Friday, 14 February 2025

                                       WHEN EQUALITY MET REALITY

The trial of female black Australian footballer Sam Kerr concluded yesterday.  Not being a follower of women's football, her name was previously unknown to me, as was her country of origin, her colour, her sexual preferences or the fact that she was the captain of the Australian national team.  So, 'the gal's done good' in her career -  credit where it's due. 

Credit ends at that point, however.  Ms. Kerr and her partner,  Kristie Mewis, had been on a night out in Twickenham on the 30th January 2023.  A dispute later arose with the taxi driver who no doubt would have thought 'Why me?' during the journey - one that ended up at Twickenham Police Station instead of the intended destination.  It would appear that their behaviour in the cab was not exactly 'ladylike', one of them vomiting and a cab window being broken apparently. You can't buy class...  I also read that there was further disagreement over the fare.  The taxi driver locked the women in his cab and drove to Twickenham Police Station.  The surprise, of course,  is that Twickenham still has a police station!  

At the station, SK commented to PC Lovell that 'This is a racial f****** thing' - but then she would do, wouldn't she?  You could write the script.  Another 'person of colour' with a chip the size of a plank on their shoulders whinging about race,  when she should have been making grovelling apologies to the taxi driver for the mess they made of his cab and offering financial restitution plus a donation to the 'Taxi Drivers Welfare Fund' -  if there is one -  or some such associated charity if there isn't.  It's not as if she can't afford it, she kicks a ball for a living after all!   It's quite clearly not in SK's nature to apologise when overly merry, she has an altercation with PC Lovell and adds further racial fuel to the antipodean fire by calling him 'f****** stupid and white'.  And there we have it!  SK contends that while she does not deny making her accusation, she rejects any notion that her outburst was racial.  How does that work?  What a foul-mouthed, loathsome piece of imported Aussie she is. 

 The jury took over four hours to find her 'not guilty' on Tuesday.  I would like to know the make-up of the Jury.  If it's anything like our TV adverts then the 12 chaps and chapesses, 'good and true',  would have consisted of more ethnics than white natives.  If it did consist of those with a more pale complexion then they must have been either Liberal-Democrats, to the left of common-sense or downright deluded!  As the prosecutor asserted, if it were the other way round and the officer was described as 'f****** stupid and black', all racial hell would have been let loose.  Demonstrations outside Downing Street, public disturbances in London before kicking-off in other cities and towns across the country.  Looting, processions, calls for changes in the law and all that goes with minority power. 

Anyway, her football club, Chelsea, appear to be taking no further action while Football Australia is to 'reflect' on the matter.  Once again, if the colours were reversed, the disgraced racist white player would be metaphorically tarred and feathered, forced to attend race, gender and diversity classes for an extended period, made to apologise to all and sundry within the world of sport and banned from competitive football until the age of which he or she would be retired anyway.  Slight exaggeration?  Maybe, but sadly. it's one rule for the indigenous white population and another for the coloured minority - a minority that is not so minor of course!  

Footnote,  the BABC describes Kristie Mewis, her partner, as her 'fiancee'.  Is that an upgrade?  Also revealed in one of the stories about the farcical outcome of this case is the fact that the couple are expecting their first child.  I think we can safely assume that its first word will be four-lettered!  Ye Gods and little fishes... 

Tuesday, 11 February 2025


Mr. Trump has done more in three weeks than successive UK governments have done in decades.  Oh what joy to see someone - anyone - have the guts to send a message to the world's poor that it is time for their own rulers to start funding change instead of relying on help from those who pay for and take responsibility for their own lives.  Not having children you can't afford would help in many cases.  

I remember I had only recently left school when us Brits were informed by the press about a food shortage in a far-off and previously unheard of country called Biafra.  We were all urged to donate money, clothing and presumably anything else that was going begging.  No-one questioned how much actually got to those who were allegedly suffering.  No-one mentioned the corruption that was, and doubtless is still rife in these so-called third world countries.  The whole system of world-wide aid can be likened to the welfare and benefit bill that the UK taxpayer faces on a daily basis, just larger.   Take away the ever-present handouts  from those on welfare benefit, universal credit and access to food banks  - and many have made this a lifestyle choice - and you'll find recipients will either sink or swim.  Similarly, take aid away from those countries that have relied on the west for financial support for decades and you'll see their inhabitants sink or swim - literally in many cases!

