Tuesday, 24 December 2024

                                    CHRISTMAS GREETINGS AND GRUNTINGS

I must be getting into the Christmas spirit.   I awoke earlier to Chris Rea in my ear - not literally, obviously, we've never met.   I'm not that strange!  It did, however,  prompt me to extend the hand of friendship to those considered 'proper' people and a cursory grunt to all others.  From mere irritating ticks to those who would never be invited round for a mince pie or hot toddy.  No Ho-Ho-Ho for them, simply a grunting!  Far from being engulfed in the marketable and profitable time of goodwill, harmony and love, I perceive it to be more a case of cloying hypocrisy, sycophantic and sick-making  behaviour by the masses.   

So, with Christmas almost upon us, may I extend the warmest of seasonal greetings and felicitations to readers of this blog wherever you may be residing within this overpopulated world.  To regular readers of this blog in the UK,  USA,  Germany,  Switzerland,  South Korea,  Singapore,  Japan and Russia, thank you for your continued interest.  To those of you who may be new to my muses, I hope you will stay with me throughout the coming year.

Readers of my books may recall that there is a 'Pit of Pointlessness' into which, over successive titles, I have decreed that individuals, groups and whole species with common interest are metaphorically shackled before being thrown into oblivion, an abyss, a pit from which there is no escape.  There is one solitary pole, greased for good measure and situated in the middle of the pit so there is no way of touching the rock face, let alone rejoining humanity. All miscreants may attempt to climb the pole and peruse the land they once traversed with ease, but they can never return, for them it is hell on earth.  Just for the record, no-one has climbed the greasy pole more times than Tony Blair.  His failure has been mankind's success.  

And so it is 'Gruntings', not 'Greetings' that I wish for those mentioned in the following dispatches before they are well... dispatched!

The Labour Government - Cabinet, MP's. councillors and supporters who voted Labour at the last election.  All those who voted Lib-Dem.,  Green Party or any other left-leaning outfit. (I will spare those who voted Tory as I admire loyalty even though it was not reciprocated over the term of the party's last term of governance. They will also be required to vote 'Reform' at the next General Election and any By-Elections that take place in between time). All civil servants, trade unionists,  university and college lecturers, most school teachers (individually checked for levels of indoctrination and w***ness). All LCA's (Lycra Clad Arseholes) - cyclists not already 'Pitted'!  All employees, members and supporters of 'Stonewall', 'Liberty', 'Black Lives Matter' and 'Shelter'.  Virtually all, if not all, those dubious souls on long-term benefits, disability benefits and the homeless. (Means testing for all those purporting to be physically disabled, the bar for receiving tax-payer funded handouts being extremely high.  So high in fact that actual work would be less taxing than attempting to claim a single penny!)  For those who have made a career out of claiming financial support for mental illness, claim no more dearie - 'Get over it and WORK!!  All those over here on false pretences, all those arriving in not-so-small boats from the near continent who are robbing us blind, taking advantage of a welfare system they have never contributed to,   housed in hotels, redundant army and airforce bases yet still wanting what is denied those who were born here and work - decent housing within their own lifetime.  All the misguided luvvies from the theatre and television who support the very people the majority would wish returned to foreign climes. All who harm animals and wildlife in general through hunting and trapping for profit and house-building.  All CEO's of charity's, their title telling you that a large proportion of donations goes either on inflated salaries or supporting their pension pot.  All charities that employ staff involved in the following:- 1) Gender - and all that makes it complicated.  2) Diversity - and all that makes things awkward for white natives to be considered for employment.  All the top brass and investors in the banking sector and our utilities.   All who 'help' those in need in far-flung, debt-ridden, gun-ridden, war-mongering heat-stricken middle-eastern or African outposts, let them look after themselves for once.  They'll probably still die due to an opposing 'cause' anyway!  The troublemakers at the National Trust who seem to think that 'Left is Best' when it comes to policy and heritage, and that's the nation's heritage, not just theirs!  Oh, and Elon Musk, obviously.  No-one should be able to wield such power and influence.  The man is a danger to society and world order.

Think that's about it for now, I know there are plenty more irritating coves who frankly could easily be 'pushed in the right direction' and not wished seasonal cheer, but the queue is getting longer by the writing, so for now, let's think about the good things to come in 2025...  I'm sure there will be something... Won't there?  What's that?  A direct hit on Croydon from an unknown source destroying the whole borough?  Well yes. that would certainly help push up the land value! I'll drink to that - Cheers!

Happy Christmas!

Sunday, 8 December 2024

                                     WHEN  'INCLUSIVE'  MEANS  'SPECIAL'

I have always liked watching football on TV and 'Match Of The Day' has been a staple diet of my viewing since it was first aired back in 1964, the 22nd August to be precise.  Remarkably, for a programme that has run continuously for over 60 years, there have only been five presenters, a feat in itself!  This is a credit to the format, the continuity enacted by a succession of producers and the professionalism of the presenters themselves.  What has been seamless and common to all five is they have never been what one would consider 'common'.  Good diction without being plummy, in other words, what one should expect from the BBC.  Sadly. over the past decade, new faces have been introduced in the form of pundits. They form  the traditional and ongoing 'gang of three' who analyse, debate and chew the cud after each match has been shown.  With new faces has come a drop in standards, diction has taken a backseat in the race to be as 'inclusive' as the corporation feel they can get away with.  

'Football Focus', a sort of 'warm-up' programme televised at lunchtime on Saturdays,was enjoyed for many years by many a fan.  I know from talking to others that I am not alone in giving it a miss nowadays.  Female presenters in the manner and with the professionalism of Gabby Logan are perfectly acceptable.  She looks comfortable and acts with authority.  Sadly,  there are not enough of her standard within the BBC - or BABC, as many think of this behemoth of an institution that appears hell-bent on promoting ethnic or disabled  candidates over native able-bodied white Britons.  So many of their sports presenters and pundits, (P&P's), usually former players from both men's and women's football,  appear lazy both in speech and diction.  It grates!  Penal-ee,  con-inui-y,  Manchester Ci-ee,  Manchester Uni-ed.  Is there a shortage of 'T's around the world?  It is sloppy and audibly irritating.  It does nothing for one's trust in an opinion or analysis on any given situation.  What is wrong with these people?  The problem is far more prevalent in black presenters and pundits - both male and female.  Why should this be?  Can the BABC not manage to employ members of the so-called 'ethnic minority' who are capable of reasonable diction over a period of ten words?  It's not that difficult, surely!

Before  MOTD starts, there's a cursory check to make sure it's not 'Black History Month', or 'Black Lives Matter'.  The latter  gives rise to the uncomfortable and embarrassing witnessing too 'native white Britons' turning their  heads away, having lowered the sound, so as not to throw-up at the spectacle of white men going down on one knee in subjugation to and paying homage to those of darker colour.  The whole spectacle is shameful and an insult to everyone who isn't 'Of colour'!  Secondly, one will have to continuously juggle the volume in order to mute the 'diction-less cove'  - or coves - as the case may be.  *Still waiting for 'White History Month' to make an appearance.

What I wasn't prepared for last weekend was the sight of club captains wearing rainbow-coloured armbands in support of the LGBT 'community'.   Why?  What the bloody hell has one's sexual preference got to do with men or women kicking a football around for ninety minutes in an effort to entertain their team's supporters, the majority of whom are neither L, G, B, T or queer!  The football industry has apparently become chummy with the charity 'Stonewall', which caters for the likes of their 'community'.  Again I ask - Why?  The move does not help inclusivity, it is divisive.  Captains wearing rainbow armbands, players sporting rainbow boot laces.  It is truly cringe-making.  What I'd like to know is how many of those players out there on the field last Saturday did so because they believed in the cause, and those who did so because of the flack they'd receive should they not adhere to the directive?  I noted that the captain of Ipswich Town, Sam Morsey refused to wear n armband - good for him, glad someone had the balls to refuse the 'Call to armbands'.  

Manchester United's players were to wear Adidas-made 'rainbow-themed' jackets for their entrance onto the field last Saturday against Everton.  One player refused and so the whole team was spared what most 'normal' people would consider a humiliating and unnecessary, politically-motivated gesture. I wonder just how much political pressure is put on business to 'co-operate' and promote these fringe interests?  I suspect that it can be quite intimidating, with a lot of hand-wringing from those involved thinking, 'One wrong move, one bad decision and my career is shot'.  

 I have little in common with Gary Lineker when it comes to politics - actually, there is absolutely nothing we have in common, birthdays once a year being as 'in common' as it gets!  He is however, a consummate professional presenting MOTD, though I would dispute his worth to the BABC and paymaster - the general public through our licence fee.  

Who will follow him after his departure at the end of this season?  Probably a female, probably a black female.  The Beeb will be clinking glasses of Jamaican rum as they celebrate another couple of boxes ticked in their 'W*** target' quest!

I could be wrong and it turns out that standards are to are raised, but I won't be holding my breath.  Oh for the days when football was a 'politically quirk-free' game and you were treated to the dulcet tones of Mr. Kenneth Wolstenholme.  'They think it's all over, it probably is now...'

Thursday, 5 December 2024

                                  CHILDREN - AND WHO SHOULD HAVE THEM?

