Thursday 22 August 2024

                                THERE'S NOWT AS QUEER AS QUEER FOLK

It is a funny old world and no mistake.  Now when I say 'funny', I mean that it's strange, odd, bonkers even!  Back in the days of Minis and winning the World Cup  the subject of sexual preferences was a thing discussed and practised, in relative privacy, between consenting couples of the opposite sex.  That's how we made and still make babies.  Homosexuals and lesbians practised their non-baby-making activities in even greater privacy until it became legal to do so openly and without fear of prosecution. Pandora's box was not only opened, but a veritable explosion of sexual preferences hit the streets and society was turned on its head.

As I've said before, and no doubt will again, I have no problem with anyone doing their own thing with their own sex providing it is consensual with both parties.  There, how much more liberal can I get!  What I can't get my head around is this continual pressure on society by those actively promoting or more commonly foisting their 'sexual community' on the general public, most of whom do not give a metaphorical toss!  If these sexually-obsessed souls think that by marching through streets dressed in bizarre outfits will garner support then they might wish to think again.  

Not everyone condones the adoption of children by same-sex couples.  Frankly, I feel it is one of the worst cases of betrayal and child indoctrination ever enacted, yet sadly, it is legally encouraged by those with a political agenda.  When I read or hear of a well-known singer or sports person whose 'wife' or 'husband' is supporting them, it truly makes me want to vomit.  Elton John and Tom Daley spring to mind - and I wish they wouldn't!  How have we, as a society ended up allowing children to be adopted by same-sex parents.  The very idea of a man marrying another man is quite ludicrous.  'This is my husband', they announce.  Makes the skin crawl!  As has been said on many previous occasions, by myself and, I'm gad to say, many others, children need a mummy bear and a daddy bear.  Both sexes, as parents, bring their own dynamics to the parenting table.  I suspect that's why nature worked it out that way in the beginning!

The situation is complicated even further by the proliferation of sexually-diverse sub-groups.  Homosexuals and lesbians are easily explained, one was either straight or queer.  Not good enough, I'm afraid, far too uncomplicated.  At some point in the ever-increasing past, a 'community' was set up, an umbrella, of I suspect a pink-ish hue, under which all those with various sexual sub-preferences could shelter.  Enter the LGBT band of like-minded souls who just can't keep their carnal deviations to themselves.  The  general public, who at best accept their activities, do not wish to know about it. They are plain fed up with these publicity-seeking souls parading, rallying, or encouraging councils to paint zebra crossings in the colours of their flags!  Why, they are not an endangered specie?  Frankly, it is a bloody cheek.  A bloody cheek matched by B&Q donating £1 for every rose sold during 'Pride Month'.  For God's sake, who do they think they are?  

Now, this is where it gets complicated, or laughable, dependent on your view.  LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender should, I would have thought, covered all of areas of sexual activity those of certain minds wish to involve themselves.  No, never so easy.  We now have LGBTQIA2S+!  ( The exclamation is mine, not another addition to their glossary of terminology.). The 'T' actually stands for 'Transgender AND Trans, with Q referring to Queer AND Questioning.  Didn't know that, did you?  I'm questioning what they are questioning, all seems a tad 'deep' to me, but who am I to question their use of language, though I suspect they don't spend a lot of time working in the real world. So, to the remaining letters etc. They stand for:  Intersex, Asexual or Agenda, and Two-Spirit.  The + sign signifies 'additional identity terms' apparently, though none of it is very apparant.   They also use the letter 'P' in some of their alphabetical meanderings, this refers to 'pansexual'!  Have you ever heard such bollocks?  Who are these people?

This gets either better or worse, certainly more head-shaking when you consider the role of the  'Demisexual Flag'. Its colours are Black, Grey and white with a purple border.  The black represents asexuality, grey represents demisexuality and grey-sexuality, (What is that all about?) with white covering that good-old standby -'sexuality' - the one we thought we could all understand. And it doesn't end there?  Oh no, no, no...  Were you aware that these prolific makers of the worlds most pointless acronyms have added yet another to their collection?  This is   'QUILTBAG':  Queer/Questioning. Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Transgender/Transexual, Bisexual, Allied/Asexual, Gay/Genderqueer.  You couldn't make it up, though someone else has, obviously.  A note alongside the explanation states that  terminology is evolving , so don't hoist your colours to a Pride mast as it could alter by the time it takes you to  change from Martha to Arthur, or Lily from Willy.

No wonder the summer months witnessed Pride flags cut down, destroyed and/or burnt. From Weston-Super-Mare, though Luton, Stamford to Congleton in Cheshire, locals, sick to the back teeth of the 'needy-ones' requiring ever greater publicity, took the law into their own hands.  One can quite understand why.  Earlier this week in Forest Gate, north-east London, Pride 'flags' were vandalised for the fifth time.  Are they not getting the message?  Rob DesRoches, founder of 'Forest Gayte (Geddit?) Pride' said, amongst other things, that 'we feel people have been traumatised by the repeated vandalism', adding 'a healing process needs to take place'.  A removal of painted flags on the pavement is what needs to take place!  Dear oh dear, what soft saps represent Newham Council. If this DesRoches fellow thinks the painting over of their pavement flag is traumatising, he needs to seriously get a life, preferably somebody else's.  Compare his idea of trauma to someone living in a town without a Waitrose?  Now that's where counselling should be mandatory. this strangely-named cove has no idea of real life deprivation, too busy rearranging letters most likely!. 

My advice?  'Do what you like, and with whom you like, but keep it to yourselves dearie!  No-one outside your culture/community/clan is remotely interested.  Your'e not special, merely a pain in the arse - which eases with practise - or so I'm told... 


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