The headlines regarding the American President's move to make huge cuts to the USAID programme make interesting reading with not a little relish and mirth thrown in for good measure.  The BBC states that 'Experts warn of threat to global health', while The Guardian warns that 'Trump's foreign aid cuts could be big strategic mistake'.  The media outlet '' sees Mr.Trump's measures as 'leaving the UN food agency scrambling'.  I bet it is.  These worldwide agencies and charities have never been made as accountable to the public purse before and they do not like it.  How good it is therefore to note the message from the U.S. Dept. of State which opines that 'The United States is no longer going to blindly dole out money with no return to the American people'.

Oh, that our Chancellor was of similar mind and had considered British pensioners when attempting to fill her £22 billion black hole - a term that is not without irony when you consider which part of the world our money ends up slushing about in with little accountability or gain for those funding the projects.  Imagine having the vision, the wherewithal, the guts to take the financially draining bull by the metaphorical horns and say, 'The UK agrees, aid has to stop. Taxpayers should not be ripped off any longer and we are stopping all aid as from tomorrow and all projects will cease at that point'.  Aaaahhhh,  such bliss.  Neither the Chancellor nor Mr. Starmer will ever have the balls to follow such an inspirational lead, which is a pity as they would be looking a vote-winning gift-horse in the mouth.  Sadly politicians are totally out of touch with the electorate. I have always been of the opinion that charity starts at home.  Is it too novel an idea to suggest that government finances follow business practice and cut their cloth according to their pocket?  Why should working people in any country subsidise those in foreign climes, many of which are ruled by despots, juntas, or at best those you won't find shopping at Harrods with money they've actually worked for.  

Diversity, gender and race are all getting the same treatment in the USA.  There had to be a push-back of the power minorities are wielding across the so-called developed world. How refreshing and warming  it is to read of a president who openly queries the participation of transgender athletes, highlights racial problems in South Africa and attempts to dismantle diversity, gender and equality departments across the board in American politics and business.  Throw in the proposed lack of automatic right to American citizenship and the enforced repatriation of migrants to their country of origin and you have a recipe for automatic and universal approval. This is as close as one can get to a 'migrant-induced orgasm'!

When I am stopped outside a shopping centre by a charity worker inviting me to give my time, and ultimately my money, to whatever cause they are promoting, I now ask the salary of their chief executive and do they have a department responsible for equality, diversity and gender?  If they do, they will be told in no uncertain manner that they obviously have too much funding already and that I will spread the word regarding their misplaced priorities and their financial profligacy when they should be concentrating all their efforts on the people they aim to support.

Merely reading that the politically-chattering classes are 'shocked', 'aghast' and 'appalled' by the president's moves is music to my right-of-centre ears - Aaaaahhhh all over again.  It is reassuring to know that at least someone is taking taboo subjects seriously, putting their country first and is proud of their flag!  

Perhaps UK residents should send a collective letter to the US government and ask if we could become their 51st state.  With a future such as Mr. Trump envisages for the USA, selling our soul to the Yankee Devil seems a small price to pay in the long term.  If only lawyers can be kept out of politics, the world would be a better and less costly place.  

I will sleep well, smiling as I drift off.  The thought of all those to the left of Stalin running about like chickens of a headless condition realising that not everyone shares their views and that there is a wider public with common sense who until now have struggled to be heard is further music being played to this very appreciative Brit.

Don't get me wrong, I am still no devotee of the American President, but he does do what he says he would and doesn't waste time with pointless committees.  So for that, my eternal gratitude.  Overall, the man is still a pushy, classless, bully-boy arse, but on current form I can live with that...

Friday, 24 January 2025


It will never cease to amaze and infuriate my sense of justice that not working due to varying medical conditions can be so financially rewarding.

This textbook example of our country's generosity through taxpayer funding refers to a hospital cleaner who appears to have done little in the way of cleaning.  I certainly can't imagine her mop and bucket saying with all the usual enthusiasm that comes from familiarity,  'Morning mummy, which wards are we cleaning today?'.  The hospital concerned is the Royal Lancaster Infirmary.  Zoe Kitching, the cleaner in question took several periods of sick leave between 2019 and June 2023.    In total, she took 406 days off work during that period, one continuous absence lasting 130 days - that's four and a half months! 

