Tuesday 6 August 2024

                                            MISDIRECTED  PRIDE

Now when I say 'Pride', I am not referring to those of a needy, self-obsessed, sexually transient nature, but those currently causing mayhem throughout the country.  The past two weekends, stretching into last night, have seen organised protests and riots across the length and breadth of our dis-united Kingdom.

The continuing debacle has apparently taken many observers and politicians by surprise - why?  If there are still a number of surprised souls out there, their naivety knows no bounds!  Enoch Powell, the best Prime Minister we never had, foresaw the problem of mass immigration and the detriment to society that inevitably goes with it.  His 'Rivers of blood' speech was appropriate, his assumption of the timing of its enactment was however, wrong.  He thought what is happening now would happen much sooner.  The reason it did not is that native white Britons are, in the main, an extremely tolerant race.  We are a nation of accepters.  We accepted successive governments telling us that diversity is a good thing, despite not asking the natives, natives who would eventually become restless.  We accepted refugees from former colonies without a murmur.  We accepted those purporting to be discriminated against in their own country without fuss.  We accept boatloads of those seeking a 'better benefit' life here in our sceptic isles without anything more than the shrugging of a shoulder.  If it wasn't for the lure of British taxpayers' handouts, why travel through umpteen countries to get here?

There becomes a tipping point over which frustration boils to the point of anger.  The result is the basis of the current, aggressive situation the country is immersed in.  The problems are more deep-seated than just racial and social.  I do believe that the disappearance of our manufacturing industries, along with our motor engineering sectors, have caused a lack of confidence and pride in our once great country.  Enough that is to set the protest ball rolling.  Over the past fifty years we have completely lost our motorbike, car, bus and commercial vehicle industries.  What is left is in the hands of companies owned and operated from beyond our shores.  Gas, electricity, water  services are mainly in foreign hands as is our railways and energy - not to mention the Dartford crossing!  The soul has been ripped out of Britain along with the word 'Great'.  

It starts at home,  Never have we had so many dysfunctional families.  The family unit is a dying breed.  Truancy has never been so prevalent, it is almost epidemic.  Sadly, we do not appear to have the resources to arrest this problem that sees many youngsters go off the rails.  A lack of structure does not help.  There is a shortfall in the number of apprenticeships and further education courses that could help career paths.  Prospects for many do not even appear on the horizon, a bleak future is all many youngsters see ahead of them and for many, a life of crime, be it drugs, shoplifting, fraud are the easier choices to be made.  Easier because there is little deterrent.  If there is little pride in your work, your town, your country, many will look for an outlet in which their anger can be channelled.

Whilst I can easily understand the desire to 'sound off', to demonstrate, protest about something that we as a country should never have allowed to get this far,  violence against the police is thuggery personified.  It is counter-productive and gives newspapers such as 'The Guardian' the perfect excuse to label all protesters as 'Right-wing extremists'. 

It is interesting to note that the one voice that should be listened to has received an awful lot of flak.  Not surprising sadly, but typical of those with a left-wing, immigrant-supporting agenda. Donna Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, stated the following:  'I've spoken to people from both sides of the spectrum and the only way to stem the tide of violent disorder is to acknowedge what is causing it.  Whilst the devestating attacks in Southport on Monday were a catalyst, the commonality amongst the protest groups appears to be focused on three key areas: the desire to protect Britain's sovereignty; the need to uphold British values and in order to do this, stop illegal immigration that has played out across France over the last 12 months.'  The lady is not wrong.  Will those with the power and ability to do something about it actually even consider doing something about it?  No, I doubt it too!  

