Friday 27 September 2013


                                       HALLOWEEN - ANOTHER AMERICAN IMPORT

A broad grin developed as I listened to a report on Radio 4 highlighting the apparent embarrassment  suffered by both Tesco and Asda with regard to certain halloween costumes.  I have always baulked at  such imported Yankee tosh, but if they are going to indulge in all things tacky, then at least they are being imaginative in their quest to increase  income.  It would, however, seem that costumes with 'Mental Patient', and 'Psycho Ward' on them cross the line of acceptability!

My grin was swiftly wiped off my face when I realised that mental charities had complained - but then they would do, wouldn't they!  What is wrong with these people?  So busy being good, they seem to have lost all sense of proportion and humour.  Can you imagine working with these people?  I can just see them running to their politically - correct  bosses shouting "Please sir!", or  "Please Miss" - although that should probably be "Please Ms" every time someone says anything which they consider to be an 'inappropriate comment'.  Still, at least the charities have copped for an unexpected windfall from both of the supermarkets,  which adds credence to the saying that all publicity is good publicity.  It has probably also stopped the charities - and their patients - from suing for trauma and compensation.

Whilst shopping in Waitrose (Frimley) earlier this week, the subject of Halloween came up with the customer in front of me.  It was really refreshing to hear the chap relate how, on the night in question, his neighbour places effigies of the Whicker Man and Jimmy Savile in his front garden to ward off evil children.  Now that's humour!

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