Monday 19 April 2021



                                   A TWO-TIER SOCIETY?   THANK GOD FOR THAT!

What is it about an international pandemic, the likes of which has never previously been encountered, that causes such a  swathe of vaccine scepticism and conspiracy theories?  Everybody I know has had their first, and in many cases, second jab.  They were pleased and not a little relieved to be informed of the date when they would feel more secure, more positive, more relaxed about just going out.  I realise that I'm referring to people in their sixties and seventies, but this does not give rise to suggestions by conspiracy theorists that our age has diluted our powers of individual thought and that we are easily persuaded by false gods and a herd mentality.

As discussed in previous posts, my views on protesters, be they anti-vaccination or anti-lockdown, are the same.  It appears that the subject or cause matters very little but confrontation, aggressive behaviour  and a destructive agenda remains their calling.  The problem lies in the knock-on effect that bad publicity engenders.  If everybody agreed to be vaccinated the following points wouldn't be up for discussion because we would have 'just got on with it!'

I understand that race, colour and religion have had a lot to do with the low take-up in certain groups of residents.  It is at this point the term 'Human rights' comes to the fore - as it does with boring regularity! Human rights co-exists alongside its bedfellow - Responsibility!  They go hand-in-hand, they are inseparable. If you wish to reject the offer of a vaccination designed to protect you and those you come into contact with then that is your right, But... and it is a big 'But', you also have to accept the limitations incurred by your decision.

As we leave what will hopefully be our last lockdown, the government is cautiously allowing venues to open up once again.  Trials with a limited number of spectators will be taking place at sporting and musical events across England.  These trials will experiment with numbers of attendees, the close proximity of attendees, the wearing and non-wearing of masks etc.  Those attending must also show proof of a negative test.  Where is the problem with this approach?  Surely it is a step in the right direction?  Not to some it seems.  Sadly a measured approach equals the introduction of state surveillance. 

I have to say that  up till now I have never been in favour of identity cards. I felt it was something that was probably needed for 'Johnny foreigner', as they couldn't be trusted anyway - certainly not the French - but that it would be an invasion of our privacy and more to the point, I wouldn't trust the government not to include personal information on the card that the individual was not informed about.  These, however, are strange times and what was good for our previously covid-free world  has changed society and the way we live our everyday lives.  It therefore follows that formerly held views and principles sometimes require a review in line with that change.

As with many aspects of life, the more the great unwashed, the minorities and the left complain, the more I am open to change.  Why should dissenters be allowed into a gathering of say... six or sixty... or six hundred?  I would much prefer to visit a restaurant knowing that all those sitting within the establishment have either been vaccinated or tested.  Surely it is is the 'right' of everybody to feel safe and secure when eating their meal, clapping their team or singing along with their singer of choice? Do I care if 'someone of colour' or someone with a religious hang-up cannot see the bigger picture? Do I care if they are refused entry because of their stubbornness or bloody-mindedness?  No, I do not!

It was not unexpected to note that over 120 church ministers from Anglican and Catholic faiths have urged Boris Johnson not to introduce vaccine certificates, saying they are an 'unethical form of coercion'.  This is  rich coming from a collective cult of like-minded saps steeped in a centuries-old history of sexual abuse. As of today, there has been an announcement of racism within its corridors of power - shock, horror, surprise!  I also note that non-disclosure agreements have been signed prior to 'compensation' being paid to the 'injured' party. This dubious and possibly illegal practice is doubtless implemented in order to prevent any heinous crime committed by one of its 'God-fearing fraternity' finding its way into the public domain.  Where is their god when they need him  - or her - huh?   The UK Equality Watchdog said passports could create a 'two-tier society'.  Well I for one am all in favour of it.  What a joy it would be, sitting amongst those that you feel you have something in common with, those you feel you could be with for a whole evening without the fear of being blown to bits by a suicide bomb detonated by a chap with a rather large grudge and sporting an anti-British shoulder chip to boot! 

Aaaaahhhhhh... I'm just basking in the thought of all the minorities, the misfits, the misguided and the logically-challenged retards who think only of themselves... And the more I think of it, the more I really would  welcome a two-tier society -  the 'Jabs' and the 'Jab-nots'! 

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