Anthony Mann is an author of books and narrator of CDs that appear under the auspices of Trouser Press Publishing at:
Good morning, afternoon or evening and welcome to the Anthony Mann blogspot.
To order books and CD's please visit the above website for details of delivery, postage charges and forms of payment. Thank you.
Anthony's Book and CD catalogue presently comprises the following in date order:
From Where I Sit First published 1990, reprinted 2002 , 2009, 2017, 2023 and 2024. Price £9.99

'Set to become a humour classic... the find of the year' - WH Smith's Bookcase Magazine. (WH Smith 'Book of the month')
'Liberals with a heart condition beware!' - Croydon Advertiser
As I Was Saying First published 1992, reprinted 2017. Price £7.99 SOLD OUT
I am indebted to all the newspapers, both national and local, who have provided inspiration to examine in detail certain stories upon which they have reported.
I am indebted to all who became parents and bestowed upon their children an array of imaginative names, not to mention those who ingratiated themselves to the point where I felt compelled to include them within this tome.
'Courageous enough to write what most of us think...' - Surrey Advertiser
'Rude, insensitive, arrogant, self-opinionated, sexist - he is also very, very funny' - Wandsworth Borough News (Author's note: I particularly warmed to this review!)
'A humorous look at life as it really is' - Croydon Advertiser
The Further Thoughts Of Chair Mann First published 1999. Price £5.99
DO NOT proceed if you are from the lower classes or a single parent or you are on benefit. Chances are, I'm paying for your copy, which defeats the object of the exercise, so kindly don't buy it and finger Jeffrey Archer instead. On second thoughts, take it. After all, I subsidise your cigarettes, alcohol, lottery tickets and children. Oh, and by the way, for those who are used to getting something for nothing out of life, try something novel - like paying for it on the way out! Who knows, you might just learn a little (there, hope that doesn't sound too pompous).
DO NOT flick through in the hope of finding a section of glossy pages of photos - it's all words, and although it is not joined-up writing, some contain more than one syllable. Thought you should know...
Last Mann Standing First published 2010, reprinted 2013, 2020, 2023 and 2024. Price £9.99
Welcome to the antidote to all that is politically correct. Packed full of views, observations, anecdotes and jokes, there is hopefully something here for everyone. Long words, such as 'pulchritudinous' and 'disesttablishmentarianism' for the educated, the highbrow and those who shop at Waitrose, and short words such as 'like' and 'stuff' for those who shop at Asda. Not to be forgotten - for this is a very 'inclusive' book - there are also three-syllable words for the workshy who came upon them by default and the taxpayers generosity, words like 'ben-e-fit'!
This is an England in decline and whilst I cannot guarantee that by reading this book the country's standards will rise, I think one can say with some certainty that a few blood pressures will!
In Bed With A. Mann Part 1 Pre-Referendum First published 2018. Price £8.99
The entire contents of this book is handwritten, similar in rustic charm to 'hand-battered cod', hand-cut chips and hand-finished pastry. At Trouser Press we pride ourselves on our green credentials. The paper used for the printing of this book all came from trees that were old anyway and probably from a foreign country - or Yorkshire as some people call it!
The completed work shows no signs being genetically-modified and appears to be lactose tolerant, gluten-free, tallow-free, non-nut allergic, ceoliac resistant and 'ism' free. You know, all those special needs we never knew we didn't suffer from during the fifties and sixties... happy days... Enjoy!
In Bed With A. Mann Part II Post-Referendum First published 2019, reprinted 2023. Price £9.99

As someone once observed, we should all take a lesson from the weather, as it pays absolutely no attention to criticism!
Remember never to take life too seriously. After all, no-one gets out alive...
Of Mice And Mann First published 2024, reprinted 2024. Price £9.99
Of Mice And Mann First published 2024, reprinted 2024. Price £9.99
From politicians to stand-up comedians, a culture of fear pervades. Shoppers are afraid to discuss the lack of Toilet Duck in their local supermarket in case it offends. And don't mention minorities, be they ethnic, vegans, travellers or transwhatevers! Doing so plays into the hands of the anti-social media trolls, the influencers of young guns, who so readily judge with their pack mentality.
Millions of people lost their lives in two world wars so that we had freedom of speech. We should not give up our right of expression in order to sate the needy, the closeted and the easily offended. One can still have an opinion - it's called democracy!
CDs: Please note, the CD's are double pack (90 minutes play)
A Mann At Last - Released 2003 in Audio-tape form. CD in 2006, Re-pressed 2008. SOLD OUT

You may also be interested in a further book by Anthony Mann's alto ego, Mel Rees:
The Club - An Everyday Story of Trainspotters First published 1995, Reprinted 2011. Price £6.99

The story concerns a group of similarly dedicated individuals, brought together from many walks of life. The reader follows their every day trials and tribulations which are inevitably entwined with the world of steam, modelling, exhibitions, day trips and a yearning for the past. The result is their membership of the Surbiton Railway Club.
A Mann For All Reasons - Released 2008, Re-pressed 2013. Price £11.99

From the under-stated to the over-staffed, the under-blown to the over-estimated, all human life is here - and there.
Enjoy listening as the CD unfolds and all human frailties are exposed. From the under-stated to the over-staffed, the under-blown to the over-estimated, all human life is dissected and reassembled.
'Refreshingly thought provoking' - A friend of the author...
It's A Mann Thing - Released 2012. Price £11.99 SOLD OUT
Equality! Political correctness! Tolerance!... You'll find none of it here. News, views and comments on life's little problems... like life itself... - Another friend
'A cynical view of these septic Isles' - A friend of a friend...
You may also be interested in a further book by Anthony Mann's alto ego, Mel Rees:
The Club - An Everyday Story of Trainspotters First published 1995, Reprinted 2011. Price £6.99

'There is humour found aplenty in Mel Rees's novel, The Club' - Sunday Express
'There is an honesty about the characters that is refreshing... the story is highly entertaining, I struggled to put it down.' - Railway Magazine
'The author has discovered a rich vein of comic drama, a highly readable story unfolds. David Shepherd's appearance adds a further touch of authenticity to a believable story.' - British Railway Modelling
Well, well, well! Anthony Mann has finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the digital age and has launched his blog! Jolly well done old chap.