Anyone who knows me will be aware that I am very traditional in my view on parenting.  I suspect it comes from being born in an era when common sense was as rife as rickets and there was a universal assumption that children needed a 'mummy bear' and a 'daddy bear'.  Despite calls for multiple classifications of 'sexes' to be recognised throughout the world, those with even a modicum of intelligence will agree that there are only two sexes - male or female, or for the sake of gender equality - female or male.  Why do these unnatural couplings wish to 'own' a child?  Is he, she or 'it' a trophy to be bandied about in their cloistered little world?  Will they become outcasts if 'without child'?  Will they be considered 'odd' if they don't become a family - like 'normal people' - because the one thing they are not, is normal!  

It does not make for easy reading, learning that the likes of Tom Daley has two children with his 'other half', an American film-maker by the name of Dustin Lance Black,  20 years his senior.  No reason to mention it, but I did anyway.  I find it uncomfortable at best and  disgusted and queasy at worst that any man has a 'husband'!  It doesn't sit right - any more than a woman having a 'wife'.  As discussed in previous missives and indeed any or all Anthony Mann  books, homosexuals and lesbians have been around since the evolution of man and woman kind.   Adam or Eve could have preferred sex with someone of their own gender given the choice, problem is, there wasn't any,  so they had to make do with what they had - a bit like rationing - and in their case it was each other!  GET OVER IT - or her in his case!  (That is if you are a believer in such complete bollocks, otherwise it's all just an imaginative relationship written by some unknown scribe in order to start a chapter in that book of fairytales and myths - or 'The Bible' as its more commonly known). And you have to give credit where credit is due, it has sold a few copies since first published, helped in no small way by that Mr. Gideon who went round selling copies to a whole host of hotels across the four corners of the earth.  Bet he was glad of a bed after a day's traipsing the streets seeking out out a Premier Inn or Travelodge in deepest Darfur, the wetlands of Brazil or the drug-ridden alleys of Croydon - wonder if he got a discount or a free coffee?

We Brits care about our NHS.  We will moan about it, we will complain about the time we have to wait for an appointment, but we will defend it to the nth degree when someone else criticises our national treasure. What is indefensible is the obvious waste within the system.  The Nurse Letby case where hospital management is falling over backwards in order to apologise for not listening to consultants and doctors about concerns raised, ignored and/or met with a deafening silence as any action would impinge on the 'good name' of the hospital and repercussions for all who sail in her - especially those at the high-end of the salary structure who could be the first to be affected should an inquiry be forthcoming.  Agency nurses, consultants covering shifts for others who were on strike have cost the NHS an absolute fortune and in the case of the former continue to do so, day in, day out. 

Whilst I was aware of same-sex couples illogical and frankly appalling ability to adopt children. I wasn't aware of their being offered IVF on the NHS - or taxpayer funded, as many of us see it!  What a bloody cheek and what an insult to 'normal' couples!   I spent some time researching the subject.  Well, OK, I googled 'IVF for same-sex couples' and an avalanche of options cascaded before me in a manner not dissimilar to when I was seeking statistics on crime committted by black and other ethnically-toned non-natives in the UK!  

Top of the advertisements/contacts is a company called Care Fertility.  Entering their site and scrolling down brings you face to side-face with a black woman sporting semi-shaved head and dressed in what could be an Emu or a mop, not quite sure.  Moving down their page the reader views two female couples, one couple appearing to be excruciatingly happy to the point of silliness and the other couple blissfully happy in a sort of 'come-to-bed' manner.  The company provides IVF for both NHS patients or those who can afford to go private.  Their site is followed by many more companies and clinics perversely going where none would have been necessary in days of yore. 

Worryingly, taxpayers are funding adverts promoting all manner of services available on the NHS.  Having read their blurb on their website, they are positively falling over themselves in order to widen the already banal idea that same-sex surrogacy is normal and acceptable in wider society when in my view it is anything but.  I await a survey in a decades time when researchers talk to these children about the upbringing, their social life and their own sexual preferences, not to mention asking if the 'two mummy's'  that of traditional couples.  I suspect that just as religious beliefs are handed down from generation to generation, same-sex parents will be very single-minded in their surragate, fostered, adopted child's approach to relationships. Will Martha wish to date Arthur - or will she prefer Bertha?  Will Lily desire Willy or will Willy wish to become Lily?  Or will Lily fall for Milly, maybe Willy will court Billy?   Time will tell...

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

                                                     THE 'ASSISTED DYING' DEBATE

Friday sees the debate in the UK Parliament when MP's will mull over the pro's and con's of letting individuals choose whether to end their lives or not.  There are naturally strong views born out of beliefs, both religious and secular on either side of the argument.  I liken the discussion to that of abortion - both subjects being fiercely opposed by those who believe that they are right with no allowance made or granted for anyone with an opposing stance.  Emotion, justice and morality all play a part on both sides of the argument.. Those of a religious bent - and I do consider those who believe in characters from a best-selling novel to be nothing other than bent! - should not be allowed to use this 'crutch' as a reasonable argument against either the choice of dying or aborting a foetus. Unfortunately, there are sad saps still at large who have believed in such tosh ever since that well-reported incident on a cross. (Can't believe it really took place myself, can you just imagine the 'Health and Safety' implications!). Bearing in mind the congregational sizes at your average church service, is it representative of our population to allow twenty-six C of E bishops to sit in the House of Lords?  They pontificate, at great cost to the taxpayer, over proposed government legislation before voting on the subject's possible implementation prior to being passed back to the House of Commons for amendments or support.  The quicker these non-elected, minority-serving, migrant-fawning hangers-on are banned from office the better our democracy will be.  That goes for all members of the House of Lords, not just those with a 'nod to God'!  

It hasn't gone unnoticed that head honchos at the C of E, the Catholic Church and the Jewish faith have banded together in a show of unity, as if anyone should care, and come out with the following statement: 'Part of the role of faith leaders in communities is to provide spiritual and pastoral care for the sick and for the dying.  We hold the hands of loved ones in their final days, we pray with families both before and after death.  It is to this vocation that we have been called, and it is from this vocation that we write'.  Vocation?  Vocation?  Sanctimonious prigs! It is not a proper job!! Not once is there reference to the physical and mental suffering of the individual concerned. This 'Collective of wastefulness' goes on to say:  'Our pastoral roles make us deeply concerned about the impact the bill would have on the most vulnerable, opening up the possibility of life-threatening abuse and coercion'.  Is it just me, but the irony is not lost.   'Vulnerable'?  'Life-threatening abuse and coercion'?  I thought those attributes played a large part in the everyday life of those 'members of the cloth'.  (The words 'large part' and 'member' taking on a life of their own in more ways than one!).

 I'm all in favour of a second house, but one where the incumbents are elected to serve by the general population, not because you are high up in some religious sect or due to an accident of birth - a great-great-great grandchild of a so-called 'noble heritage', 'Yeoman stock' or diluted 'blue blood' with an unbroken family listing in DeBretts!

Meanwhile, back in the land of the living - including those who clearly wish they weren't - despite the Prime Minister's directive that Friday's vote should be 'free', Wes Streeting, the Health Secretary and the Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary, one Shabana Mahmood, have both publicly declared they are voting against the bill on Assisted dying.  Wes Streeting has stated that passing this legislation will be costly to implement for the NHS and could 'lead to someone choosing to end their life early as a way of saving the NHS money'.  I thought he and Rachel Reeves in particular would be over the proverbial deathbed, if not the moon, should this be the case.   Surprise, surprise, Mrs. M, the L C & J Sec. sees the bill being passed as placing the country on a 'slippery slope towards death on demand'.  A tad dramatic in word usage, but then she is a barrister, as opposed to a barista, and not untypical of an MP representing a constituency that has a large Muslim population, in this case, Birmingham Ladywood.  Whilst she may well hold genuine concerns on moral and/or ethical grounds, one should never discount the percentage of motivation created by the guile and pandering of an MP in order to hold on to their seat come the next election.   As has been noted in the press, if the bill is passed, two of the 'Top dogs' involved in its implementation and success will be those who voiced their opinions and voting intentions.  That could cause a few problems methinks, still, I'm sure the good Mr. Starmer has all situations covered.  Thought...  There's always Novichok to fall back on if things look awkward - joke... joke!

Whilst it is a serious subject, I continue to be naively optimistic for a positive outcome.  The mischievous and whimsical side of one's nature does however allow one's mind to conjure up thoughts of a dictatorial regime - elected obviously - where subjects could be put down on the grounds of 'Being kind to them and good for society at large'.  What an opportunity to find space to drive on the M25 without the usual tailbacks?  It's the elderly that I have trouble with.  Now I say this as a 77 year-old in body, but 47 years-old in mind - well that's how I see myself.  Some may differ.  I do recall an instance when I described myself as 'Young at heart', to which I was subjected to the retort - 'More childlike really!'.  We still speak...

