Saturday 9 February 2013


                                                        A SMILE FROM EAR TO EAR

I have been following the slow-burning story of Chris Huhne's speeding case over the past couple of years with not a little relish.  Always hopeful that he would eventually be found guilty of being the actual driver, as well as any other associated crimes, my delight at the outcome is on a par with the moment that Gordon Brown described that lady voter as a 'Bigot'.  Sadly for Mr Huhne his whole personna is there for all to see - and hear!  Cold, calculating, arrogant and driven - something I suspect he wishes had happened that fateful day.  One cannot speak more lowly of a man who 'asks' his wife to  take his punishment for him. 

Other than his immediate family and those very close to him, one will never know exactly what sort of people they are, or as a couple, were.  But having seen his wife being interviewed, she sadly seems to be in the same mould.  There is a smugness.  Was she like that before she met him, or did it come from marrying somebody who appears to be extremely domineering and his idea of success is to be at the top of politics as well as a business life.  Right.  Let's put this file to bed until the sentence is announced - oh, joy!

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