On the 2nd of December 2024 the British public awoke to the news that a 76 year-old grandmother had been taken ill whilst on holiday in America. This sort of occurrence has happened to numerous holidaymakers over many years, Few instances make the media news unless the unfortunate soul is famous of course. Most people are responsible, most people take out insurance. The grandmother in this case, Mrs Patricia Bunting, decided against such peace of mind, and being of an irresponsible nature, certainly on this occasion, and against her daughter's advice, made the trip to Florida hoping that all would be well for the three-week duration.
By the time news first went to press, PB was already a patient at Orlando Hospital suffering from flu and Covid-19. The woman has COPD and atrial fibrillation but still decided against insurance on the grounds of cost, quoted at between £3-6000. To my mind it's quite simple. If you cannot afford the insurance, you cannot afford the holiday. The same analogy can be applied to one's car, though many motorists fail to understand that one either!
Slow forward to the 14th January and PB is still in hospital seven weeks after being taken ill in her hotel. She travelled with her two sons aged 40 and 42, plus her grandson aged 23. What didn't go unnoticed was the reference in the papers to the fact that both her boys are unemployed and that the grandson is autistic. What the former tells us is that the taxpayers have probably paid for the offspring's trip to Disneyworld, If that is not the case and mummy has paid, then instead of accepting a freebie, they should have clubbed together and bought insurance! Who in their right mind at PB's age and existing medical conditions would even contemplate travelling more than five miles outside of Wigan without insurance? Surely a day excursion into the great metropolis that is Manchester would require insurance? You could without fear of exaggeration probably add flak-jacket, bullet-proof vest and bodyguard, we are talking about the North after all! Quite what the grandson's autism has to do with the price of eggs is anyone's guess. Though if I had to, it would be to guess that a sympathy vote was needed in order to bring a hearty 'Well done', an 'awwww'... Anything really that smacks of empathy with mental illness in all its variant forms.
Only days before (Friday 10th January), daughter Emma announce to a less than sympathetic world that her mother was being repatriated on a medical flight due to leave the USA on Tuesday, 14th Jan. Monday 13th, however, came the news that there were complications and she would not be leaving hospital that day and no return date was imminent.
So, what do you do when there is no pot of gold to act as back-up come a rainy day or emergency? No stash of cash from hard-working sons who turn up trumps when the going gets tough for their 'Lets-wing-it-and-hope-bugger-all-goes-wrong' mother? No distant aunty in some far-flung flood-ridden, disease-ridden or God-forbidden African or other third-world country - though Mablethorpe's also a possibility - who has recently died and left them a family fortune? Answer? You ask the public to pay by setting up a GoFundMe page! Unbelievable! What concerns me more than the matriarch's foolishness and total lack of responsibility - and at her age, she really should know better - is that donations to the tune of over £40,000 have been garnered from those who have more money than sense and who, by their very action of giving to this extremely unworthy cause, make the process of pointless charity easier to start for the next case of 'decision without responsibility'. I wish PB well and hope she pulls through, but really, that £40.000+ could have gone to real cases of need - animal welfare for instance, a local hospice, a model railway club...
Sadly. no-one wants to be responsible for their actions, it is the way of the world. Let someone else pay, from taxpayer funded benefits and donations from Blighty to American taxpayers' subsidies through hospital funding. Such is modern society, even more so 'up north'!
I wonder if they still have 'Trouble up their mill'?
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