Queuing at a supermarket checkout usually causes blood vessels to enlarge, if not burst.  'Bert and Doris' stand between me and the customer being served.  They tut, they moan in dismissive, though hushed tones as their wait continues.  She sporting inherited broach on her coat, he sporting flat cap, as opposed to baseball cap, which often denotes ongoing chemotherapy in the elderly. They look at me for moral support in their dual irritation but their turn eventually arrives - and milk it they do!.  They are slow at packing, they are slow at paying.  Doris can't find her purse, the assistant gives me a sideways glance indicating her own irritation at their slowness.  Bert reminds Doris to show their Nectar card before the final sum is requested. That's also lost in the Tardis that serves as a handbag!  Much searching and a further minute out of my life, when 'hey presto' another rabbit is extracted. I am beginning to feel slightly more confident that this  couple will soon be on their way and out of my life. Bert then reminds Doris that they have vouchers.  More scrambling, same handbag, different pocket!  Just as I'm losing the will to live and asking myself why B&D had to be in front of me that day, I witness the debilitating ageing squawks seeking advice from said assistant who by now has joined me, and those behind me, in losing the will to live.  'Are any of these vouchers any good', Doris plaintively asks.  The assistant trawls through said collection and verbally confirms that six are irrelevant and three are out of date.  Doris puts them neatly back into her purse, which is then equally neatly placed in her handbag ready to be extracted on their next visitation in a week's time - at precisely the same time of  day.  These are people of routine! I am now served, my goods being placed quickly in my bags and with consideration to others behind me.  My Nectar card and credit card are to hand, I carry no vouchers.  A swift transaction, a smile, a 'cheerio' and I'm away.  Off to my car, but sadly snookered in my quest to exit the sliding doors as there stand Bert and Doris who have met up with Neville and Elsie, chattering like monkeys and oblivious to the their trolleys  being parked in such a manner as to stop all 'who enter here'  or  those wishing to exit and make up for lost time and a possible course of counselling.  Assisted dying?  A nudge in the right direction for some springs to mind...  

Sunday, 24 November 2024

                     IS THAT  'CHILDREN IN NEED'  OR  'NEEDY CHILDREN'?

Every year the BBC hosts an evening of fun and frolics with the aim of raising money for 'children in need'.  Every year the event rakes in upwards of £40 million.  It is a lot of money, subscribed to by generous donors across the length and breadth of Britain.  Every year I bury my head in another channel - any channel, or no Channel at all - with the express intention of avoiding any contact with the hype, hysteria and brash whooping that accompanies the pointlessness.  Over the years groups of middle-aged men and women have swum through ice-cold water, tumbled out of aircraft hoping their parachute will open before they die, or immerse themselves in a bath of cold baked beans for two hours - and all for the chance to 'be on the telly'!

As with all so-called 'good causes', one is left wondering where the money raised actually goes to?  My first thought is just how much is taken in admin costs, especially the salaries of those at the top.  When researching information regarding large, well-known charities, the money paid to chief executives, directors and those involved the 'equality and diversity' racket was mind-blowing.  Comparisons with those at the helm of our utilities sprang to mind!  As Christmas approaches, viewers of commercial TV stations are currently subjected to adverts for a wide range of charities - or bad causes - as I think of them.  'Help the children in Gaza' they cry, or 'Support famine relief' in some God-forsaken, war-torn African country where the ruling junta are 'doing very nicely, thank you!'  Helping the homeless on the streets of Britain is a common theme spread across several charities.  Gone are the days when the narrater, having hopefully appealed to your conscience while you take in the visual poverty, asks for a donation 'big or small'.  Oh no, they now seek a specific amount, one of them asking for £29.80p.  Audacious, arrogant and frankly, a bloody cheek!  

Captain Tom will be turning in his grave - either metaphorically if he was cremated, or physically if buried - as news breaks that his daughter and son-in-law did very nicely out of the book sales.  The public bought the books because they thought the cover price was going to our most popular charity of all - the NHS!.  Little did they know it would be funding the double-barrelled Ingram-Moore's lifestyle to the tune of £1.5million. 

Some 30 years ago, I was organising motor shows for a well-known car magazine.  I hosted over forty shows during a 7-year period.  The shows were free to the public and because they attracted families, I arranged children's activities, helicopter rides, industry-relevant trade stands and a few charity stands.  Lessons were learned as patterns evolved.  Initially I invited national charities that had relevance to the location, a hospice or a hospital ward dedicated to the wellbeing of those suffering from a particular ailment.  I also invited a local animal sanctuary,  or dog rescue centre.  No fees were charged for any charity when attending the two-day show, all profits made over the weekend being retained by the charity.  What emerged was a pattern whereby the national charities just didn't turn up with no warning, telephone call, no bye-your-leave, in short - sweet naff all!  A call by me on the Monday morning after the show would reveal the same answer -'We were short of volunteers', there was a mix-up with staffing'.  Common to all 'No-shows' was a total lack of manners.  Without fail, all the animal charities appeared and were staffed for the duration.  I got wise to this behaviour early on and started charging the grand sum of £25 per stand.  Because the events were held outdoors, there was no lack of space for stallholders. Guess what?  'No-shows' became a thing of the past.  Animal charities by the way, were still given free space as they had been supportive and professional from day one.  I only ever give to animal charities, their cause is far more deserving.

Less than a week after this year's Children in Need evening its 'Chair', as opposed to 'Chairlady' or 'Chairwoman', (How the hell can anybody be a 'Chair'?), Rosie Millard resigned after protesting that grants were given to a charity whose former chief had been embroiled in a child abuse debacle.  James Rennie, the chief in question, was convicted in 2009 of child sexual assaults.  Having read of his 'interests' and subsequent jail sentence, I can confirm that he, along with the Ingram-Moore's, will not be invited round for afternoon tea!

I do wonder just how many of those contributors to Children in Need realised over the years just where their hard-earned dosh was going?  Perhaps they would be surprised, shocked even, to learn that £466,000 had, over the years been given to LGBT Youth Scotland.  That is an enormous sum and begs the question raised in the title of this article.  Are these 'children in need', or just plain needy?  Normal is male or female, everything else is a lifestyle choice and should not be subject to public or charitable funding.  Rosie Millard appears to be someone with principles and will therefore be awarded an 'Attaboy' from me and naturally invited round for afternoon tea, scones and... and...  a choice of Raspberry OR Tayberry jam with her clotted cream.  I can be no fairer than that!

If the above informs, amuses, titillates, provides gut-wrenching belly laughs or, in the case of Lib-Dems and Guardian readers, merely offends,  please look at the Trouser Press website for details and availability of books written under the name Anthony Mann and published by Trouser Press:- www. trouser-press.biz

Until the next post, for all my American readers - 'Have a nice day!', for those attempting to retain their humour within the confines of these Septic Isles - 'Do your best to get through the day!'.

Friday, 22 November 2024

                                                            OH YES SHE DOES!

The 'She' in question is a headteacher, as opposed to a Headmistress, by the name of Mandy Ovendon.  She is 'very excited' apparently by her decision not to allow any reference to Christmas during a performance at Wherwell Primary School by a touring pantomime company. A spokesman - as opposed to a 'spoke', or a 'spokesperson' - for the Essex based Chaplins Pantos explained that,  'We don't always mention Santa Claus, but there would usually include a Christmas song and there would be reference to Christmas.  On this occasion, the school asked us not to include any reference'.  What a miserable bunch of woke scrotes!  The Ovendons of this world and her ilk are the reason this country is without discussion on anything racial, gender or our ongoing and costly asylum fraud!

Wherwell Primary School is in Andover, Hampshire, not an area normally associated with a cultural and diverse melting pot.  Sadly, an influx of non-natives and their offspring have settled in the area and the education system bows to pressures considered inconceivable not a decade or so ago.

An unnamed representative from the school commented:  'When we chose to invite the travelling pantomime to Wherwell, our request was a practical step to ensure all children at the school would be able to attend and enjoy the show.  Our aim, as always, is to foster inclusivity in our school community and be a place where children and their families feel safe, welcomed and valued'.  Well, they've certainly managed to get in all the woke-speak - 'inclusivity',  'community',  'safe',  'welcomed',  'valued'. Have you ever heard such sycophantic, cringe-making bollocks?   If there are parents of children who don't take Kindly to Christmas references because it doesn't align with their beliefs they can, at best stay away, or, even better, move to a country where their beliefs are enshrined and traditions upheld.  

If the situation was reversed, does the misguided Head think a Hindu ceremony in India or a Muslim play in Lebanon would be altered to accommodate a white Church of England family who have recently emigrated from Dudley?

It is a very slippery slope this Head is walking.  Has she not considered the views of those white, native parents who, I assume, still take up the majority of the local population?  I haven't visited Andover for a year or so.  It was quite white then.  Mind you, look at the north-west of England, it didn't take long to become an Asian province where Muslim mayors abound in numbers.  Ah, such is the changing face of Britain and not helped by the likes of Mandy Ovendon.

If I were a parent of a child attending Wherwell Primary School. I would definitely be having a conversation with those responsible for this pathetic, petty action.  All it does is sow division and anger.  My child would not be attending on principle and I would explain to my child why in front of the Head.  Once again, the ethnic minority run roughshod over the native majority.

I do not wish Mandy Ovendon a 'Merry Christmas', I do however wish her and all her supporters, a 'Crappy New Year'! 

Wednesday, 13 November 2024


Dear, oh dear, that most exalted of all within his sect was not sitting comfortably - though nowhere near as uncomfortably as the boys and young men who suffered appallingly at the hands of the now deceased Mr  John Smyth, QC.  Not a nice man by any standards, he is described as a 'British child abuser, barrister and active Christian involved in ministry with children'.  Well,  that's one way of putting it!  Oh, and he also represented Mary Whitehouse as her lawyer some decades ago during her years of campaigning against what she considered to be a lowering of moral standards on both TV and the media.  What hypocrisy!

