Saturday 16 February 2013


                                                                     I DO OR I DON'T!

It never ceases to amaze me that anyone who possesses a view that maybe at odds with the "politically correct" is denounced out of hand, without thought that their opinion is theirs to freely express.  I was under the impression that that was the society we lived under, one where freedom of speech was the very foundation of our democracy.

David Jones, the Conservative MP and Welsh Minister, stated that whilst he is not opposed to same sex partners adopting children, he feels that as they cannot biologically procreate children themselves, the institution of marriage is one that should be reserved for opposite sex partners.  Can anyone tell me what is wrong with that?  It's his opinion and why he voted against the recently debated same sex marriage laws.  His opposite number in the Labour Party, Shadow Welsh Secretary, Owen Smith, stated that "David Jones's comments are profoundly offensive and he should apologise immediately".  Why?  As I said just now, it's his opinion.  If he didn't stand up for his beliefs what is the point of him being an MP.  We have few enough of them who are prepared to stand up and be counted, the majority pander to the minorities as it is,  and someone who stands up for what they believe in should be applauded.

Frankly, if I was an MP I too would have voted against them, but then, I am not as liberal as Mr. David Jones and am totally against same sex couples being able to adopt a child.  I am firmly of the opinion that all children deserve a mummy bear and a daddy bear.  Please don't tell me it's natural to be brought up with either two mummies or two daddies, because it ain't!

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