Monday 21 October 2013


                                                     POSTSCRIPT TO SWEET FA

The comments made by Ms Rabbatts regarding the lack of black representation within the FA's new 'Think Tank' led me to consider the route that has been taken of late on behalf of perceived racial injustice and inequality.  Over the past few years this country has witnessed the founding of the Black Police Association, the Society of Black Lawyers, - which is now involved in the formation of the Black Players Association - and the annual Black List, which apparently celebrates the contribution of the black community to the game of football.  I wonder if Ms Rabbatts attends?

I cannot think of anything more divisive than having separate organisations within a given industry based on colour.  In previous books I have commented on the furore that would ensue should a native of this country found a White Lawyers Society,  a White Players Society or a White Police Association.  Jamie Lewis made the same point a year ago in an article in 'The Independent'.  The disappointment I felt with his column was that he prefaced his paragraph on this aspect of the situation by referring to those who query such matters as 'fascists'.  Surely one may make comment without being labelled in such a manner, but then, isn't that the preserve of those who never stand back and wonder why that view is held in the first place?

Kick it Out, the anti-racism lobby group had an annual budget of £453,000 in the season 2010 - 2011 of which some £330,000 was donated by the FA, Premier League and the Professional Footballers Association.  You could throw millions at these action groups, but you still have to understand the root causes of why the indigenous population feels the way it does, otherwise it's a complete waste of money. Lets face it, the fact that these societies and associations have been formed is down to the native population's ability to accept, for we sadly are a nation of acceptors.

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