Justin Portal Welby, who revelled in the full title of 'The Most Reverend and the Right Honourable the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury GCVO',  has been toppled from his post of Top God - sorry, Dog - bloody lysdexia!.  The latter stands for 'Grand Cross Victorian Order'. -there's posh!  Sadly, his titles outplayed his talent for justice.   I'd like to know what these people do?  It's not a proper job.  They're not contributing to society in any form.  Shelf-stackers at Sainsbury's contribute far more than these religious wastes of space.  In this case it is the Church of England, but irrespective of whichever cult the sheep in human form follows, power, greed and abuse have been prevalent from time immemorial.  For many it has been the safe haven to continue abuse to this day - and tomorrow, and next week, and forever onwards, it appears.   Shrouded in secrecy but known to many within the hallowed halls of clerical establishment and hierarchy,  those that abuse will continue with impunity,  those that know, but turn a blind eye, will also continue to be all-unseeing and un-knowing.  That 'Club' mentality which permeates so many sects and orders continues to weave its magic across the world.  

There will be a number of bishops and no doubt those lower down in the pecking order,  wondering if the call will come for them to explain their involvement,  if any,  or knowledge of, if any, abuse carried out by the disgusting Smyth character.    The Reverend Michael Coran (as opposed to Koran, which I would have found slightly amusing), suggested that more people should be questioned.  Presumably that puts him in the clear!. It could turn into another Post Office scandal with bishops scurrying around defending their actions - or lack of them - in a manner not too dissimilar to PO or Fujitsu bosses claiming amnesia or being in the loo at the time and therefore 'none of it being their fault'!   Another bishop interviewed this morning on the BABC was the current Bishop of Winchester,  latterly Bishop of Truro and in a previous role, the Executive Leader of the 'Church Mission Society', which in itself doesn't appear overly seemly!  His name is Philip Mounstephen, just a 'T' away from a schoolboy snigger and the begging of the question 'Does he?'  That of course is before said boy is sent to John Smyth for punishment. Pure whimsy of course, but satisfying to conjure with all the same.

Perhaps if the left-leaning, migrant loving, do-gooding, slave-apologising Welby had spent more time looking at the bigger picture of Britain's ills, as experienced by the tax-paying public day-in, day-out,  he might also have taken note of what was going on with his ex-fellow 'happy camper' back in the 1970's!  If they weren't 'bunking-buddies' they certainly knew each other. You can see the Arse-Bishop wringing his hands thinking 'This is a bit of a bugger and no mistake, let's hope it all blows over soon,  huh!'.   It didn't and there are stories to be told, cases to be investigated, financial settlements to be made by the Church in the fullness of time and hopefully, several resignations along the way.  

What the C of E are left with is finding a replacement that is whiter than white in their private life, preferably without a history of abuse to their names, though probably 'nothing within the last five years will be as good as it gets'.  I spoke with a friend of mine who also fails to see the significance and point of any religion other than a cover for unedifying sexual activities and he said, 'A pound to a penny the next one will be black and female - two boxes ticked, there's a result!'.  He's probably not wrong.

Monday, 11 November 2024


The word 'seething' would sum up how I feel as I write these notes.  Seething, because part of our history is once again being consigned to history books - books that will certainly be burned if minorities are allowed to overwhelm majority views and opinions with their childish indoctrinations.

The pub-owning group Greene King has once again crumbled in the face of minority pressure.  There is a pub in Abingdon, Oxfordshire which opened in 1974 as the 'Magic Midget'.  The name was in honour of a racing car of the same name, produced in the town by MG, then owned by British Leyland.  The MG Midget had long been considered an iconic British sports car.  The pub was renamed 'The Midget' in 2002.  The intervening years have witnessed the passing of majority rule by a succession of 'minority causes' putting the fear of shame into any individual or business that doesn't toe the W*** line.

A female by the name of Dr. Erin Pritchard, who is a senior lecturer in Disability Studies at Liverpool Hope University started a petition in order to rid the public house of its 'Dwarfist' links!  She said: 'I have dwarfism and like many people find the word offensive.  I doubt anyone would tolerate a pub with a name containing an equally derogatory slur against another group of disabled people or an ethnic minority'.  This is the same woman, by the way who forced Marks and Spencer to change the name of 'Midget Gems' for the same reason. The upshot of her being offended and presumably the one thousand supporters that signed her petition, is that Greene King, the gutless owners of the pub, have caved in and have renamed it again as 'The Roaring Raindrop'.  I read that this latest change refers to MG's last record-breaking car built at Abingdon.  Very few people, other than MG aficionados, will be aware of the new name and its part in the company's history, whilst millions will remember the MG Midget!  Did anyone, either driving or spotting an MG Midget automatically think of a dwarf, thus sniggering or guffawing in a schoolboy manner as they made an association between a car and part of a circus act?  

You can just imagine how much fun this woman must be!  She may have a doctorate, but I suggest she applies to the Open University for  courses in the following subjects:-  'Common Sense',     'Perspective and Proportion',  'Humour' - if that is still an allowable attribute - and 'Getting Out More'!  People like her and the one thousand petitioners are worrying examples of what is happening throughout our country.  The minority rule and there is little opposition as no-one wants bad publicity.  Zoe Bowley,  who is Greene King's Managing Director, said that the company thought 'long and hard' about changing the name,  As always, they conceded and history is consigned to memory.  People such as the sad Dr. Pritchard are a danger to society at large.  They  never see the bigger picture, so entrenched. embittered and driven are their views, so ungracious and ungiving their mentality.  

I have just taken my metaphorical file marked 'Wastes of Space in British Society' and added Dr. Pritchard's name.  She joins the ranks of Lord Longford, Peter Hain,  Peter Tatchell and the Blairs,  amongst many others of dubious worth.  It is is such a pity that people like her spoil everyday wordage.  They turn it into a cause celebre and contribute in no small measure in making  the world a much more miserable place through power garnered due to their physical appearance.  So, another group of people I shall not be looking too kindly upon in the future - miserable ticks!

My problem going forward, when espying an MG car, is managing NOT to think of dwarfs, elves, sprites, hobgoblins, pixies, leprechauns, imps, gnomes, fairies, nymphs or gremlins. Do hope I haven't missed out anyone of 'limited stature'?  After all,  I like to think of myself as 'Inclusive'...

Friday, 8 November 2024


We've all said things we regret in our past.  Somebody I met only yesterday recalled an occasion when he was discussing a girl's bust size and just how he'd like to get his hands around her 'jugs'.  The other male cut in by telling him that he'd been dating said girl for nearly a year and he wasn't impressed with the other chap's desires or fantasies, before walking off into the wide blue yonder, never to be seen again.  The point is that he was eighteen at the time, new to more adult social intercourse and possibly sexual intercourse, who knows?  By the time you reach the age of 46 and you are a Labour Member of Parliament you should be aware that comments and judgements made today can come back to bite you years on - six in this case!  David Lammy has come a long way since then, mainly due to the Tories losing the last election, but he is now this country's Foreign Secretary.  I cannot  think of a minister more foreign!  Wikipedia describes him as 'English'.  That he definitely is not.  I reluctantly have to concede that he be described as British, after all, the man possesses one of our passports, bur English he never will be.

Back to 2018, as a Labour backbencher, metaphorically expanding his chest with all the confidence of his then limited power and persuasion, he uttered the following comments regarding what was then the 45th President of the United States of America, and who has now become their 47th.  Mr. Lammy described Donald Trump as a 'woman-hating, Neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath who is a profound threat to the international order that has been the foundation of Western progress for so long'. Adding fuel to his badly-timed outburst, he also commented that DT was 'deluded, dishonest, xenophobic and narcissistic'.  How proud he must have felt, there in swash-buckling mode deriding the President of arguably the most powerful country in the world and unarguably, our greatest ally. The EU never came close to being an ally - before our joining, during our time-wasted membership or post resignation.  America has been there for us and for Europe.  Its  freedom to this day is due in no small way to American support and democracy, the likes of which the 'lame' Lammy; would do well to remember!  Only a year earlier, he announced:- 'Yes, if Trump comes to the UK, I will be out protesting in the streets.  He is a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser'.  Note, not even the courtesy of addressing him as Mr. Trump -  the man is without respect or manners.

This morning, the day after it was revealed that Donald Trump was to be the next president, Keir Starmer was one of the first to congratulate him and David Lammy's 2018 comments raised their left-leaning heads once again.  Interviews were held with the Foreign Secretary this morning on national media and it is all being brushed away in the manner of a slave asking for a day off as 'old news'.  Mud sticks,  Mr. Lammy.  My comments a couple of days ago on Mr. Trump were as I perceive him to be.  He is all the things I said he is and the 'Lame One' was correct with the word 'narcissistic', the man positively swims in its scent water!  But it's not all bad. Oh that we had a Tory or even better, a Reform government!  With Donald Trump and Co, one side of the water and his good friend Nigel on this side, it would interesting to see what paths and choices our countries could take with trade and wall-building especially.  DT would have a lot in common with Kemi Badenoch as well - good girl our Kemi - like her and her values.  All in all, interesting times ahead,  NOT for the Labour Party,  however.  Locally there have been a couple of council by-elections, in both cases the seats quickly swung back to the Tories.  In the West Midlands and Lancashire, two council seats changed hands, Tories losing one, Labour the other, both taken by Reform.  It keeps life interesting dunnit!

