Tuesday 27 August 2024


The Notting Hill Carnival is either a London-based institution or a complete waste of public money, depending on your point of view.  This colourful, or plain noisy and gaudy event was founded in 1966 by London's Caribbean communities.  Ten years on from its inception and rioting took place on the streets of London in a most unedifying manner.  Due to pickpocketing, assaults, varying other crimes and acts of violence perpetrated by some of those attending in 1975 the police decided it was time to toughen up.   They had been expecting a hostile reception and they received it.  The following year, 1976, the Police Federation asked for the introduction of riot shields.   Violence in one form or another has been a traditional part of this event for decades. Where would it be without a bit of 'rough and tumble' eh?  In 2008 there was rioting towards the carnival's end with violence and assaults leaving their marks once again.  This aspect of the so-called fun and frolics is especially aimed at the police however and has been a particularly nasty recurring feature throughout its history.  The cost of policing increased as ever, this time amounting to over £6million.  2011 was considered a relatively peaceful weekend as only five people were arrested over a stabbing, with 86 taken to hospital and 245 arrested.  2016 saw over 450 arrests and five people hurt in four knife attacks.   The wave of crime goes on unabated, in 2018 373 arrests were made, 36 weapons seized and more importantly, 30 police officers injured.

Regarding this year's offering, the Met Police issued a list of statistics at 10.45pm yesterday regarding Monday's crimes.  In short, it breaks down into the following:  4 firearms were recovered,  5 stabbings, 230 arrests for varying offences with no less than 35 officers injured. It was interesting to note some of the details of offences committed.  Among the more serious were 8 sexual assaults, 49 in possession of an offensive weapon, 8 violence by injury, 15 other violent offences, vehicle crime plus scores of drug related offences.  The worst statistic however, is knowing that there were 37 counts of assault on an emergency worker - I suspect they mean police officers in the main!  Add this to Sunday's figures of three stabbings and 104 arrests and you get an idea of why a policeman's - and policewoman's - lot is not a happy one!

The event generates an estimated £300 million.for the economy, so I read.  Really?  If so, how?  It is very easy to bandy around figures when there is no accurate way of justifying them.  What is not in dispute is that it cost over £12 million to police the event last year (2023).  Greater London Authority and Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council fork out a large amount of 'hard-working' taxpayers' income to fund this minority-leaning jolly.  There is sponsorship apparently, though I found it difficult to trace, despite an in-depth search that lasted for at least 30 seconds.  There is only so much time one can give to a seemingly minor irritation that surfaces annually like a boil that should have been lanced at its inception.  Sadly, we have not only welcomed with open wallets those arriving from the colonies, dominions, territories and empire in general, but we've handed over the keys to future policies that have ruined this nation. Years ago, a referendum on this annual event might have swung against its continuation, but with an ever-growing West Indian and fellow migrant population, any chance of an indigenous rejection has long since sailed - probably about the same time as the Good Ship 'Empire Windrush' was decanting its load upon an un-expecting native population.  

If I had my way, 2024 would be the last throw of the carnival dice.  Too much continued crime and assaults to make it morally palatable.  Why should the police have to endure the hostility, abuse and assault that comes their way year in year out?  Our esteemed left-wing leaders are quick to condemn and imprison thugs who abuse the police, vandalise shops, set cars on fire and create mayhem, and rightly so, they give free speech a bad name.   I wonder if those, whose forebears descended from foreign pastures will be afforded equal turnarounds and punishments in the courts?  As an aside, those faced with cleaning up afterwards collected six tonnes* of laughing gas canisters - over 6,000 in total.  I think that says a lot about the type of people who frequent this Bank Holiday extravaganza.  The good news is that it is half of what was collected in the previous two years, although, its legally restricted availability may have something to do with it?  Once again, an occasion where it would be difficult to find a participant or visitor one would wish to invite home for afternoon tea.

Just another observation...

*The 'tonne' is a metric weight equalling 2204lbs.  A 'ton', as we used to know it, before the days of continental interference was/is 2000lbs - so much clearer and easier to remember!

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