Tuesday 24 September 2013


                                             SURGICAL MASKS OR NOTHING AT ALL

It was interesting to see the most odious of the current crop of ministers - Jeremy Hunt - bottle out of making any decision on behalf of the government by stating that the wearing of niqabs, ie full veils with just eye slits, should be decided by the medical industry and not by government.   Well, that's giving leadership isn't it.   But they won't if it has anything to do with race or religion. 

I understand that 17 hospitals have banned these full face masks and it was interesting to hear a doctor on radio state that whilst she uses a full veil outside of work,  once she is inside a hospital doing her job, she removes it as she feels that all patients should be able to see her face.   Whilst I accept her argument I still think it's a bloody cheek that anyone  should  be allowed to wear them, whether at work or not.   I would love to be lying in a hospital bed  looking up at a pair of eyes staring down at me.   Actually, I wouldn't put up with it and I sincerely hope that others wouldn't either.

There was a recent case in the courts where a Muslim woman was told she had to remove her full face veil and a Muslim group said it was "disgusted" at the judge's decision.    Frankly, I'm disgusted that anyone feels they can live in another person's society and impose their will on the host nation.  It comes under the heading of "bloody cheek"!

 "If you don't like it here, there's a very easy answer - bugger off!"

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