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

                             THE ALL-AMERICAN DREAM - OR NIGHTMARE?

Who will be the next president of the United States Of America?  Until Mr. Biden was persuaded to hand over the reins to 'Pamela with a K', the constant reminder was that with a population pf some 300+ million people, they had those two to choose from!  Mr. Biden looks for all the world like an increasingly ageing liability -gaffes galore, awkward moments, loss of memory, but elected as a Democrat President in place of Donald Trump.

The move to replace the current incumbent was timely, shrewd and above all - necessary.  From a British perspective, what's best for the UK?  Uncle Jo was pro-Irish as opposed to pro-British.  It didn't go unnoticed by the masses!  We now have a very different kettle of fish in the form of Kamala Harris.  She is certainly going to give the Trump camp a run for their and Mr. Musk's money.  Maybe Americans saw a different Vice-President to the one we saw during her term in office,  We were left asking who she was and why we saw her so rarely.  She didn't appear to be high-profile, more 'No, I haven't seen her for ages either, what does she do all day?'   Her years as a lawyer will have held her in good stead for a political after-life. She possesses decorum, a sense of proportion and mainly chooses her words wisely. KH appears to be able to read both people and the social situations of the population at large.  She would seem to have principles and determination, but I feel she could also become all things to all people depending on the political circumstances at any one time.  Oh, and as we would say in 'Sarf 'London, 'she's not a bad looking sort!'.  For me her biggest problem is that she is against the death penalty.  If she was representing a British political party, I suspect she would be a Lib-Dem, a representation designed to give false hope to many, with a life consigned to the political periphery.

Donald Trump couldn't be further from his opponent in views, principles - or lack of them - and style.  How best to sum up this odious example of all that's wrong with the world!  well... he's an egomaniac, course, loud, brash, classless, unscrupulous, child-like and a bully-boy along with a myriad of other uncomplimentary descriptions that I haven't thought of as yet.  However, where I see Kamala siding with every ethnically-challenged, displaced waif and unwanted stray on the world stage, at least DT will make a fist of returning migrants south of the border to Mexico.  I can't see KH acting with such determination and focus.  Does she like the UK?  I don't know. DT does, what with his Scottish roots and that should sit more comfortably when discussing trade.  Uncle Jo was never our 'closest ally'.

I envy the Americans, just wish we were preparing for an election...

Friday, 1 November 2024

                                 IT"S ALL OVER BAR THE TAX INCREASES

Rachel Reeves - or the current 'No.1 Wicked Witch of Westminster' - delivered her budget two days ago.  As is often the case with these announcements, it's not what is publicly said in Parliament during the 'declaration of intent' but more what has not been mentioned. Policies and changes often remain buried within, awaiting extraction, hence why two days on, news is filtering out regarding various concerns.

Farmers feel aggrieved about the change to inheritance rules, GP's are concerned about the rise in National Insurance contributions and whether it will apply to all or will they be treated as a small business and be exempt from the increases.  The fact remains that for business as a whole, increased NI contributions will lead to lower wage rises.  By reminding us at any opportunity that she was holding to her promise of not raising taxes for 'working people', the Chancellor omitted to say that prices will inevitably rise as costs have to be passed on to the customer.  It is a cycle that takes a lot of breaking without reform and imagination. 

Private schools face the imminent introduction of VAT.  This is no doubt a spiteful way of getting back at a section of society those on the left cannot abide. The irony being that this is the very education that got most MP's to the level of power and influence they have today. This government despises middle England - the South-East in particular - all pensioners that pay their way and those who have worked all their lives and been prudent, saving for a future continually undermined by Labour governments.  By withdrawing the Winter Fuel Allowance for pensioners not on any form of benefit, (see above sentence for details of 'real' working people), Ms. Reeves has alienated a large section of the voting population.  I just hope they remember this budget come the next election.

The £20billion black hole became £40 billion when taking into account money needed for the NHS, infrastructure projects such as getting HS2 into Euston, paying miners a pension top-up and postmasters for their disgusting treatment at the hands of Post Office management in what was one of the greatest cover-ups and injustices this country has ever witnessed.  No-one is denying that we are broke or that the country is socially broken, but it is the way government approaches these decisions that dismays the public at large.  If one accepts that there is such a financial deficit, surely it makes sense to plug the holes where money is being spent on pointless projects (HS2 springs immediately to mind), and traditional support for those who should not receive one pennyworth of help from 'hard working' taxpayers.   The NHS itself is one of the biggest culprits.  Because this country fails to make plans that are carried through, we never truly invest in staff.  We have overseas doctors and nurses employed throughout our hospitals and health centres when we should be trying our own youngsters.  Agency nurses cost an absolute fortune, yet still they flourish and drain our resources.  Once we allowed private healthcare into the NHS, it became a slippery slope of profit over service.

What would an alternative, imaginative budget look like?  Oh that Wicked Witch No.2 - Yvette Cooper - in her role as Home Secretary could have come to the rescue, galloping into the Commons on a white charger, standing in her stirrups and  halting proceedings by declaring 'I have a plan.  It may not be cunning, but it's bloody obvious and will be ever-so-popular with the masses!'.  To shocked anticipation she holds aloft a charter stating that all cross channel ferries have been commandeered and that as she speaks umpteen thousand migrants are being returned to France!  Those involved, she continues include every example of benefit-scrounging flotsam currently held in hotels, ex RAF bases, centres run by private contractors and those hunted down and found working illegally in Chinese restaurants, Thai massage parlours and a lone African homosexual seeking refuge in a West London lock-up.  She awaits her next sentence in order that the jubilation and cheering from all sides of the house can calm itself.  Beaming like a cat that hails from the north-western County of Chester, she adds that the miscreants are being deported as she speaks!  Furthermore, we have stopped payment to the French government as they have been doing bugger-all to deter the small boats and that we will be saving in the region of £20 million a day!  'Hurrah and Hussar' they shout in unison.  And there's more...!  'What's more', (Told you there was more),  'the Government has seized the  assets of the German manufacturers of dinghys and closed the business down at the same time making it illegal to cross the channel without  a passport showing British nationality spanning a fifty-year period, a British driving licence and until they are discontinued,  a Waitrose loyalty card'.  She further announces that due to so many deportations, we no longer need to build as many houses and that the country's 'Green Belt' has been saved for future generations!  To ecstatic cheering she takes a bow before taking her leave.  The Chancellor, cutting a lonely figure and not wishing to be excluded from the accolades bestowed upon her fellow cabinet minister, stutters before tearing up her previous declarations and announces that all pensioners will indeed get their winter fuel allowance reinstated, NI contributions will be decreased by 1.2% and VAT will not be charged on private schools!  

As MP's gaily skip (as opposed to 'gayly skip') back to their constituencies  'True Brits' make their way en-masse to the Kent coast in order to witness the deportations and loudly exclaim with a new-found fervour  'That's right, bugger off back to France, see how much you'll get in benefit from the Froggies!'   All around laugh and cheer before pint glasses clang in unison and happiness and contentment permeates throughout the land.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, we have the American election to look forward to! That'll be fun...

Monday, 28 October 2024

                                               THE BUDGET LOOMETH

Our recently elected Labour government have not had an easy ride since returning to power after years in the political desert.  (If they had stuck with the deluded and minority-loving Jeremy Corbyn, that is where they would have stayed, aaaahhh,  happy days...)  Labour's uneasy ride has been self-inflicted.  This is a party that vowed to champion the betterment of 'working people'.  I'm a working person, but then so are millions of other UK citizens, irrespective of voting preferences.  In under four months, their less-than-esteemed leader and the three witches of Westminster have made themselves as unpopular as a boatload of migrants landing on our shores,  waving a banner proclaiming '30,000 and Rising' with the word 'Suckers!' underneath accompanied by an appropriately smiley emoji.  

The Labour Party railed against the excesses of Tory wealth through Non-dom tax-avoiding status - and rightly so.  They criticised privatised monopolies - and rightly so.  (I will never forgive the Tories for selling off our gas, electricity and water).  For investor, read 'those in the know who realise they're on to a good thing at the taxpayers' expense'. Sadly, our utilities were passed on to cronies,  party supporters and ultimately foreign individuals and companies whose only 'interest' is the financial interest accrued at the expense of under-investment. With chief executives on mind-blowing salaries plus their obscene bonuses, it is no wonder Labour achieved the sympathy vote in July's general election after years of Tory arrogance. They continually turned a 'deaf un' to those within their party, not to mention constituents who spoke up and warned them regarding a possibly doom-laden election.

