Thursday 5 September 2024

                                       FREE SPEECH AND ITS CONSEQUENCES

A 41 year-old childminder was charged late last month with publishing material intending to stir up racial hatred.  Lucy Connolly, aged 41, tweeted that there should be mass deportation and suggested setting fire to hotels housing immigrants.  This emotional message was posted in the wake of three young children being knifed to death in Southport by a 17 year-old youth, named as Axel Muganwa Rudakubana.  This Cardiff-born monstrosity, whose names give rise to suggestions of foreign extraction, is also charged with 10 counts of attempted murder.  Eight other children and two adults were seriously injured as well during the attack.

In the wake of these appalling crimes committed by the teenager, riots took place across the north of England, plus one or two minor protests in the south. (See previous posts on this blog site for further reading, frustration and irritation!).  Lucy Connelly was echoing thoughts regarding deportation that will be shared by millions of natives throughout the land, both before and after the attack.  Her post read as follows:  'Mass deportation now, set fire to all the fucking hotels full of the bastards for all I care... if that makes me racist so be it.'  Whilst naturally considered unacceptable views by those on the migrant-supporting left, her utterings would be thought of as 'strident' by the majority of natives, frustrated at successive British governments inability to address immigration. What for me is the most blatantly unacceptable aspect of her publicly-made suggestion is the use of the 'F' word!  Why?   It lowers the tone of any piece, it devalues the intrinsic emotion and reduces the reader to assuming the lady is an uneducated oaf - or in her case - oafess - of 'common stock' as we say in Surrey.   One should take pride in one's use of language and rise above that perpetrated every other word during a comedy night at the Apollo!

While many took to the streets in order to make their mark, mostly in a negative manner, Lucy Connelly aired her anger and frustration through anti-social media.  The vast majority of white natives did what we always do, we stayed at home, muttered, tutted and exclaimed to no-one in particular,  'Another bloody foreigner huh - bastard' and got on with making, or eating our dinners whilst catching up with Chris Packham, standing in one of our last remaining fields prior to this government authorising its conversion into a new housing development.  Mrs. C was spot however with 'bastard'.  There is no better word to use when venting one's anger in such circumstances.  It is akin to my verbal reaction having hit my thumb when hammering a nail.  An elongated exclamation of 'Shit' can never be bettered for dissipating pain!

Given the opportunity to set light to a hotel full of non-paying, services-draining occupants, would Mrs. Connelly, in the cold light of day have lit the match herself?  Only she knows the answer, but I very much doubt it - and my doubt is on a par with that of Charlton Athletic winning the FA Cup this, or any other year before I pass from this mortal coil.  She apparently has no previous convictions for setting light to anywhere, let alone facilities for channel-hopping, recently-arrived, benefit-seeking flotsam, as most of us tax-paying sufferers consider them to be.  

All in all, she seems like a very nice lady, but with a penchant for engaging gob before brain.  Is that the greatest of crimes?  Whilst we all say things in the heat of the moment, sadly with X, (formerly known as something I can't remember as I never used it in the beginning), once uploaded, you are sharing your thoughts with the world -  and isn't the world quick to judge?  The fact that the lady in question is the wife of a Northampton Conservative councillor hasn't helped matters, though it has certainly helped our left-leaning press! They have had a field day with headlines making capital of her husband's political allegiance and position.  It was nothing to do with him, but mud sticks.  She is likely to receive a custodial sentence.  I'm sure our new left-of-left-of centre government will do all it can to make examples of those valiant enough to air their frustrations over a country that has lost its identity. Sadly, those with the power to make change 'cock a deaf 'un'.   Politicians from both sides of the policy divide continue to bury their collective heads in the French coastal sands, and all the while, tension and frustration mount, festering away, submersed by society until the next attack or suicide bomb. 

I do hope the judiciary will act in an identical manner when sentencing a Muslim for exclaiming damnations regarding those they have taken a dislike to in their adopted country.  A country that has given them all the freedoms they would not allow to others if the roles were reversed.  How is it that we, the ordinary man and woman in the street, can feel the slippery slope of social change under our feet but those elected see only the destruction of our countryside as an answer to the problem?  They turn a blind eye at society's peril.

Saturday 31 August 2024


Thank you Daily Mail, for highlighting the re-forming of terminology used in everyday conversation for political and subversive purposes.  The Red Cross should think very carefully regarding public perception as it bulldozes its way through our time-honoured understanding of common-sense language.  Upsetting the very people who support the charity, both in deed and financial support, can be a slippery slope with grave financial implications in the longer term.