Eighty-five per cent of this time off was apparently due to her disability which comprised of  'anxiety', 'depression' and being 'bipolar'. As Messrs 'Law', 'Best' and 'Charlton' are the Holy Trinity to Manchester United, her three afflictions are to an impending Golden Egg! The report I read stated ZK 'was' bipolar, as opposed to 'is'.  Does it mean the problem has 'cleared up and gone away, or the correspondent doesn't know their tenses from their elbow?  Incidentally, the remaining fifteen per cent of time off work was due to Covid-19, cold and/or flu.  Poor lass, she was put through the mill, wasn't she,  not much passed her by without a sick-note being there for the signing.

Despite meetings with hospital management, none of those to whom she was responsible to, nor answerable to, took on board her 'disabilities'.  There's a surprise!  In fact, an Occupational Health report in 2021 stated she was NOT a disabled person under the Equality Act of 2010.  ZK was duly dismissed in June 2023.  Not good enough apparently, certainly not good enough for those sitting in judgement at this week's tribunal.  The hospital management suffered rapped knuckles, with the judge, one Robert Childes, stating that 'The NHS Trust should have permitted a high level of sickness absence overall and failure to do so was a failure to make adjustments'. The tribunal ruled that it was 'irrational and wrong' to deny ZK's disability status and that she should have been afforded more sick leave. More!!  Obviously 130 days at a time isn't long enough!  Have these judges ever employed staff?  Would they put up with that sort of behaviour from someone in their employ?  ZK represented herself, well she would do, all that time not working, sitting at home with depression and all that goes with it. What better tonic than to 'hone up' your courtroom skills, research the law and take your employers to court.  Anyone in their right mind with genuine problems and a desire to be fair to their employers, would have resigned on the basis that they were not fit to work, thereby granting someone who was not only fit but able to work the opportunity of employment.  Employment that would not only see a regular face within the team of cleaners but a mop and bucket firmly attached to its longstanding human partner, exuding excitement and jollity every working day.  

ZK was awarded £49,147 in damages.  Unbelievable!  With me in charge of the tribunal, an apology by ZK for wasting tribunal time and hospital/taxpayer money would be the first part of the somewhat speedy court proceedings.  This would be followed by a desire to change the law so that similar cases never get further than a daydream. Finally, (some three minutes after the case started its waste of everyone's time),  there would be a summing up word of advice given to the alleged 'victim' to 'get over it' and stop feeling so sorry for themselves!  Still, it paid off for this lady, must be so inspirational for those seeking similar financial gratification in the weeks and months to come, especially in Mr. Starmer's world of even greater employee rights...


Thursday, 16 January 2025

                         THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE ENTITLED

On the 2nd of December 2024 the British public awoke to the news that a 76 year-old grandmother had been taken ill whilst on holiday in America.  This sort of  occurrence has happened to numerous holidaymakers over many years,  Few instances make the media news unless the unfortunate soul is famous of course.  Most people are responsible, most people take out insurance.  The grandmother in this case, Mrs Patricia Bunting, decided against such peace of mind, and being of an irresponsible nature, certainly on this occasion, and against her daughter's advice, made the trip to Florida hoping that all would be well for the three-week duration.  

By the time news first went to press, PB was already a patient at Orlando Hospital suffering from flu and Covid-19.  The woman has COPD and atrial fibrillation but still decided against insurance on the grounds of cost, quoted at between £3-6000.  To my mind it's quite simple.  If you cannot afford the insurance, you cannot afford the holiday.  The same analogy can be applied to one's car, though many motorists fail to understand that one either!

Slow forward to the 14th January and PB is still in hospital seven weeks after being taken ill in her hotel.  She travelled with her two sons aged 40 and 42, plus her grandson aged 23.  What didn't go unnoticed was the reference in the papers to the fact that both her boys are unemployed and that the grandson is autistic.  What the former tells us is that the taxpayers have probably paid for the offspring's trip to Disneyworld,  If that is not the case and mummy has paid, then instead of accepting a freebie, they should have clubbed together and bought insurance!  Who in their right mind at PB's age and existing medical conditions  would even contemplate travelling more than five miles outside of Wigan without insurance?   Surely a day excursion into the great metropolis that is Manchester would require insurance?  You could without fear of exaggeration probably add flak-jacket, bullet-proof vest and bodyguard, we are talking about the North after all!  Quite what the grandson's autism has to do with the price of eggs is anyone's guess. Though if I had to, it would be to guess that a sympathy vote was needed in order to bring a hearty 'Well done', an 'awwww'... Anything really that smacks of empathy with mental illness in all its variant forms.

