Wednesday 14 August 2024


Thames Valley Police have been found guilty of racial discrimination in a case brought by three  police officers.  The twist is that these officers are white, yes, unbelievable, isn't it - white and justice is being served! It is a rare example in a world known for minority fawning and bias that a decision falls on the side of a native.  The employment tribunal panel found in favour of the officers as they had clearly been discriminated against on the grounds of their colour.  One could understand it if  they were white policemen up against a black or Asian officer seeking promotion in Jamaica or Delhi -  but in their own country?  So desperate are authorities in industry and commerce to toe the race line and tick an ethnic black box, that errors of judgement not only cause dismay for the native white employee, but fuel the hatred we see on our streets during racial protests.  Successive British governments are responsible for this state of affairs for they cower in fear of a minority society that has grown like Topsy and is backed by lawyers champing at the bit to discredit and shame any company or individual that doesn't kow-tow to their demands.   All that before claiming compensation for hurt, trauma, lost opportunities, whilst adding that well-trodden tenuous link to the 'Good ship Empire Windrush', all thrown in for good financial measure!  It would certainly bump up the unearned lolly and the lawyers' cut.

Detective Inspector Phillip Turner-Robson, Inspector Graham Horton and custody inspector Kirsteen Bishop all applied for the post of  detective inspector for the force's 'priority crime team' in August 2022.  Unfortunately for the three serving officers, all of whom had been employed by Thames Valley Police for between 19 and 26 years, their collective experience, loyalty and dedication counted for nothing as they were the wrong colour and the wrong nationality at the wrong time of their careers.  If only they'd been black, black-ish,  swarthy, swarthy-ish, or Asian - as was the case for the fortunate applicant - they might have got a look-in, stood a chance, been considered...

Superintendent Emma Baillie was 'requested' to improve diversity in the force by appointing an Asian to the rank of Detective Inspector.  Such was the rush to tick boxes at the expense of 'fairness to all', which in actuality means 'fairness to all minorities', that there was no competitive process whereby all candidates are interviewed and assessed on their individual merits.  Oh no, before you can say 'Ku Klux Klan', a certain Sergeant Sidhu is parachuted into the role and hey presto, another three white officers are denied the chance of promotion.  SS, as I think we'll refer to her, had not even been promoted to Inspector at the time of her appointment to her new post.  Worryingly, Supt. Emma Baillie apparently never deemed it necessary to adopt a competitive process.  Did she really think no-one would mind being sidelined and insulted in such a manner?  Can someone explain to me how occurrences like this are supposed to make the native content and remain ambitious in whatever field  of work they undertake in life?  Thoroughly demoralised, I would imagine.  I have met ex-staff who worked for the Met. Police, the BBC (which is why I always refer to left-leaning behemoth as the BABC - Black and Asian Broadcasting Corporation) and been told similar stories over the past few years.  

The three officers' case rested on the grounds that they were overlooked by virtue of being 'White British'.  What an indictment! What of our loss of face, culture, heritage and pride?  We seem incapable of standing up for ourselves.  No public debate on race, no discussions on TV, everybody who could make a difference is earnestly battening down the hatches and hoping they do not get involved in a subject that could ruin their career,  A slip of the tongue, the wrong word, a mis-understood quote, it takes so little to bring the anti-social media collective down on those speaking or seeking the truth.  Baying like hyenas at a bloodiest, such is the venom of those who seek to quell freedom of speech.

I really do hope that this drive to 'improve diversity' will be questioned.  It doesn't help the ethnic 'winner' in these cases, it merely spreads division and derision.  Because their promotion was political and not attained through a fair process-  even if they were the best person for the job - the very fact that all those involved knew it was box-ticking exercise will do nothing for their standing and can quickly make them the 'farce in the force'.

Interestingly. an Employment law expert, Will Burrows, commented that: 'Cases of discrimination against white employees are rare, but we expect to see a significant increase over the coming years and there are some important cases due to be heard on employers discriminating against white candidates'.  A glimmer of hope maybe?

When will the country gain sufficient political confidence in order to cut the ball and chain of 'Empire slavery awkwardness' from around Britain's ankles so that we can hold our heads high once more?  My advice - Don't be ashamed, be proud of our record of colonising large chunks of the world.  Nothing and no-one is perfect, but for a small island we certainly gave plundering and subjugation a fair shot. (Time to expand chest and display outward grit and sniffiness in equal proportions).  Do I feel guilty?  Of course not!  The good times were had by those who went before us, it is our generation that is paying the price through our population increasing exponentially and a crime rate that rises with it.  

I wonder what the share price would be if the East India Company was still in business today?  They'd probably be a rival to P & O, though they might bring a few non-paying migrants on one-way cruises as a sop in order to avoid a bad press for sins committed by their forebears. Old habits die hard! 

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