Sunday, 5 January 2025


I commented previously that we needed a Labour government for a number of reasons.  One, in order to wake the Tories out of their corporate malaise, their arrogance, their lack of direction and performance.  Two, to address their trustworthiness, honesty and ability to follow through the policies on which much store was put by the electorate, who loyally voted for them over several general and local elections. 

Sadly, the Tories appear to have learnt little thus far into Labour's term in office.  A Tory (of unknown or forgotten status) recently opined that those who voted Reform cost the Tories in last July's election.  Wrong, dear boy!  It was the Tories who cost the Tory Party their chance of continuing in government. It was theirs to win, not lose.  The opposition wasn't exactly everybody's cup of Yorkshire tea.  Remember, only 37% of the voting electorate put their cross against a Labour candidate, not exactly an overwhelming vote of conviction or confidence.  Is it not plain to the Tories by now that if they hadn't been so weak and gutless on the continuing issues regarding Law and Order, Immigration, the NHS, Policing, Care and the Environment, they would still be in power as I write and there would be no need of a Reform Party!

Having taken an interest in politics since my late teens, I look back - and not through rose-tinted glasses - and I can honestly say, it is difficult to recall such a thoroughly nasty group of people at ministerial level currently leading this country.  Rarely, over a new government's first six months in office, have so many major decisions been made that have led to such universal antagonism.  From Sir Keir Starmer, alongside the 'Three Witches of Westminster', down through the pecking order of ministerial positions, there isn't one who shines as a decent and seemingly caring member of the Labour government.  How long were they sat in the doldrums of politics, the desert of political importance?  Long enough to come into power with policies that would see action taken on important areas of society within a short period of 'bedding in'.  Wes Streeting, the Minister for Health, is looking at 2028 before announcing much needed reform to the crumbling 'Care' provision and associated services.  The release of prisoners so that we can lock up more prisoners did not go down well with the general public, and rightly so.  The Labour government displayed all the imagination and empathy of a party out of touch with its citizens before its first month of tenure had elapsed. 

From the pensioners' fuel support being discontinued,  tax rises for both business and the working public, to car tax increases and National Insurance increases for businesses across the board, this ghastly mix of cohorts have little in common with what one would perceive as 'Socialist' values.  

The north-west of England, Lancashire in particular, has been a hotspot for the sexual grooming of young girls in care.  Mainly perpetrated by men of Asian 'heritage', as the left like to refer to them,  (They're still Asian!), various committees have concluded that many a blind eye was turned by the police, social services and other interested parties due to the 'race factor', which would have raised its embarrassingly coloured head.  Oldham Council want the government to hold a public enquiry.  Jess Phillips, the Safeguarding Minister who is extremely lightweight and 'to the left of public opinion',  has blocked their request by responding that it's a 'local matter'!  It's a racial matter, and that's the last thing the Labour Party wish to be involved with.  Think of the loss of Asian votes, especially from the Muslim population, it's what keeps Labour in power in Lancashire.  Mosques, Mayors and Martyrs!   Oh!  -  and Mohammad, the most popular boy's name registered in England last year. Does that not tell you something?  Can you picture another summer of discontent, race riots, looting and other unseemly, ungentlemanly behaviour?  I wouldn't rule it out.  The country is a tinder-box just waiting to be set alight, suppression on grounds of race does not make a problem disappear.

Elon Musk is,  as I have previously stated,  not someone I would invite round for afternoon tea. Such are his unnecessary comments on the aforementioned Jess Phillips, ('She should be jailed', Musk says!), that I wouldn't even share a bag of pork scratchings with the all-powerful but socially ill-mannered and meddling oik.  Wealth does not equate to class.  Nigel Farage would do well to distance himself totally from the man who would interfere and, more worryingly, undermine our democracy and social stability given half a line on Twatter!

The United Kingdom needs America, it therefore needs Donald Trump to be on our side and as an ally, that Musk character is an entirely different kettle of jellyfish...

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