The charity, which received no less than £37+ million from government contracts and nearly £44 million from government grants in 2022, has launched a guide for its workers in order that common or garden descriptions and terms can be modified in accordance to their governing body's preferences.  Guide?  Indoctrination more like!  I wonder how the founders of this once august and proud organisation would feel 154 years on from its inception?  They would most likely be aghast at the time spent on telling staff and volunteers what to say in case offence is taken by a minority - and it always the 'minority' who are offended!  According to this 'guide', descriptions such as 'born a man or woman' or a 'biological male or female' should be avoided.  Why?  That is what they were born!  That's what they are!  Why this change?  Well, it might upset transgender or non-binary individuals apparently   So what?   Go-ahead, be offended, see if the majority of the population give a monkey's nuts about your insensitivities.  According to their new-speak, 'a trans-woman is as much of a woman as someone born with female genitalia'.  No they are not!  They were born a MAN.  That is, in old-fashioned parlance, the opposite to a WOMAN. No more 'he' or 'she' for the workers of the Red Cross, Oh no, it should be 'they' or 'them'. Actually, it cannot be so, as both latter words are plural, and grammar trumps ideology. Mr?  Mrs?  No, they'd like to see those two extinguished from our dictionary as well.  Their preference is 'Mx'.  Total bollocks - or should that be bollox?!

If the power and influence of these producers of such pointless and money-wasting phraseology wasn't as great as it is, the whole episode would be laughable, but these nameless ones are a cancerous disease permeating throughout our society, and to the detriment of everyday life.  The NHS is gradually succumbing to so-called 'inclusive' language and terminology.  Woe betide any individual that complains or queries any gender-based policy.  A  correctional programme will be available to rid you of common sense thoughts and utterances. '1984' springs mind...

The Red Cross have also turned their attention to 'Ladies and gentlemen', which is, in everyday usage known as a term referring to...  well, ladies and gentlemen.  They don't like that phrase either as it is not inclusive enough.  I would love to see their employees reaction to being told not to refer to women having periods as 'solely referring to women'.  Those in charge now prefer 'women, girls and people who menstruate', or 'people who have periods'. And there was me, Simple Simon me, thinking it was purely women that had periods. Ye gods and little fishes.  Who are these people?  Where do they come from?  Are they a product of artificial intelligence?  Do they crawl from under some left-leaning rock and spew out directives to be taken as gospel by those who make mischief, melodrama and/or money out of these proclamations?

'Illegal migration' is another area of phrasing that is ripe for change. they should be referred to as a 'person in search of safety'.  Strange that no mention is made of their desire to burden British taxpayers with their costly presence?  Describing someone as being from a 'minority ethnic group' is another term the Red Cross wish to see discarded.  These people are now from a 'minoritised ethnic group'. Someone spent time, and was ultimately responsible  and paid for that change of pointless wording, but will we ever know their name?   Not for the umpteenth time I ask 'Have you ever heard such bollocks, since you stumbled across the last example of bollocks that is, which was about three lines ago I suspect!  It is truly unbelievable.  The lengths these policy-makers go to in order to bugger up our language - language that has stood the test of not only time, but biological common sense.

Esther McVey, one-time Conservative minister for said Common Sense, commented,  'I am sorry that the British Red Cross has fallen victim to such woke nonsense'.  The gal's not wrong.  One final and ludicrous example of this wayward and dangerous guidance is where it urges staff to say 'pregnant women and people' so as not to exclude 'trans men and non-binary people'.  I suspect that we now have a cartload of bollocks to dispose of - along with the authors of this politically-motivated tripe. So there you have it,  tripe and bollocks served on a bed of grass that has been growing under our feet, accompanied with a side-dish of indigestible  political bile, prepared in a socialist kitchen inhabited by university graduates and others who have never led a life outside of anti-social media and a bubble inhabited by similarly self-unaware and perversely irritating loons.  

What's that?  'Loons' is unacceptable as well?  Dear oh dear...