With the above in mind, and a clear desk on which to work, how and why would any politician wish to bring such dismay, disappointment and potential misery to the very people they spent all their  years out of office shadow-championing?  Keir Starmer and his good lady accepted various clothing from an Asian donor to party funds. Was Lord Alli a tailor in a previous life? He was certainly given temporary access to No 10.  Then there were free tickets to a Taylor Swift  concert at Wembley, plus accommodation, courtesy of this Alli fellow again, for their son in order to study without outside interference as he swatted for his exams in peace and solitude. This last 'perk-of-power' is one destined never to be offered to those living in perceived poverty at worst, or a tenement at best.   Their elation at such rich pickings could only be matched by a migrant to a German-made dinghy shouting 'Land ahoy' as their boat drifts onto Kent sands..  These lack-of-judgements will never sit right with the very 'working people' they sought to impress.  The phrase 'working people' being used so many times through so many statements, interviews and broadcasts that looking back, it feels like a psychological drip-effect akin to Russian interrogation and mind-changing propaganda. 

Free holidays, loaned apartments, all legal, but their collective naivety knows no bounds.  You would think that on Day 1 in office, our newly elected Prime Minister would have said to all Labour MP's, 'Look, we have to be whiter than white. We have to show integrity, honesty and deliver what we said we would deliver in a timely manner that brings results and confidence to the country'.  Not difficult to get the country behind you surely?  A few carrots to give a 'feel-good' factor maybe?  They have learned nothing!  It has been three months of unmitigated misery and 'stick' without any sight of a carrot.  They have acted like children let loose in a sweet shop after years of looking through the window, such has been their grabbing any freebie that came their way.   The Tories have clocked up hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of hospitality, luxury holidays and 'nods in the right investment direction' from the day they were first elected, as if an 'entitlement-of-status', a 'rite of passage'. Such appears to be the excitement of office with the current cabinet that decorum and far-sightedness appears to elude them.  

Starmer and Co have learnt the square root of bugger-all from the previous government who alienated the public and lessened any remaining trust in those we elect by their lack of progress on anything of real importance to the country's welfare!  They have succeeded in grand style by managing to dissociate themselves from their 'working people' with the drip-feeding statistic that there is a £20 billion black hole (Just be grateful it's not a 'white' hole!),   Is there such a financial hole?  If so, how would we know?  For balance, the Tories seem reticent to argue the point.  I have read little in the way of a rebuttal!  One would have thought that any political party, now out of power and being made to look even more incompetent than they have done over the duration pf their tenancy, would have fought the financial accusations in a somewhat more rumbustious way. No party worth their salt would wish to have such potentially damning charges tied around their ankles in a manner not too dissimilar to that of an African slave with their very own ball and chain.  

The Office for Budget Responsibility is to release its review on how last March's budget was prepared on this week's Budget day regarding the Tories fiscal inadequacies  Is that coincidence or political manoeuvring?  And if there is such a deficiency, so be it.  Let us deal with it in a manner appropriate to the aspirations of the general population, not just the 33.7% that actually voted Labour.  It is not an overwhelming endorsement of a party and its policies, more like voters throwing their toys out of the metaphorical pram during the mid-term of a party's tenure. I suspect that many of those who did vote for the new regime did so in the hope of a continuation to a 'benefit-life' they have successfully navigated over countless years. Having initially been off work through sickness caused by headache or backache, their 'symptoms' gradually descend into that nether world of  trauma, stress, anxiety and all other nondescript and unsolved tendencies that lead to compensation, financial support for life and as good a reason as any to vote Labour - just saying!

So, with the loss of fuel support for pensioners who have worked and not taken advantage of the system (see above), higher taxes, National Insurance contributions for employers - which will inevitably be passed on th the 'working people' in the form of higher prices - and whatever else the witch comes up with, it is no surprise that locally, in two fairly insignificant local council by-elections held since the July general election, Tories have regained seats lost to Labour earlier this year.  How fickle the voter can be...  The Tories hopefully will understand that loyalty is based on expectations being met with concrete evidence.  (That's figuratively speaking mind, not 'reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete' that crumbles faster than a comfortable majority!)

I await the budget with breath of a bated nature!

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

                          OH THE JUSTICE OF IT ALL

Before you can say 'Brixton Riots', news comes that puts to bed any lingering doubts the colour-blind may have as to the character of Mr. Chris Kaba.  I described him yesterday as being the sort of cove one wouldn't invite around for afternoon tea.  I am further of the opinion that he shouldn't have been allowed anywhere south of Croydon!  The public at large will now be aware through information spread across the media that he was named as the gunman in a nightclub shooting only days before he met the full force of the law - a law devised and designed to protect the innocent and convict the guilty.  The Oval Space nightclub in Hackney was the venue where he shot another man in both legs on the 30th August 2022.   It also appears that he was a member of a particularly violent gang.  He has convictions going back to his early teenage years.   Tsk tsk...  

So, for all the inflammatory, anti-police statements and comments  from his family, friends and the ever-supportive 'black community' plus Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott, their rhetoric looks a little pale, somewhat diluted to say the least - and that is the least I can say! (Jezza and Di being two of the best reasons never to vote Labour, and a never-ending boost for the Tories).  His family must know of his background.  The fact that he was imprisoned in his youth would surely give them reason to at least keep an open mind on the way he met his death?  Family loyalty is one thing, perpetrating the continual offensive against the police and, by inference, white society in general is entirely another.  These black people - or should that be 'people of colour',  I never can remember what the ruling term is at any one time - do not help themselves by acting in such an aggressive and predictable way. 

I'd be interested to know if there will be mitigating circumstances put forward as to why Mr. Kaba turned out the way he did, sadly like so many with his background.  I expect the 'Good Ship Empire Windrush' will make an appearance when thoughts turn to influences and 'wrong path's taken'.   Slavery, colonialism, bad company, peer pressure, missed opportunities, lack of opportunities... You name it, an excuse will be given, and usually to the detriment of anyone who isn't black.  

All in all, enough good news to hopefully dampen the excesses of the 'Rights Brigade' be they white or black. Last word goes to a comment posted after Julia Hartley-Brewer's interview with a former Conservative advisor regarding the case on Talk TV.  It read:  'If his family are not happy with the English Police, leave England, go somewhere else and moan'.  And so say all of us!  And so say...


                                         IT'S BEEN A FEW WEEKS...

What wonderful news!  Martyn Blake, a Metropolitan place officer, has been cleared of murdering a black man called Chris Kaba in September 2022.  His trial has been a long time coming.  Two years of his life has been put on hold. One can only imagine the awfulness of not knowing what could happen should he be found guilty.  Mr. Blake, along with all other armed officers, is on a hiding to nothing when confronted with gun-toting or knife-wielding aggressive and potentially life-threatening ne'er-do-wells.  The story of the build-up to the shooting is well documented and easily found on-line, so I won't be trawling through the 'in's and out's' of the case here.  What Mr. Blake and 99% of the indigenous English population are pleased about is the decision by the jury to come to a 'Not guilty' verdict.  Can you imagine the reaction should it have gone the way of the Kaba family and the black population in general?  Remember, 'black lives matter' and this is 'Black history month'. (the quicker October is passed and we're over such ridiculous nonsense, the better it will be.  I'm struggling to remember which month is dedicated to 'White history'?  Oh no!  There isn't one, is there, silly me...)

Ironically. the reason for the lack of postings over the past few weeks has been due in no small way to our own dealings with the Police regarding the death of our eldest son over five years ago.  The cause and reasons of our boy's passing has caused immense pain to family and all who knew him.  Not for him a life of violent crime and high-speed chases, but a case not helped by an investigation - actually, a lack of investigation - from the very start.  We are only now being taken seriously.  It has been a long haul and still getting there, but getting there we are.  

Robert Jenrick, one of the two finalists in the 'Let's elect a leader who might get us Tories re-elected in five years' competition, described Mr. Blake as a 'hero'. He is not wrong, and so say all of us!  The dead man's family, speaking outside the Old Bailey described the verdict as being 'painful proof that our lives are not valued by the system'. There is a 'deep pain of injustice' apparently,  Other comments include: 'The acquittal of Martyn Blake isn't just a failure for our family. but for all those affected by police violence', and the family vow 'not to be silenced'.  That last statement was always on the cards, the continual bleating by the black 'community' is a cross no society should have to bear, but bear it we do, such is the burden of the natives living within our sceptic isles!. Perhaps the system they would prefer is one which would allow anyone driving a car known to have been involved in a firearms incident only the night before, refusing to stop when requested and subsequently attempting to escape from the police as 'Boys being boys'? 

This Kaba chap is not somebody one would have invited home for afternoon tea. He was not a nice man, despite the glowing rose-tinted descriptions of him by ever-so-slightly biased family members and friends.,  He was charged in 2018 with possessing an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.  Found guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court in January 2019 he was sentenced to four years in a Young Offenders Institute, costing the British taxpayer a fortune in keeping him fed and watered.  What a waste of money!  He was released in 2021.  If made to serve the full term he would still have been within the institute walls and not been available that night and/or following morning for any nefarious activities.  

Vigils were held last night,  but then they would be, wouldn't they.  Doubtless there will be demonstrations with loud voices, blasting through loudspeakers in an accent suggesting the anti-police diatribe is coming directly from Jamaica, or some other former West Indian colony as opposed to Hyde Park, the Old Bailey or Downing Street. They will be held for all to savour or decry depending upon one's sense of justice, but more likely one's colour.

During various conversations with serving and retired police officers from different forces about the handling of our own case, it has been interesting to note that on three separate occasions, I have been informed that if our name had been 'Lawrence' or we were black, the investigation would have taken an entirely different course and far more effort would have been made to ascertain the reason for our boy's death. 

