Saturday 7 September 2013


                                                           SUPPORTING THE WORLD

It came as no surprise to learn that David (all things to all men) Cameron has graciously decided to donate £52 million to Syria in some form of aid - quite what, the BBC didn't specify.   This now brings the total support to £400 million.   We have water voles that need protecting, we have libraries that need saving, we have historic buildings falling down around our ears and we have a cultural lifestyle built up over many hundreds of years,  being destroyed by successive governments of all political colours.   Did he not consider that the money could  be better spent in this country?   I would love to have a Prime Minister who put this country first and announced on election that the first thing he or she was going to do would be to cut overseas aid to the square root of bugger all.   How on earth you ring fence money to others who have paid nothing to this country's lack of wealth is beyond me.

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