Only days before (Friday 10th January), daughter Emma announce to a less than sympathetic world that her mother was being repatriated on a medical flight due to leave the USA on Tuesday, 14th Jan.  Monday 13th, however, came the news that there were complications and she would not be leaving hospital that day and no return date was imminent.  

So, what do you do when there is no pot of gold to act as back-up come a rainy day or emergency?  No stash of cash from hard-working sons who turn up trumps when the going gets tough for their 'Lets-wing-it-and-hope-bugger-all-goes-wrong' mother?  No distant aunty in some far-flung flood-ridden,  disease-ridden or God-forbidden African or other third-world country - though  Mablethorpe's also a possibility - who has recently died and left them a family fortune?  Answer?  You ask the public to pay by setting up a GoFundMe page!  Unbelievable!  What concerns me more than the matriarch's foolishness and total lack of responsibility - and at her age, she really should know better - is that donations to the tune of over £40,000 have been garnered from those who have more money than sense and who,  by their very action of giving to this extremely unworthy cause, make the process of pointless charity easier to start for the next case of 'decision without responsibility'.  I wish PB well and hope she pulls through, but really, that £40.000+ could have gone to real cases of need - animal welfare for instance,  a local hospice,  a model railway club...

Sadly. no-one wants to be responsible for their actions, it is the way of the world.  Let someone else pay, from taxpayer funded benefits and donations from Blighty to American taxpayers' subsidies through hospital funding.  Such is modern society, even more so 'up north'!

I wonder if they still have 'Trouble up their mill'? 


Sunday, 12 January 2025

                            PUTIN AND TRUMP - THE DEADLY DUO!

Not long now until Donald Trump in inaugurated once more as President of the United States of America.  He became the 45th President on the 20th January 2017 and on the 20th of this month, America's 47th.  I wonder how many people saw that coming in 2021 as Mr. Biden took to the stage?  I currently wonder as to where the world is going given the ambitions of both DT and VP?  Neither being of a shy and retiring nature, it is possible that a more peaceful future can be found with the incoming American President.  He has met the Russian Head of State during his previous term which may be cause for some comfort to those foreseeing a rather dismal future for world peace.  The fly in the territorial ointment is Mr. Trump's desire to control the Panama Canal, incorporate Canada within the USA and buy Greenland from the Danes!  His publicly-made-known ambitions, or tick-boxes on a bucket list have inflamed the Panamanians, outraged the Canadians and worried the good people of both Greenland and Denmark.  Not ruling out taking control of the Panama Canal or Greenland by forceful means doesn't make for greater peaceful confidence either.

I have previously commented that the United Kingdom needs DT on board,  He is at least pro-British, unlike the current incumbent - pro-Irish and fairly anti-British.  DT's Scottish roots may have a lot to do with it, but it doesn't stop the man from being a child-like bully whose basic mentality has never risen above that of a 5 year-old in a school playground.  

When you stand back and look at both men, are they that different?  Both are proud of their respective countries and will fight for their sovereignty as any mother would defend her offspring whenever trouble - perceived or tangible - raises its head.  Very laudable - I wish the UK had a leader who fought for our country with the same fervour and passion.  Sadly, the days of Mr. Gorbachev, perestroika and glasnost have long departed the Russian scene.  The 'old guard' has re-emerged as a force not only to be reckoned with politically, but to take control either through physical force or intimidation and mischievous acts during neighbouring countries elections. The aim being to de-stabilise the country, their democracy and ultimately control the future of a newly-formed alliance.  Can the same principle of control not be put at DT's doorstep?

I remember back in my own secondary school - Spencer Park on Wandsworth Common - I asked a teacher what the difference was between a communist regime and that of a dictator.  The reply was something to the effect that communists control by committee and a dictator controls by himself.  Have things changed?  Is that a fair assessment and appropriate today?  I think so, especially when you note the closeness of allies and family that make up DT's new government.  It is natural to surround oneself with people one trusts, but DT does seem to make it appear as close to an inbred 'Norfolk' family as one can imagine.  Note:  For readers abroad and maybe not familiar with the County of Norfolk, situated in East Anglia, England,  they never say 'Give me five, they always say 'Give me six!'. Or...  'When arrested for a potential crime, the police never bother with DNA because they all possess identical genes.  Or ...   'Norfolk is a wonderful county, a population of 2 million people yet only 83 surnames!'.