We are all equal, but some are more equal than others.  The irony is that that those who feel rejected, discriminated against and aggrieved based upon their colour, are those who receive the authorities' attention due to their propensity to spend their lives involved in crime.  Read the statistics.  We do not have a greater number of black prisoners in relation to the population without reason.  I just wish members of the ethnic 'community' would stand back and see the bigger picture and come to terms with reality instead of their continual whinging and denial of their own shortcomings.  An Englishman and English woman's lot is not a happy one, but do we moan?  Well yes, obviously, but with wit, humour and a sense of proportion.  Without which, we are lost as a nation!


Thursday, 5 September 2024

                                       FREE SPEECH AND ITS CONSEQUENCES

A 41 year-old childminder was charged late last month with publishing material intending to stir up racial hatred.  Lucy Connolly, aged 41, tweeted that there should be mass deportation and suggested setting fire to hotels housing immigrants.  This emotional message was posted in the wake of three young children being knifed to death in Southport by a 17 year-old youth, named as Axel Muganwa Rudakubana.  This Cardiff-born monstrosity, whose names give rise to suggestions of foreign extraction, is also charged with 10 counts of attempted murder.  Eight other children and two adults were seriously injured as well during the attack.

In the wake of these appalling crimes committed by the teenager, riots took place across the north of England, plus one or two minor protests in the south. (See previous posts on this blog site for further reading, frustration and irritation!).  Lucy Connelly was echoing thoughts regarding deportation that will be shared by millions of natives throughout the land, both before and after the attack.  Her post read as follows:  'Mass deportation now, set fire to all the fucking hotels full of the bastards for all I care... if that makes me racist so be it.'  Whilst naturally considered unacceptable views by those on the migrant-supporting left, her utterings would be thought of as 'strident' by the majority of natives, frustrated at successive British governments inability to address immigration. What for me is the most blatantly unacceptable aspect of her publicly-made suggestion is the use of the 'F' word!  Why?   It lowers the tone of any piece, it devalues the intrinsic emotion and reduces the reader to assuming the lady is an uneducated oaf - or in her case - oafess - of 'common stock' as we say in Surrey.   One should take pride in one's use of language and rise above that perpetrated every other word during a comedy night at the Apollo!

While many took to the streets in order to make their mark, mostly in a negative manner, Lucy Connelly aired her anger and frustration through anti-social media.  The vast majority of white natives did what we always do, we stayed at home, muttered, tutted and exclaimed to no-one in particular,  'Another bloody foreigner huh - bastard' and got on with making, or eating our dinners whilst catching up with Chris Packham, standing in one of our last remaining fields prior to this government authorising its conversion into a new housing development.  Mrs. C was spot however with 'bastard'.  There is no better word to use when venting one's anger in such circumstances.  It is akin to my verbal reaction having hit my thumb when hammering a nail.  An elongated exclamation of 'Shit' can never be bettered for dissipating pain!

Given the opportunity to set light to a hotel full of non-paying, services-draining occupants, would Mrs. Connelly, in the cold light of day have lit the match herself?  Only she knows the answer, but I very much doubt it - and my doubt is on a par with that of Charlton Athletic winning the FA Cup this, or any other year before I pass from this mortal coil.  She apparently has no previous convictions for setting light to anywhere, let alone facilities for channel-hopping, recently-arrived, benefit-seeking flotsam, as most of us tax-paying sufferers consider them to be.  

All in all, she seems like a very nice lady, but with a penchant for engaging gob before brain.  Is that the greatest of crimes?  Whilst we all say things in the heat of the moment, sadly with X, (formerly known as something I can't remember as I never used it in the beginning), once uploaded, you are sharing your thoughts with the world -  and isn't the world quick to judge?  The fact that the lady in question is the wife of a Northampton Conservative councillor hasn't helped matters, though it has certainly helped our left-leaning press! They have had a field day with headlines making capital of her husband's political allegiance and position.  It was nothing to do with him, but mud sticks.  She is likely to receive a custodial sentence.  I'm sure our new left-of-left-of centre government will do all it can to make examples of those valiant enough to air their frustrations over a country that has lost its identity. Sadly, those with the power to make change 'cock a deaf 'un'.   Politicians from both sides of the policy divide continue to bury their collective heads in the French coastal sands, and all the while, tension and frustration mount, festering away, submersed by society until the next attack or suicide bomb. 

I do hope the judiciary will act in an identical manner when sentencing a Muslim for exclaiming damnations regarding those they have taken a dislike to in their adopted country.  A country that has given them all the freedoms they would not allow to others if the roles were reversed.  How is it that we, the ordinary man and woman in the street, can feel the slippery slope of social change under our feet but those elected see only the destruction of our countryside as an answer to the problem?  They turn a blind eye at society's peril.

Saturday, 31 August 2024


Thank you Daily Mail, for highlighting the re-forming of terminology used in everyday conversation for political and subversive purposes.  The Red Cross should think very carefully regarding public perception as it bulldozes its way through our time-honoured understanding of common-sense language.  Upsetting the very people who support the charity, both in deed and financial support, can be a slippery slope with grave financial implications in the longer term.

The charity, which received no less than £37+ million from government contracts and nearly £44 million from government grants in 2022, has launched a guide for its workers in order that common or garden descriptions and terms can be modified in accordance to their governing body's preferences.  Guide?  Indoctrination more like!  I wonder how the founders of this once august and proud organisation would feel 154 years on from its inception?  They would most likely be aghast at the time spent on telling staff and volunteers what to say in case offence is taken by a minority - and it always the 'minority' who are offended!  According to this 'guide', descriptions such as 'born a man or woman' or a 'biological male or female' should be avoided.  Why?  That is what they were born!  That's what they are!  Why this change?  Well, it might upset transgender or non-binary individuals apparently   So what?   Go-ahead, be offended, see if the majority of the population give a monkey's nuts about your insensitivities.  According to their new-speak, 'a trans-woman is as much of a woman as someone born with female genitalia'.  No they are not!  They were born a MAN.  That is, in old-fashioned parlance, the opposite to a WOMAN. No more 'he' or 'she' for the workers of the Red Cross, Oh no, it should be 'they' or 'them'. Actually, it cannot be so, as both latter words are plural, and grammar trumps ideology. Mr?  Mrs?  No, they'd like to see those two extinguished from our dictionary as well.  Their preference is 'Mx'.  Total bollocks - or should that be bollox?!

If the power and influence of these producers of such pointless and money-wasting phraseology wasn't as great as it is, the whole episode would be laughable, but these nameless ones are a cancerous disease permeating throughout our society, and to the detriment of everyday life.  The NHS is gradually succumbing to so-called 'inclusive' language and terminology.  Woe betide any individual that complains or queries any gender-based policy.  A  correctional programme will be available to rid you of common sense thoughts and utterances. '1984' springs mind...

The Red Cross have also turned their attention to 'Ladies and gentlemen', which is, in everyday usage known as a term referring to...  well, ladies and gentlemen.  They don't like that phrase either as it is not inclusive enough.  I would love to see their employees reaction to being told not to refer to women having periods as 'solely referring to women'.  Those in charge now prefer 'women, girls and people who menstruate', or 'people who have periods'. And there was me, Simple Simon me, thinking it was purely women that had periods. Ye gods and little fishes.  Who are these people?  Where do they come from?  Are they a product of artificial intelligence?  Do they crawl from under some left-leaning rock and spew out directives to be taken as gospel by those who make mischief, melodrama and/or money out of these proclamations?

'Illegal migration' is another area of phrasing that is ripe for change. they should be referred to as a 'person in search of safety'.  Strange that no mention is made of their desire to burden British taxpayers with their costly presence?  Describing someone as being from a 'minority ethnic group' is another term the Red Cross wish to see discarded.  These people are now from a 'minoritised ethnic group'. Someone spent time, and was ultimately responsible  and paid for that change of pointless wording, but will we ever know their name?   Not for the umpteenth time I ask 'Have you ever heard such bollocks, since you stumbled across the last example of bollocks that is, which was about three lines ago I suspect!  It is truly unbelievable.  The lengths these policy-makers go to in order to bugger up our language - language that has stood the test of not only time, but biological common sense.

Esther McVey, one-time Conservative minister for said Common Sense, commented,  'I am sorry that the British Red Cross has fallen victim to such woke nonsense'.  The gal's not wrong.  One final and ludicrous example of this wayward and dangerous guidance is where it urges staff to say 'pregnant women and people' so as not to exclude 'trans men and non-binary people'.  I suspect that we now have a cartload of bollocks to dispose of - along with the authors of this politically-motivated tripe. So there you have it,  tripe and bollocks served on a bed of grass that has been growing under our feet, accompanied with a side-dish of indigestible  political bile, prepared in a socialist kitchen inhabited by university graduates and others who have never led a life outside of anti-social media and a bubble inhabited by similarly self-unaware and perversely irritating loons.  

What's that?  'Loons' is unacceptable as well?  Dear oh dear...

