Thursday 19 September 2013


                                                               I DIDN'T KNOW THAT

I've just been catching up on the Radio Times for the week 17th-23rd August.   On the penultimate page is My Watchlist, which I usually find quite interesting.   The week in question featured Evan Davis, who I've always found easy to listen to in the days when I used to watch Dragon's Den, and he is particularly good on Radio 4.   I wasn't aware that he is homosexual, because in the first paragraph he talks about his partner, a French landscape architect with the name Guillaume, which could to me have been male or female.  I just assumed it was female.   In fact, I assumed that until I got to the second question which asked, "How do you feel about the portrayal of gay people on TV?"   His answer included comments on a recently shown sit-com starring Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi.   At the end he said, "It's useful to normalise the promotion of gay relationships.   To be fair, he was answering a question put to him, but it always seems to be so narrow a subject.

I was interested also in the name of the interviewer.   It was a lady (I presume a lady) by the name of Alexia Skinitis - sounds as if she needs to visit a dermatologist|!

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