But I digress...  Musing, as I do, wouldn't we be proud as a nation if a British Prime Minister were to announce that our army was about to invade France, and consider it as a new territory to be 'replenished' with souls either unwelcome or unwanted in the Motherland!  For example, the immediate removal and re-settlement of channel hopping migrants, all prisoners serving more than six months, anti-social families who make their neighbours life a misery, all owners of XL Bully's and other 'trophy' dogs that make up in size that that is lacking in their owner's penis and anyone who frankly isn't 'English' enough in class or diction to remain here and contribute to the raising of the next generation!

Musing further however, and getting back to the 'Despotic Duo', I can't imagine anybody raising a hand in objection if either one announced they were annexing Croydon or Slough.  Just a round of applause and a universal cry of 'About time!', I'd imagine.  One can dream...

Sunday, 5 January 2025


I commented previously that we needed a Labour government for a number of reasons.  One, in order to wake the Tories out of their corporate malaise, their arrogance, their lack of direction and performance.  Two, to address their trustworthiness, honesty and ability to follow through the policies on which much store was put by the electorate, who loyally voted for them over several general and local elections. 

Sadly, the Tories appear to have learnt little thus far into Labour's term in office.  A Tory (of unknown or forgotten status) recently opined that those who voted Reform cost the Tories in last July's election.  Wrong, dear boy!  It was the Tories who cost the Tory Party their chance of continuing in government. It was theirs to win, not lose.  The opposition wasn't exactly everybody's cup of Yorkshire tea.  Remember, only 37% of the voting electorate put their cross against a Labour candidate, not exactly an overwhelming vote of conviction or confidence.  Is it not plain to the Tories by now that if they hadn't been so weak and gutless on the continuing issues regarding Law and Order, Immigration, the NHS, Policing, Care and the Environment, they would still be in power as I write and there would be no need of a Reform Party!

Having taken an interest in politics since my late teens, I look back - and not through rose-tinted glasses - and I can honestly say, it is difficult to recall such a thoroughly nasty group of people at ministerial level currently leading this country.  Rarely, over a new government's first six months in office, have so many major decisions been made that have led to such universal antagonism.  From Sir Keir Starmer, alongside the 'Three Witches of Westminster', down through the pecking order of ministerial positions, there isn't one who shines as a decent and seemingly caring member of the Labour government.  How long were they sat in the doldrums of politics, the desert of political importance?  Long enough to come into power with policies that would see action taken on important areas of society within a short period of 'bedding in'.  Wes Streeting, the Minister for Health, is looking at 2028 before announcing much needed reform to the crumbling 'Care' provision and associated services.  The release of prisoners so that we can lock up more prisoners did not go down well with the general public, and rightly so.  The Labour government displayed all the imagination and empathy of a party out of touch with its citizens before its first month of tenure had elapsed. 

From the pensioners' fuel support being discontinued,  tax rises for both business and the working public, to car tax increases and National Insurance increases for businesses across the board, this ghastly mix of cohorts have little in common with what one would perceive as 'Socialist' values.  

The north-west of England, Lancashire in particular, has been a hotspot for the sexual grooming of young girls in care.  Mainly perpetrated by men of Asian 'heritage', as the left like to refer to them,  (They're still Asian!), various committees have concluded that many a blind eye was turned by the police, social services and other interested parties due to the 'race factor', which would have raised its embarrassingly coloured head.  Oldham Council want the government to hold a public enquiry.  Jess Phillips, the Safeguarding Minister who is extremely lightweight and 'to the left of public opinion',  has blocked their request by responding that it's a 'local matter'!  It's a racial matter, and that's the last thing the Labour Party wish to be involved with.  Think of the loss of Asian votes, especially from the Muslim population, it's what keeps Labour in power in Lancashire.  Mosques, Mayors and Martyrs!   Oh!  -  and Mohammad, the most popular boy's name registered in England last year. Does that not tell you something?  Can you picture another summer of discontent, race riots, looting and other unseemly, ungentlemanly behaviour?  I wouldn't rule it out.  The country is a tinder-box just waiting to be set alight, suppression on grounds of race does not make a problem disappear.

Elon Musk is,  as I have previously stated,  not someone I would invite round for afternoon tea. Such are his unnecessary comments on the aforementioned Jess Phillips, ('She should be jailed', Musk says!), that I wouldn't even share a bag of pork scratchings with the all-powerful but socially ill-mannered and meddling oik.  Wealth does not equate to class.  Nigel Farage would do well to distance himself totally from the man who would interfere and, more worryingly, undermine our democracy and social stability given half a line on Twatter!

The United Kingdom needs America, it therefore needs Donald Trump to be on our side and as an ally, that Musk character is an entirely different kettle of jellyfish...