Tuesday 27 August 2024


The Notting Hill Carnival is either a London-based institution or a complete waste of public money, depending on your point of view.  This colourful, or plain noisy and gaudy event was founded in 1966 by London's Caribbean communities.  Ten years on from its inception and rioting took place on the streets of London in a most unedifying manner.  Due to pickpocketing, assaults, varying other crimes and acts of violence perpetrated by some of those attending in 1975 the police decided it was time to toughen up.   They had been expecting a hostile reception and they received it.  The following year, 1976, the Police Federation asked for the introduction of riot shields.   Violence in one form or another has been a traditional part of this event for decades. Where would it be without a bit of 'rough and tumble' eh?  In 2008 there was rioting towards the carnival's end with violence and assaults leaving their marks once again.  This aspect of the so-called fun and frolics is especially aimed at the police however and has been a particularly nasty recurring feature throughout its history.  The cost of policing increased as ever, this time amounting to over £6million.  2011 was considered a relatively peaceful weekend as only five people were arrested over a stabbing, with 86 taken to hospital and 245 arrested.  2016 saw over 450 arrests and five people hurt in four knife attacks.   The wave of crime goes on unabated, in 2018 373 arrests were made, 36 weapons seized and more importantly, 30 police officers injured.

Regarding this year's offering, the Met Police issued a list of statistics at 10.45pm yesterday regarding Monday's crimes.  In short, it breaks down into the following:  4 firearms were recovered,  5 stabbings, 230 arrests for varying offences with no less than 35 officers injured. It was interesting to note some of the details of offences committed.  Among the more serious were 8 sexual assaults, 49 in possession of an offensive weapon, 8 violence by injury, 15 other violent offences, vehicle crime plus scores of drug related offences.  The worst statistic however, is knowing that there were 37 counts of assault on an emergency worker - I suspect they mean police officers in the main!  Add this to Sunday's figures of three stabbings and 104 arrests and you get an idea of why a policeman's - and policewoman's - lot is not a happy one!

The event generates an estimated £300 million.for the economy, so I read.  Really?  If so, how?  It is very easy to bandy around figures when there is no accurate way of justifying them.  What is not in dispute is that it cost over £12 million to police the event last year (2023).  Greater London Authority and Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council fork out a large amount of 'hard-working' taxpayers' income to fund this minority-leaning jolly.  There is sponsorship apparently, though I found it difficult to trace, despite an in-depth search that lasted for at least 30 seconds.  There is only so much time one can give to a seemingly minor irritation that surfaces annually like a boil that should have been lanced at its inception.  Sadly, we have not only welcomed with open wallets those arriving from the colonies, dominions, territories and empire in general, but we've handed over the keys to future policies that have ruined this nation. Years ago, a referendum on this annual event might have swung against its continuation, but with an ever-growing West Indian and fellow migrant population, any chance of an indigenous rejection has long since sailed - probably about the same time as the Good Ship 'Empire Windrush' was decanting its load upon an un-expecting native population.  

If I had my way, 2024 would be the last throw of the carnival dice.  Too much continued crime and assaults to make it morally palatable.  Why should the police have to endure the hostility, abuse and assault that comes their way year in year out?  Our esteemed left-wing leaders are quick to condemn and imprison thugs who abuse the police, vandalise shops, set cars on fire and create mayhem, and rightly so, they give free speech a bad name.   I wonder if those, whose forebears descended from foreign pastures will be afforded equal turnarounds and punishments in the courts?  As an aside, those faced with cleaning up afterwards collected six tonnes* of laughing gas canisters - over 6,000 in total.  I think that says a lot about the type of people who frequent this Bank Holiday extravaganza.  The good news is that it is half of what was collected in the previous two years, although, its legally restricted availability may have something to do with it?  Once again, an occasion where it would be difficult to find a participant or visitor one would wish to invite home for afternoon tea.

Just another observation...

*The 'tonne' is a metric weight equalling 2204lbs.  A 'ton', as we used to know it, before the days of continental interference was/is 2000lbs - so much clearer and easier to remember!

Thursday 22 August 2024

                                THERE'S NOWT AS QUEER AS QUEER FOLK

It is a funny old world and no mistake.  Now when I say 'funny', I mean that it's strange, odd, bonkers even!  Back in the days of Minis and winning the World Cup  the subject of sexual preferences was a thing discussed and practised, in relative privacy, between consenting couples of the opposite sex.  That's how we made and still make babies.  Homosexuals and lesbians practised their non-baby-making activities in even greater privacy until it became legal to do so openly and without fear of prosecution. Pandora's box was not only opened, but a veritable explosion of sexual preferences hit the streets and society was turned on its head.

