Sunday 11 April 2021



                                                    I KNOW IT'S NOT HIS FAULT, BUT ...

Two days ago, Friday 9th April 2020, Prince Philip died at one of the Royal family's main abodes - I know not where nor care where.  As will be obvious from reading previous posts, my care for the Royals in general is careworn.  

He was  however, the British Queens husband and consort.  He supported his wife in her duties as monarch for the entirety of their marriage until a few years ago when advancing age and health issues forced him into a more retiring position within the household.  I have nothing against his loyalty to his wife, her status and our country. Indeed, I have a certain amount of admiration for his ability to be his own man and publicly make comments that have upset the politically correct, those obsessed with racial flippancy in speech and thought, and the poor saps who detest anyone who has the effrontery to think and speak outside the Royal box.

Whilst aware of the grief felt by members of his family and those close to him, the passing at some stage in the future by Jeff Lynne, founder of ELO and Alan Parsons of Alan Parsons Project fame, will have far more bearing on my sorrow than someone who lived a very privileged life at the taxpayers' expense and will be remembered in my books as a man who had the gall to be a 'founding father ' of the World Wildlife Fund yet took great delight in killing India and Africa's finest  not to mention several thousand grouse, pheasants and possibly a few peasants who happened to get in the way and bit the bullet - literally!  Mind you, those incidences are probably easier to cover up than that of his former daughter-in-law!  Joke!! See previous post 'Of Arrogant Red Coated Ticks And Other Killers' (27 Dec 2020).

What upset me on Friday had nothing to do with his passing but everything to do with the coverage by television companies, especially the BBC. It was wall-to-wall blanket overdosing on the man's life and times.  I am aware that to some misguided souls who flag-wave their way through Royal weddings and funerals this particular death is more newsworthy than that of Mrs Isla White late of Bonchurch, Isle of Wight, or a whimsically named Val Crow... or Phyllis Stein... or for the men... Ewan Mee... I know, I know, but it's fun.

I am also aware that unless you commit suicide you cannot really be in control of deciding which day you die. I attempted to miss the news about his passing through all media.  No radio, no television, no messages nor articles on my phone, I avoided the lot.  Imagine my surprise and utter disbelief when I switched on BBC2 at 6pm for 'House of Games' to discover that the episode, the final episode of the week, had been either cancelled or postponed.   If it has been postponed, there was no mention of when the recording will be shown. Bloody cheek!  The cheek became bloodier when I learned that 'Masterchef - The Final' (another final!) had also been shifted to another day, though probably not lost as in the manner of HoG!  

Both BBC1 and BBB2 shared/duplicated content of Prince Philip's death until late evening - and probably later if I'd bothered to look.  I tuned into channel 9 - BBC4  - only to observe a statement telling all those in search of something... anything unrelated to the Prince's badly mis-timed death, that services were suspended.   Why?   In all truthfulness, I was disgusted by the scheduling.   The ludicrous assumption that the world and its dog would be interested in PP's life and times for more than a cursory 'Oh he's gone, has he... ' is arrogance personified.  Yes, I rang the BBC and complained, no-one listened, but then it was a message left on the answering machine, but I felt all the better for making the call. I'm still disgusted by their stance.   Unbelievable!  I wonder how many others lost the will to live and follow his example?

I have noted that the funeral is to be next Saturday and that it will take place in private with the maximum 30 mourners.   Arranged for 3pm it clashes with football matches, so it is they that will have to change their kick-off times - more inconvenience, but hey-ho!  Prince Harry - is he still a prince or plain Mr Markle (Junior) these days? - will be flying over in his private jet - that's climate conscious of him - arrogant freeloader!   'Me-again' will not be joining him on advice from the medical authorities due to her being up the duff, a move that solidifies her access to greater and longer-term funding when/if he comes to his senses and finally finishes with she of little outlaw loyalty but great skills in guile and opportunism!

Someone made the astonishing comment, when discussing the Beeb's scheduling that I lacked 'Soul'!  Can you believe that?  Soul, or 'heart' is reserved exclusively for those you love, not those you've little time for or in common with. 

Note to Queen: Sad as it will be for a large percentage of the country's population, the day will come for you to make a move upwards, downwards or... who knows where or even if... But the day of reckoning will come, no-one escapes death, so just one tiny favour please...  Please...  Double please...  Pretty please...  Don't die on a Friday and bugger up my evening's entertainment.  Thursday is my preferred choice as there is generally little football played on a Thursday so disruption would be minimised. Thanking you in anticipation of not being as cavalier as your other half!   Signed 'Irritated of Ash Vale'.

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