thrown into oblivion, an abyss, a pit from which there is no escape.  There is one solitary pole, greased for good measure and situated in the middle of the pit so there is no way of touching the rock face, let alone rejoining humanity. All miscreants may attempt to climb the pole and peruse the land they once traversed with ease, but they can never return, for them it is hell on earth.  Just for the record, no-one has climbed the greasy pole more times than Tony Blair.  His failure has been mankind's success.  

And so it is 'Gruntings', not 'Greetings' that I wish for those mentioned in the following dispatches before they are well... dispatched!

The Labour Government - Cabinet, MP's. councillors and supporters who voted Labour at the last election.  All those who voted Lib-Dem.,  Green Party or any other left-leaning outfit. (I will spare those who voted Tory as I admire loyalty even though it was not reciprocated over the term of the party's last term of governance. They will also be required to vote 'Reform' at the next General Election and any By-Elections that take place in between time). All civil servants, trade unionists,  university and college lecturers, most school teachers (individually checked for levels of indoctrination and w***ness). All LCA's (Lycra Clad Arseholes) - cyclists not already 'Pitted'!  All employees, members and supporters of 'Stonewall', 'Liberty', 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Shelter'.  Virtually all, if not all, those dubious souls on long-term benefits, disability benefits and the homeless. (Means testing for all those purporting to be physically disabled, the bar for receiving tax-payer funded handouts being extremely high.  So high in fact that actual work would be less taxing than attempting to claim a single penny!)  For those who have made a career out of claiming financial support for mental illness, claim no more dearie - 'Get over it and WORK!!  All those over here on false pretences, all those arriving in not-so-small boats from the near continent who are robbing us blind, taking advantage of a welfare system they have never contributed to,   housed in hotels, redundant army and airforce bases yet still wanting what is denied those who were born here and work - decent housing within their own lifetime.  All the misguided luvvies from the theatre and television who support the very people the majority would wish returned to foreign climes. All who harm animals and wildlife in general through hunting and trapping for profit and house-building.  All CEO's of charity's, their title telling you that a large proportion of donations goes either on inflated salaries or supporting their pension pot.  All charities that employ staff involved in the following:- 1) Gender - and all that makes it complicated.  2) Diversity - and all that makes things awkward for white natives to be considered for employment.  All the top brass and investors in the banking sector and our utilities.   All who 'help' those in need in far-flung, debt-ridden, gun-ridden, war-mongering heat-stricken middle-eastern or African outposts, let them look after themselves for once.  They'll probably still die due to an opposing 'cause' anyway!  The troublemakers at the National Trust who seem to think that 'Left is Best' when it comes to policy and heritage, and that's the nation's heritage, not just theirs!  Oh, and Elon Musk, obviously.  No-one should be able to wield such power and influence.  The man is a danger to society and world order.

Think that's about it for now, I know there are plenty more irritating coves who frankly could easily be 'pushed in the right direction' and not wished seasonal cheer, but the queue is getting longer by the writing, so for now, let's think about the good things to come in 2025...  I'm sure there will be something... Won't there?  What's that?  A direct hit on Croydon from an unknown source destroying the whole borough?  Well yes. that would certainly help push up the land value! I'll drink to that - Cheers!

Happy Christmas!

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