As I've said before, and no doubt will again, I have no problem with anyone doing their own thing with their own sex providing it is consensual with both parties.  There, how much more liberal can I get!  What I can't get my head around is this continual pressure on society by those actively promoting or more commonly foisting their 'sexual community' on the general public, most of whom do not give a metaphorical toss!  If these sexually-obsessed souls think that by marching through streets dressed in bizarre outfits will garner support then they might wish to think again.  

Not everyone condones the adoption of children by same-sex couples.  Frankly, I feel it is one of the worst cases of betrayal and child indoctrination ever enacted, yet sadly, it is legally encouraged by those with a political agenda.  When I read or hear of a well-known singer or sports person whose 'wife' or 'husband' is supporting them, it truly makes me want to vomit.  Elton John and Tom Daley spring to mind - and I wish they wouldn't!  How have we, as a society ended up allowing children to be adopted by same-sex parents.  The very idea of a man marrying another man is quite ludicrous.  'This is my husband', they announce.  Makes the skin crawl!  As has been said on many previous occasions, by myself and, I'm gad to say, many others, children need a mummy bear and a daddy bear.  Both sexes, as parents, bring their own dynamics to the parenting table.  I suspect that's why nature worked it out that way in the beginning!

The situation is complicated even further by the proliferation of sexually-diverse sub-groups.  Homosexuals and lesbians are easily explained, one was either straight or queer.  Not good enough, I'm afraid, far too uncomplicated.  At some point in the ever-increasing past, a 'community' was set up, an umbrella, of I suspect a pink-ish hue, under which all those with various sexual sub-preferences could shelter.  Enter the LGBT band of like-minded souls who just can't keep their carnal deviations to themselves.  The  general public, who at best accept their activities, do not wish to know about it. They are plain fed up with these publicity-seeking souls parading, rallying, or encouraging councils to paint zebra crossings in the colours of their flags!  Why, they are not an endangered specie?  Frankly, it is a bloody cheek.  A bloody cheek matched by B&Q donating £1 for every rose sold during 'Pride Month'.  For God's sake, who do they think they are?  

Now, this is where it gets complicated, or laughable, dependent on your view.  LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender should, I would have thought, covered all of areas of sexual activity those of certain minds wish to involve themselves.  No, never so easy.  We now have LGBTQIA2S+!  ( The exclamation is mine, not another addition to their glossary of terminology.). The 'T' actually stands for 'Transgender AND Trans, with Q referring to Queer AND Questioning.  Didn't know that, did you?  I'm questioning what they are questioning, all seems a tad 'deep' to me, but who am I to question their use of language, though I suspect they don't spend a lot of time working in the real world. So, to the remaining letters etc. They stand for:  Intersex, Asexual or Agenda, and Two-Spirit.  The + sign signifies 'additional identity terms' apparently, though none of it is very apparant.   They also use the letter 'P' in some of their alphabetical meanderings, this refers to 'pansexual'!  Have you ever heard such bollocks?  Who are these people?

This gets either better or worse, certainly more head-shaking when you consider the role of the  'Demisexual Flag'. Its colours are Black, Grey and white with a purple border.  The black represents asexuality, grey represents demisexuality and grey-sexuality, (What is that all about?) with white covering that good-old standby -'sexuality' - the one we thought we could all understand. And it doesn't end there?  Oh no, no, no...  Were you aware that these prolific makers of the worlds most pointless acronyms have added yet another to their collection?  This is   'QUILTBAG':  Queer/Questioning. Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender/Transexual, Bisexual, Allied/Asexual, Gay/Genderqueer.  You couldn't make it up, though someone else has, obviously.  A note alongside the explanation states that  terminology is evolving , so don't hoist your colours to a Pride mast as it could alter by the time it takes you to  change from Martha to Arthur, or Lily from Willy.

No wonder the summer months witnessed Pride flags cut down, destroyed and/or burnt. From Weston-Super-Mare, though Luton, Stamford to Congleton in Cheshire, locals, sick to the back teeth of the 'needy-ones' requiring ever greater publicity, took the law into their own hands.  One can quite understand why.  Earlier this week in Forest Gate, north-east London, Pride 'flags' were vandalised for the fifth time.  Are they not getting the message?  Rob DesRoches, founder of 'Forest Gayte (Geddit?) Pride' said, amongst other things, that 'we feel people have been traumatised by the repeated vandalism', adding 'a healing process needs to take place'.  A removal of painted flags on the pavement is what needs to take place!  Dear oh dear, what soft saps represent Newham Council. If this DesRoches fellow thinks the painting over of their pavement flag is traumatising, he needs to seriously get a life, preferably somebody else's.  Compare his idea of trauma to someone living in a town without a Waitrose?  Now that's where counselling should be mandatory. this strangely-named cove has no idea of real life deprivation, too busy rearranging letters most likely!. 

