Monday 12 August 2024


A week on from the rioting that swept across many parts of the UK and Northern Island, courts have been at full stretch dealing with those who give protesting an extremely bad name,  I have no problem with cases being dealt with quickly in order to send out the message that violent behaviour will not be tolerated in British society. It is the inference that everybody who sees mass immigration as being the catalyst for social division, therefore classified as a 'right-wing extremist'.  Frankly, it's a bloody insult!

The BABC couldn't wait to inform the viewer and listener that members of the public, sitting drinking in a pub,  had shown their support for young Muslim men fearing for their mosque and all who pray in her.  The King sent his message of support to varying communities.  I expect he was 'reaching out' to them -  everybody seems to 'reach out' to someone these days - more Americanisms!  Scenes of 'Pro-immigration' rallies, marches and counter-protests were constantly shown on our screens as the week progressed and the BABC virtually 'creamed itself' at the thought and sight of those on favour of delivering the final nail in Britain's coffin  were hailed as the  'embracing, accepting tolerant members of society'.  Funny that, because most English, and many in Northern Island, see them as selfish, misguided fools who are contributing to our lack of social cohesion and eventual demise.

The nibbling away at the very fabric of our society is no better illustrated than the row that has been made public this week concerning a small village in Norfolk.  Claxton and Carleton Parish Council made what many -  hopefully most - Brits would see as a 'supportive' move by suggesting three flags would be flown at different times for different occasions.  These are the Union Jack, ( now described as the Union flag in many papers - why?), the St. George's flag and the flag of Norfolk.  These fine examples of national and local pride would be no more than 6 foot x 3 foot flown from a mast to be erected in the grounds of the village hall.  So far,  surely non-controversial one would think!  Oh no, nothing could be further from the truth. For a population of some 300 souls it appears that consternation, division, and even anger has come to the fore - why?  

The decision, which only a generation ago would have greeted with support and deemed to be a worthy act showing patriotism in the mildest of manners,  is now seen by some in the brave new world as 'divisive'.  Some of the locals, if not yokels, have complained that the erecting of a flagpole flying our national flag could have 'connotations that could put people off moving there'.  One un-named resident stated that there was 'a fine line between patriotism and nationalism'.  They suggested that 'bunting' should be used instead.  Another of the un-named ones commented that the 'flag itself is still divisive'.  Ye Gods and little fishes. which stones do these people crawl out from, I ask?  One of these miserable residents, who I am thankful is not a neighbour of mine, a lady called Glynnis White, added her left-wing four-pennyworth by proclaiming:   'The flag is often seen as a symbol against immigration and it would worry me if it was being used in the wrong way'.  I cannot think of a  sadder remark.  I suspect from that nanny-pamby attitude that she is a Liberal-Democrat - it wouldn't surprise me!  I also suspect that the village isn't currently swamped with migrants.  They'll notice a difference when and if it is.  Give it time, remember, we have a Labour government hell bent on destroying the remaining vestiges of Britain's once green and previously pleasant land.  One and a half million new homes, new towns and cities planned, I wonder how the Glynnis's of the world would take to a new town  replacing their country idyll, with all the changes in social structure that  it would bring with it, not to mention the new mosque?

Whilst the riots may possibly have ceased, and the Government appearing to play the part of the socialist cat that's licking the morally-high-ground cream, I do hope it doesn't think that we, the majority,  are content with, or accepting of, their socially destructive policies.  Anger at not being listened to though it remains just below the surface.  I have no doubt that it will rise again.  Our elected masters and mistresses have only themselves to blame for any further disturbances.  I just wish that all those trampling over our monuments and sculptures in their quest to show support for Palestine had been given the same fast turnaround and punishment  in the courts as those labelled 'right-wing thugs'.  In the end it's a stick for the indigenous population and a carrot for the incomers...

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