Tuesday, 27 August 2024


The Notting Hill Carnival is either a London-based institution or a complete waste of public money, depending on your point of view.  This colourful, or plain noisy and gaudy event was founded in 1966 by London's Caribbean communities.  Ten years on from its inception and rioting took place on the streets of London in a most unedifying manner.  Due to pickpocketing, assaults, varying other crimes and acts of violence perpetrated by some of those attending in 1975 the police decided it was time to toughen up.   They had been expecting a hostile reception and they received it.  The following year, 1976, the Police Federation asked for the introduction of riot shields.   Violence in one form or another has been a traditional part of this event for decades. Where would it be without a bit of 'rough and tumble' eh?  In 2008 there was rioting towards the carnival's end with violence and assaults leaving their marks once again.  This aspect of the so-called fun and frolics is especially aimed at the police however and has been a particularly nasty recurring feature throughout its history.  The cost of policing increased as ever, this time amounting to over £6million.  2011 was considered a relatively peaceful weekend as only five people were arrested over a stabbing, with 86 taken to hospital and 245 arrested.  2016 saw over 450 arrests and five people hurt in four knife attacks.   The wave of crime goes on unabated, in 2018 373 arrests were made, 36 weapons seized and more importantly, 30 police officers injured.

Regarding this year's offering, the Met Police issued a list of statistics at 10.45pm yesterday regarding Monday's crimes.  In short, it breaks down into the following:  4 firearms were recovered,  5 stabbings, 230 arrests for varying offences with no less than 35 officers injured. It was interesting to note some of the details of offences committed.  Among the more serious were 8 sexual assaults, 49 in possession of an offensive weapon, 8 violence by injury, 15 other violent offences, vehicle crime plus scores of drug related offences.  The worst statistic however, is knowing that there were 37 counts of assault on an emergency worker - I suspect they mean police officers in the main!  Add this to Sunday's figures of three stabbings and 104 arrests and you get an idea of why a policeman's - and policewoman's - lot is not a happy one!

The event generates an estimated £300 million.for the economy, so I read.  Really?  If so, how?  It is very easy to bandy around figures when there is no accurate way of justifying them.  What is not in dispute is that it cost over £12 million to police the event last year (2023).  Greater London Authority and Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council fork out a large amount of 'hard-working' taxpayers' income to fund this minority-leaning jolly.  There is sponsorship apparently, though I found it difficult to trace, despite an in-depth search that lasted for at least 30 seconds.  There is only so much time one can give to a seemingly minor irritation that surfaces annually like a boil that should have been lanced at its inception.  Sadly, we have not only welcomed with open wallets those arriving from the colonies, dominions, territories and empire in general, but we've handed over the keys to future policies that have ruined this nation. Years ago, a referendum on this annual event might have swung against its continuation, but with an ever-growing West Indian and fellow migrant population, any chance of an indigenous rejection has long since sailed - probably about the same time as the Good Ship 'Empire Windrush' was decanting its load upon an un-expecting native population.  

If I had my way, 2024 would be the last throw of the carnival dice.  Too much continued crime and assaults to make it morally palatable.  Why should the police have to endure the hostility, abuse and assault that comes their way year in year out?  Our esteemed left-wing leaders are quick to condemn and imprison thugs who abuse the police, vandalise shops, set cars on fire and create mayhem, and rightly so, they give free speech a bad name.   I wonder if those, whose forebears descended from foreign pastures will be afforded equal turnarounds and punishments in the courts?  As an aside, those faced with cleaning up afterwards collected six tonnes* of laughing gas canisters - over 6,000 in total.  I think that says a lot about the type of people who frequent this Bank Holiday extravaganza.  The good news is that it is half of what was collected in the previous two years, although, its legally restricted availability may have something to do with it?  Once again, an occasion where it would be difficult to find a participant or visitor one would wish to invite home for afternoon tea.

Just another observation...

*The 'tonne' is a metric weight equalling 2204lbs.  A 'ton', as we used to know it, before the days of continental interference was/is 2000lbs - so much clearer and easier to remember!

Thursday, 22 August 2024

                                THERE'S NOWT AS QUEER AS QUEER FOLK

It is a funny old world and no mistake.  Now when I say 'funny', I mean that it's strange, odd, bonkers even!  Back in the days of Minis and winning the World Cup  the subject of sexual preferences was a thing discussed and practised, in relative privacy, between consenting couples of the opposite sex.  That's how we made and still make babies.  Homosexuals and lesbians practised their non-baby-making activities in even greater privacy until it became legal to do so openly and without fear of prosecution. Pandora's box was not only opened, but a veritable explosion of sexual preferences hit the streets and society was turned on its head.

As I've said before, and no doubt will again, I have no problem with anyone doing their own thing with their own sex providing it is consensual with both parties.  There, how much more liberal can I get!  What I can't get my head around is this continual pressure on society by those actively promoting or more commonly foisting their 'sexual community' on the general public, most of whom do not give a metaphorical toss!  If these sexually-obsessed souls think that by marching through streets dressed in bizarre outfits will garner support then they might wish to think again.  

Not everyone condones the adoption of children by same-sex couples.  Frankly, I feel it is one of the worst cases of betrayal and child indoctrination ever enacted, yet sadly, it is legally encouraged by those with a political agenda.  When I read or hear of a well-known singer or sports person whose 'wife' or 'husband' is supporting them, it truly makes me want to vomit.  Elton John and Tom Daley spring to mind - and I wish they wouldn't!  How have we, as a society ended up allowing children to be adopted by same-sex parents.  The very idea of a man marrying another man is quite ludicrous.  'This is my husband', they announce.  Makes the skin crawl!  As has been said on many previous occasions, by myself and, I'm gad to say, many others, children need a mummy bear and a daddy bear.  Both sexes, as parents, bring their own dynamics to the parenting table.  I suspect that's why nature worked it out that way in the beginning!

The situation is complicated even further by the proliferation of sexually-diverse sub-groups.  Homosexuals and lesbians are easily explained, one was either straight or queer.  Not good enough, I'm afraid, far too uncomplicated.  At some point in the ever-increasing past, a 'community' was set up, an umbrella, of I suspect a pink-ish hue, under which all those with various sexual sub-preferences could shelter.  Enter the LGBT band of like-minded souls who just can't keep their carnal deviations to themselves.  The  general public, who at best accept their activities, do not wish to know about it. They are plain fed up with these publicity-seeking souls parading, rallying, or encouraging councils to paint zebra crossings in the colours of their flags!  Why, they are not an endangered specie?  Frankly, it is a bloody cheek.  A bloody cheek matched by B&Q donating £1 for every rose sold during 'Pride Month'.  For God's sake, who do they think they are?  

Now, this is where it gets complicated, or laughable, dependent on your view.  LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender should, I would have thought, covered all of areas of sexual activity those of certain minds wish to involve themselves.  No, never so easy.  We now have LGBTQIA2S+!  ( The exclamation is mine, not another addition to their glossary of terminology.). The 'T' actually stands for 'Transgender AND Trans, with Q referring to Queer AND Questioning.  Didn't know that, did you?  I'm questioning what they are questioning, all seems a tad 'deep' to me, but who am I to question their use of language, though I suspect they don't spend a lot of time working in the real world. So, to the remaining letters etc. They stand for:  Intersex, Asexual or Agenda, and Two-Spirit.  The + sign signifies 'additional identity terms' apparently, though none of it is very apparant.   They also use the letter 'P' in some of their alphabetical meanderings, this refers to 'pansexual'!  Have you ever heard such bollocks?  Who are these people?

This gets either better or worse, certainly more head-shaking when you consider the role of the  'Demisexual Flag'. Its colours are Black, Grey and white with a purple border.  The black represents asexuality, grey represents demisexuality and grey-sexuality, (What is that all about?) with white covering that good-old standby -'sexuality' - the one we thought we could all understand. And it doesn't end there?  Oh no, no, no...  Were you aware that these prolific makers of the worlds most pointless acronyms have added yet another to their collection?  This is   'QUILTBAG':  Queer/Questioning. Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender/Transexual, Bisexual, Allied/Asexual, Gay/Genderqueer.  You couldn't make it up, though someone else has, obviously.  A note alongside the explanation states that  terminology is evolving , so don't hoist your colours to a Pride mast as it could alter by the time it takes you to  change from Martha to Arthur, or Lily from Willy.

No wonder the summer months witnessed Pride flags cut down, destroyed and/or burnt. From Weston-Super-Mare, though Luton, Stamford to Congleton in Cheshire, locals, sick to the back teeth of the 'needy-ones' requiring ever greater publicity, took the law into their own hands.  One can quite understand why.  Earlier this week in Forest Gate, north-east London, Pride 'flags' were vandalised for the fifth time.  Are they not getting the message?  Rob DesRoches, founder of 'Forest Gayte (Geddit?) Pride' said, amongst other things, that 'we feel people have been traumatised by the repeated vandalism', adding 'a healing process needs to take place'.  A removal of painted flags on the pavement is what needs to take place!  Dear oh dear, what soft saps represent Newham Council. If this DesRoches fellow thinks the painting over of their pavement flag is traumatising, he needs to seriously get a life, preferably somebody else's.  Compare his idea of trauma to someone living in a town without a Waitrose?  Now that's where counselling should be mandatory. this strangely-named cove has no idea of real life deprivation, too busy rearranging letters most likely!. 

My advice?  'Do what you like, and with whom you like, but keep it to yourselves dearie!  No-one outside your culture/community/clan is remotely interested.  Your'e not special, merely a pain in the arse - which eases with practise - or so I'm told...