A similarly interesting comment, though far more predictable and boringly typical, came from a chap called Neil Basu.  His real forename is Anil.  I wonder if he felt 'Neil' was more acceptable within the mainly white society in which he trod his chosen path - that within the Metropolitan Police Force. (Oops, nearly typed 'Farce', slip of the thought process!).  I've looked up this chappie.  He's mixed-race as is, half-caste as was, ie Asian father and Welsh mother. (There's lovely!) The fact that he has spent his entire working career in the Met. Police shows either dedication or a contentment in not getting out much.  Now, our Neil, (Anil as was), has thrown his hat into the commentary box by saying,  'I think we have seen serious acts of violence designed to cause terror to a section of our community'. (I suspect he means fellow Asians and other imported races).  He goes on to add,   'People should look very carefully at the legal definition of terrorism when considering some of the violence and actions seen since last week'.  He points to where his true colour lies when you consider that he was 'horrified' by the killing in America of that black chap George Floyd - a man who whilst obviously not being white was definitely not whiter than white either.  Charged with drug possession, theft and trespass over an eight year period, he, along with many, was not the sort of chap one would invite round for afternoon tea.   I'd be interested to know this Basu fellow's views on a certain 'community' with a history of setting off bombs and explosives on our underground system, buses and arenas killing and injuring innocent people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?  I think that might refer to a 'section of our community' as well?  Our Neil has also spoken out about his belief that British policing is institutionally racist and criticising other senior British police officers for their reluctance to agree.  But then he would do, wouldn't he?  Talk about bite the hand that feeds you.  Such is the extent of British policing discrimination that a total lack of it was shown to him when he was appointed Assistant Commissioner for Special Operations in the Met. Police as well as the National Police Chiefs' Council lead for Counter Terrorism Policing.  For someone with the usual racial chip on their shoulders, he added some braiding and a couple of pips.  Bless...

Interesting footnote is that The Guardian first broke the above story regarding his somewhat predictable comments and once again, I looked to see who had written the piece.  This time we have no less than three contributors - Vikram Dodd, Emine Sinmaz and Neha Gohil.  Is there any wonder their views are so biased in favour of the 'Offended, but still here'! Not one English name between them!

There are too many political heads in the coastal sand ignoring the feet of those seeking refuge in an overcrowded hotel of dubious reputation, patrolled and guarded by wardens of an aggressive and unsympathetic nature making their arrival as welcoming as a Japanese prison camp.  Well that's how I'd like to think it would be for whole bally lot of them - men, women and children.   Mind you, if pets are brought across, I would expect them to be well fed, well cared for, with oodles of money lavished upon them for their future well-being and quarantine, before they are re-housed with a joyous native English family - real mother, real father and two blonde children, a boy two years older than his sister, all happily living in a detached house in Bromley...

My advice to those with whom I have much in common, yet draw the line where violence against the police and the looting of  shops is concerned, would be to garner greater support from the middle classes.  Protesters who appear aggressive, prone to donning hoodies and obviously out for trouble, will never make the same impact as those with a point that is continuously rammed home across the country.  Hopefully, this would lead to those elected finding themselves working for the natives and not  grizzling incomers.  They may possss a British passport, but British?  Never!   A mass protest against the ridiculous level of migrants now in this country could kick-off a nationwide movement of nicely dressed, well-spoken chaps and chapesses being frightfully well-mannered, but as determined as a terrier to address the social divide before it's too late.  Large numbers protesting on the waters edge in Kent making those about to beach and breach think twice about setting foot on our soil would be a start.  Oh what I would give to see a BABC news clip whereby a boatload of seafaring - or channel-faring flotsam - has exclaimed en-masse,  'Sod this for a game of unearned benefits', before turning round and buggering off back to France.  Let them deal with the ongoing problem for once.  Christ knows, we pay the French enough to patrol their borders.  Mind you, they weren't that good at patrolling borders when Germany came calling - twice!

Well, that was fun, wasn't it!  Remember, if you wish to read more, books on our life and times as I see it, are available to purchase on-line.  Please visit our website:- www. trouser-press.biz for details of titles, reviews and price.  Tea and toast is next on the agenda.

Until the next post, bye for now,

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