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

                                    CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND GRUNTINGS

I must be getting into the Christmas spirit.   I awoke earlier to Chris Rea in my ear - not literally, obviously, we've never met.   I'm not that strange!  It did, however,  prompt me to extend the hand of friendship to those considered 'proper' people and a cursory grunt to all others.  From mere irritating ticks to those who would never be invited round for a mince pie or hot toddy.  No Ho-Ho-Ho for them, simply a grunting!  Far from being engulfed in the marketable and profitable time of goodwill, harmony and love, I perceive it to be more a case of cloying hypocrisy, sycophantic and sick-making  behaviour by the masses.   

So, with Christmas almost upon us, may I extend the warmest of seasonal greetings and felicitations to readers of this blog wherever you may be residing within this overpopulated world.  To regular readers of this blog in the UK,  USA,  Germany,  Switzerland,  South Korea,  Singapore,  Japan and Russia, thank you for your continued interest.  To those of you who may be new to my muses, I hope you will stay with me throughout the coming year.

Readers of my books may recall that there is a 'Pit of Pointlessness' into which, over successive titles, I have decreed that individuals, groups and whole species with common interest are metaphorically shackled before being thrown into oblivion, an abyss, a pit from which there is no escape.  There is one solitary pole, greased for good measure and situated in the middle of the pit so there is no way of touching the rock face, let alone rejoining humanity. All miscreants may attempt to climb the pole and peruse the land they once traversed with ease, but they can never return, for them it is hell on earth.  Just for the record, no-one has climbed the greasy pole more times than Tony Blair.  His failure has been mankind's success.  

And so it is 'Gruntings', not 'Greetings' that I wish for those mentioned in the following dispatches before they are well... dispatched!

The Labour Government - Cabinet, MP's. councillors and supporters who voted Labour at the last election.  All those who voted Lib-Dem.,  Green Party or any other left-leaning outfit. (I will spare those who voted Tory as I admire loyalty even though it was not reciprocated over the term of the party's last term of governance. They will also be required to vote 'Reform' at the next General Election and any By-Elections that take place in between time). All civil servants, trade unionists,  university and college lecturers, most school teachers (individually checked for levels of indoctrination and w***ness). All LCA's (Lycra Clad Arseholes) - cyclists not already 'Pitted'!  All employees, members and supporters of 'Stonewall', 'Liberty', 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Shelter'.  Virtually all, if not all, those dubious souls on long-term benefits, disability benefits and the homeless. (Means testing for all those purporting to be physically disabled, the bar for receiving tax-payer funded handouts being extremely high.  So high in fact that actual work would be less taxing than attempting to claim a single penny!)  For those who have made a career out of claiming financial support for mental illness, claim no more dearie - 'Get over it and WORK!!  All those over here on false pretences, all those arriving in not-so-small boats from the near continent who are robbing us blind, taking advantage of a welfare system they have never contributed to,   housed in hotels, redundant army and airforce bases yet still wanting what is denied those who were born here and work - decent housing within their own lifetime.  All the misguided luvvies from the theatre and television who support the very people the majority would wish returned to foreign climes. All who harm animals and wildlife in general through hunting and trapping for profit and house-building.  All CEO's of charity's, their title telling you that a large proportion of donations goes either on inflated salaries or supporting their pension pot.  All charities that employ staff involved in the following:- 1) Gender - and all that makes it complicated.  2) Diversity - and all that makes things awkward for white natives to be considered for employment.  All the top brass and investors in the banking sector and our utilities.   All who 'help' those in need in far-flung, debt-ridden, gun-ridden, war-mongering heat-stricken middle-eastern or African outposts, let them look after themselves for once.  They'll probably still die due to an opposing 'cause' anyway!  The troublemakers at the National Trust who seem to think that 'Left is Best' when it comes to policy and heritage, and that's the nation's heritage, not just theirs!  Oh, and Elon Musk, obviously.  No-one should be able to wield such power and influence.  The man is a danger to society and world order.

Think that's about it for now, I know there are plenty more irritating coves who frankly could easily be 'pushed in the right direction' and not wished seasonal cheer, but the queue is getting longer by the writing, so for now, let's think about the good things to come in 2025...  I'm sure there will be something... Won't there?  What's that?  A direct hit on Croydon from an unknown source destroying the whole borough?  Well yes. that would certainly help push up the land value! I'll drink to that - Cheers!

Happy Christmas!