My advice?  'Do what you like, and with whom you like, but keep it to yourselves dearie!  No-one outside your culture/community/clan is remotely interested.  Your'e not special, merely a pain in the arse - which eases with practise - or so I'm told... 


Wednesday 21 August 2024

                                          FOUR SLICES OF A NATIONAL PIE

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom.  The first three countries return MP's from constituencies fought over by the main three parties with a smattering of smaller, and newer parties filling the void for the disaffected.   In Scotland there is a fourth major group in the shape of the Scottish Nationalist Party.  This once tour-de-force, whose main aim is to cut the ties with England, was all-powerful, ruling the tartan roost until Labour resumed its traditional stranglehold at the last election when the tables were turned.  The SNP did not learn from the Tories. Infighting, mistrust and police investigations into nefarious activities by sitting MP's does not sit well with the electorate.  This is especially true when the party leader and her husband are the subjects of alleged 'misdoings'. Their case is ongoing.

In Wales, Plaid Cymru have been the fourth party, but never as dominant or influential as the SNP.  Welsh voters returned to the Labour fold in droves during the July election resulting in a large number of seats being gained or re-gained.  It was all there for the taking, a recently crowned First Minister, indeed, the first Black First Minister, was sworn in on the 20 March 2024.  Again, allegations, accusations and a loss of confidence in his leadership cost him his crown and Humphrey Vaughan ap David Gethin resigned his post after just 78 days.  Whilst his name would make you think of him as a native of Wales, he was born in Lusaka, Zambia. His father was a white Welsh vet, his mother was a black Zambian chicken farmer.  He moved to Wales when he was two years of age along with his parents and four siblings.  A photo of  the 'boy done good' shows him to be black, as opposed to half-caste as was, mixed-race as is.  His father's 'colouring genes' don't appear to have shone through, so to speak!  University, training as a solicitor, member of three trade unions made him ripe for political plucking.  His place has been taken by Eluned Morgan who is as Welsh and white as should be expected from a First Minister of Wales. 

Northern Ireland stands alone in returning representatives from parties within their boundaries and with a mandate that is, I believe, inward looking in the main.  This is not a criticism by any means.  It would be good to think that a British government looked - and listened - to the public they purport to represent.  The problem for Northern Ireland is the divisions that have plagued the country for years and show no real signs of abating.  Religion has played such an integral part of family life that generations on and little has changed.  Violence ebbs and flows, it is however just below the surface ready to ignite at any given opportunity.  The fact that there are now more Catholics than Protestants raises the question of just how long it is before debate on unification becomes the main focus of the nationalists.  I know I am going to sound like a Liberal-Democrat, but I can see both sides.  If I were Protestant, I would wish to remain part of the United Kingdom, if I were Catholic, I would want the six counties to be part of a united Ireland.  Fortunately, I am neither and do not have to consider such action or allegencies.  Any decision on Northern Ireland's future will not be an easy one. I do not profess to know too much regarding current views on the subject of unity, but I wonder what the feelings are of the majority of peace-loving citizens on either side of the political and literal divide?  At least those leading the various parties appear to be born and bred there with roots going back generations, so some good news! 

Eire, interestingly has had a homosexual Anglo-Indian at its helm on two very recent occasions - that must tick a few boxes, huh!   Leo Varadkar was born in Dublin to a father from Bombay, as was, Mumbai, as is, and a white Irish mother.  A not too-dissimilar story to that Gethin fellow.

Back here in what we once knew as England, the Conservatives blew their chances of survival ( as discussed in previous musings) by replacing Boris Johnson and Liz Truss with a man in short trousers.  Again, not a leader of quintessential English stock - and stock should be essential - a bit like Waitrose!  Rishi Sunak was born in Southampton to East African parents of Indian Punjabi descent.  At least his parents were from the same country and background. So much easier to get to grips with than those who, if you didn't know better, could have met on-line through varying match-making sites.  Asians-To-Go?,  Gay-To Go?,  Zambians-R-Us?  

