Sunday 27 October 2013


                                    THE CONTINUED EROSION OF A BRITISH ICON

The Tories have never been the most supportive party when it has come to the BBC, an organisation I took to be a British icon of fairness and impartiality.   Unfortunately,  intrusion and leverage have undermined these principles over many years.   Successive governments just cannot leave anything alone and sadly, the BBC has come under the spotlight more and more over recent years.

I will gladly pay £145.50 for a TV licence just to ensure that I am not subjected to minute after minute of banal advertising that I can only assume was designed for people who are either totally retarded or with an IQ so far advanced that it leaves people like me in the cold.   I watch "Downton Abbey" but like everything else on ITV1 or ITV3 that I wish to watch, it is recorded and played back later.

One hundred and forty five pounds fifty pence for one year's freedom is not a considerable sum.   It is peanuts.   I feel yet more dismay when I  learn  that Grant Shapps suggests the licence fee may be cut or shared with other broadcasters unless the BBC rebuilds public trust.   He goes on to say that the Beeb must be more transparent and change its culture of secrecy.   This is from a  man who represents a party currently in government, whose MPs, along with those from other parties,  have totally lost the trust  of the public with regard to their expenses, greed and their total inability to listen to the public about what they want for their country.   What a bloody cheek!  It would be nice to find government being more transparent.   You know darn well that the only winners against the BBC will be yet more power going to people like that Antipodean Murdoch, who pays no tax in our country but tells people through his tabloids who to vote for at an election.   Another bloody cheek!

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