Tuesday 24 September 2013


                                                     ANY FOOL CAN BE BRITISH...

I see on the news that there has been a very unpleasant incident in Nairobi.  Some 65 people killed and many more injured.  It appears that 'British' subjects have been found amongst the innocent dead and those named within the terrorists ranks - either dead or alive. None of those from either group is 'British',  they are from  a country with different values, culture, and in many cases, a desire to change the society of the country they have adopted.

Everyone has to tiptoe gently when discussing race or religion, which is rather sad when one considers that this country has prided itself on freedom of speech.  A presenter on BBC news, when commenting on the child sex victims of gangs in the midlands and the north stated that the guilty were of asian and North African heritage.  Heritage!, heritage!  No-one would dare say they were plain asian or black.  However, if they were white, the term would be used without a thought to the inequality of it.  Every time Stephen Lawrence is mentioned, you can bet your bottom pound that those found guilty of  his murder are always described as white, and that the crime was racial.  Strange how nobody comments that  all the young girls used in trafficking were white, but those guilty of their abuse were merely of 'Heritage' stock!

As I always say, any fool can be British, but it takes a heck of a lot more to be English!

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