Scotland...  Ah yes, Scotland.  Their political background seems to be more white in hue, but would you really want a leader who you felt certain doubled her income by treading the boards as a Krankie?

Wednesday 14 August 2024


Thames Valley Police have been found guilty of racial discrimination in a case brought by three  police officers.  The twist is that these officers are white, yes, unbelievable, isn't it - white and justice is being served! It is a rare example in a world known for minority fawning and bias that a decision falls on the side of a native.  The employment tribunal panel found in favour of the officers as they had clearly been discriminated against on the grounds of their colour.  One could understand it if  they were white policemen up against a black or Asian officer seeking promotion in Jamaica or Delhi -  but in their own country?  So desperate are authorities in industry and commerce to toe the race line and tick an ethnic black box, that errors of judgement not only cause dismay for the native white employee, but fuel the hatred we see on our streets during racial protests.  Successive British governments are responsible for this state of affairs for they cower in fear of a minority society that has grown like Topsy and is backed by lawyers champing at the bit to discredit and shame any company or individual that doesn't kow-tow to their demands.   All that before claiming compensation for hurt, trauma, lost opportunities, whilst adding that well-trodden tenuous link to the 'Good ship Empire Windrush', all thrown in for good financial measure!  It would certainly bump up the unearned lolly and the lawyers' cut.

Detective Inspector Phillip Turner-Robson, Inspector Graham Horton and custody inspector Kirsteen Bishop all applied for the post of  detective inspector for the force's 'priority crime team' in August 2022.  Unfortunately for the three serving officers, all of whom had been employed by Thames Valley Police for between 19 and 26 years, their collective experience, loyalty and dedication counted for nothing as they were the wrong colour and the wrong nationality at the wrong time of their careers.  If only they'd been black, black-ish,  swarthy, swarthy-ish, or Asian - as was the case for the fortunate applicant - they might have got a look-in, stood a chance, been considered...

Superintendent Emma Baillie was 'requested' to improve diversity in the force by appointing an Asian to the rank of Detective Inspector.  Such was the rush to tick boxes at the expense of 'fairness to all', which in actuality means 'fairness to all minorities', that there was no competitive process whereby all candidates are interviewed and assessed on their individual merits.  Oh no, before you can say 'Ku Klux Klan', a certain Sergeant Sidhu is parachuted into the role and hey presto, another three white officers are denied the chance of promotion.  SS, as I think we'll refer to her, had not even been promoted to Inspector at the time of her appointment to her new post.  Worryingly, Supt. Emma Baillie apparently never deemed it necessary to adopt a competitive process.  Did she really think no-one would mind being sidelined and insulted in such a manner?  Can someone explain to me how occurrences like this are supposed to make the native content and remain ambitious in whatever field  of work they undertake in life?  Thoroughly demoralised, I would imagine.  I have met ex-staff who worked for the Met. Police, the BBC (which is why I always refer to left-leaning behemoth as the BABC - Black and Asian Broadcasting Corporation) and been told similar stories over the past few years.  

The three officers' case rested on the grounds that they were overlooked by virtue of being 'White British'.  What an indictment! What of our loss of face, culture, heritage and pride?  We seem incapable of standing up for ourselves.  No public debate on race, no discussions on TV, everybody who could make a difference is earnestly battening down the hatches and hoping they do not get involved in a subject that could ruin their career,  A slip of the tongue, the wrong word, a mis-understood quote, it takes so little to bring the anti-social media collective down on those speaking or seeking the truth.  Baying like hyenas at a bloodiest, such is the venom of those who seek to quell freedom of speech.

I really do hope that this drive to 'improve diversity' will be questioned.  It doesn't help the ethnic 'winner' in these cases, it merely spreads division and derision.  Because their promotion was political and not attained through a fair process-  even if they were the best person for the job - the very fact that all those involved knew it was box-ticking exercise will do nothing for their standing and can quickly make them the 'farce in the force'.

Interestingly. an Employment law expert, Will Burrows, commented that: 'Cases of discrimination against white employees are rare, but we expect to see a significant increase over the coming years and there are some important cases due to be heard on employers discriminating against white candidates'.  A glimmer of hope maybe?

When will the country gain sufficient political confidence in order to cut the ball and chain of 'Empire slavery awkwardness' from around Britain's ankles so that we can hold our heads high once more?  My advice - Don't be ashamed, be proud of our record of colonising large chunks of the world.  Nothing and no-one is perfect, but for a small island we certainly gave plundering and subjugation a fair shot. (Time to expand chest and display outward grit and sniffiness in equal proportions).  Do I feel guilty?  Of course not!  The good times were had by those who went before us, it is our generation that is paying the price through our population increasing exponentially and a crime rate that rises with it.  

I wonder what the share price would be if the East India Company was still in business today?  They'd probably be a rival to P & O, though they might bring a few non-paying migrants on one-way cruises as a sop in order to avoid a bad press for sins committed by their forebears. Old habits die hard! 

Monday 12 August 2024


A week on from the rioting that swept across many parts of the UK and Northern Island, courts have been at full stretch dealing with those who give protesting an extremely bad name,  I have no problem with cases being dealt with quickly in order to send out the message that violent behaviour will not be tolerated in British society. It is the inference that everybody who sees mass immigration as being the catalyst for social division, therefore classified as a 'right-wing extremist'.  Frankly, it's a bloody insult!

The BABC couldn't wait to inform the viewer and listener that members of the public, sitting drinking in a pub,  had shown their support for young Muslim men fearing for their mosque and all who pray in her.  The King sent his message of support to varying communities.  I expect he was 'reaching out' to them -  everybody seems to 'reach out' to someone these days - more Americanisms!  Scenes of 'Pro-immigration' rallies, marches and counter-protests were constantly shown on our screens as the week progressed and the BABC virtually 'creamed itself' at the thought and sight of those on favour of delivering the final nail in Britain's coffin  were hailed as the  'embracing, accepting tolerant members of society'.  Funny that, because most English, and many in Northern Island, see them as selfish, misguided fools who are contributing to our lack of social cohesion and eventual demise.

The nibbling away at the very fabric of our society is no better illustrated than the row that has been made public this week concerning a small village in Norfolk.  Claxton and Carleton Parish Council made what many -  hopefully most - Brits would see as a 'supportive' move by suggesting three flags would be flown at different times for different occasions.  These are the Union Jack, ( now described as the Union flag in many papers - why?), the St. George's flag and the flag of Norfolk.  These fine examples of national and local pride would be no more than 6 foot x 3 foot flown from a mast to be erected in the grounds of the village hall.  So far,  surely non-controversial one would think!  Oh no, nothing could be further from the truth. For a population of some 300 souls it appears that consternation, division, and even anger has come to the fore - why?  

The decision, which only a generation ago would have greeted with support and deemed to be a worthy act showing patriotism in the mildest of manners,  is now seen by some in the brave new world as 'divisive'.  Some of the locals, if not yokels, have complained that the erecting of a flagpole flying our national flag could have 'connotations that could put people off moving there'.  One un-named resident stated that there was 'a fine line between patriotism and nationalism'.  They suggested that 'bunting' should be used instead.  Another of the un-named ones commented that the 'flag itself is still divisive'.  Ye Gods and little fishes. which stones do these people crawl out from, I ask?  One of these miserable residents, who I am thankful is not a neighbour of mine, a lady called Glynnis White, added her left-wing four-pennyworth by proclaiming:   'The flag is often seen as a symbol against immigration and it would worry me if it was being used in the wrong way'.  I cannot think of a  sadder remark.  I suspect from that nanny-pamby attitude that she is a Liberal-Democrat - it wouldn't surprise me!  I also suspect that the village isn't currently swamped with migrants.  They'll notice a difference when and if it is.  Give it time, remember, we have a Labour government hell bent on destroying the remaining vestiges of Britain's once green and previously pleasant land.  One and a half million new homes, new towns and cities planned, I wonder how the Glynnis's of the world would take to a new town  replacing their country idyll, with all the changes in social structure that  it would bring with it, not to mention the new mosque?

Whilst the riots may possibly have ceased, and the Government appearing to play the part of the socialist cat that's licking the morally-high-ground cream, I do hope it doesn't think that we, the majority,  are content with, or accepting of, their socially destructive policies.  Anger at not being listened to though it remains just below the surface.  I have no doubt that it will rise again.  Our elected masters and mistresses have only themselves to blame for any further disturbances.  I just wish that all those trampling over our monuments and sculptures in their quest to show support for Palestine had been given the same fast turnaround and punishment  in the courts as those labelled 'right-wing thugs'.  In the end it's a stick for the indigenous population and a carrot for the incomers...