Friday, 31 December 2021



                                                      SIGNING OFF FOR NOW

'Tis New Years Eve and an appropriate time to say 'Cheerio' for now.  Dismayed by the events of the past twelve months I shall refrain from making comment for the foreseeable future.

The non-vaccinated, the covid protesters, the climate protesters, the 'Insulate Britain' protesters, the 'Anti-anyone who works' protesters, have all contributed, by dint of Human Rights, to our country allowing the minority to set the terms and conditions of everyone else's freedom, be it health or cost to taxpayers.

The erosion of freedom of speech has snowballed, the man and women  (Note:-Two genders only!) in the street are afraid to voice an opinion for fear of being shouted down by those with political, racial or gender agendas.  These self-indulgent, self-censoring humourless flotsam regard anyone not sharing their narrow views as right-wing extremists, racists or anti-transwhatevers.  Who cares about the vocal minority and the anti-social media world they inhabit - other than the BABC!  

I would have higher regard for them as members of this planet if they were protesting about the continual destruction of the rain forests, meadows, flood plains, habitat in general. flora, fauna, over-fishing, animal trafficking around the world... The list of frustrations, disappointments, earth-shattering catastrophes goes on unabated.  Wildfires, flooding, extreme temperatures are now part of our weekly world news, it is affecting every living soul on this earth...  And what do the vocal minority actually manage to achieve when so much is at stake?  They tear down our cultural past on the grounds that history, if not re-written should certainly be wiped out or skewed for future generations.  They seek financial compensation for colonisation and all that goes with it.  It happened hundreds of years ago and no-one living is personally responsible - GET OVER IT!!  

Controversy continually raised its left-wing ethnic head throughout the year. A white head-shaking moment was witnessed when the decision was taken by a TV channel to cast an English queen with a black actress. Farcical and pointless. Will we see a future biopic of Nelson Mandela or Desmond Tutu being played by Alun Armstrong and Toby Jones? Heaven forfend!

To celebrate everything that isn't normal in human relationships we now have zebra crossings, repainted at cost to the taxpayer, in the colours of the rainbow.  Unbelievable!!  I really do wish someone would throw a bucket of paint over these pathetic epitaphs to gender-bending and all who sail in her... oh, and him, naturally!  (Shouldn't that be un-naturally?) 

So, on the very last day of 2021, as the monkeys increase their grip on controlling the zoo, I would love to be optimistic and wish you a 'Happy New Year' but I'm of the opinion a 'Crappy New Year' will be more appropriate!  Until whenever...  Stay safe.  (That wish is for the vaccinated only. All those not exempt for medical reasons please look up 'Brain Transplants' and apply immediately and if successful join those who possess common sense and responsibility as standard.) 

Monday, 30 August 2021




                           WELCOME HOME PAUL FARTHING AND FRIENDS!

A day of mixed emotions.  Great news after these past days of tense uncertainty that this defiant and courageous man would achieve any success whatsoever in bringing out so many animals from Kabul. This news is tempered with despair that by the same mode of transport thousands of refugees have been airlifted to Britain.

What fools we are as a nation, what misguided amateurs we elect...  Ben Wallace, the UK Defence Secretary accused supporters of Paul Farthing of 'bullying, falsehoods and threatening behaviour'.  If Mr Farthing and his supporters hadn't caused a stir, I wonder if he and even one mutt would have been airlifted to safety? 

Mr Wallace nailed his colours to the mast when he stated that he was 'Not prepared to prioritise pets over people... You may dislike me for that.  But that's my view.'  Oh yes, Mr Wallace, I dislike you more than you could possibly know - and the sad thing is that you and people like you never will understand how the vast majority of us feel about animals when compared to the world's displaced...

I am incandescent with rage and frustration.  Has he not reflected for a second on just how taxpayers with any sense of justice feel about this embarrassing, hasty withdrawal and what it says about the western powers and our collective inadequacy?  The vast majority of true Brits are not interested in housing these incomers, they are only too well aware that another umpteen hundred acres of green belt will be quietly removed from the local plan and a corresponding amount of ghastly estates with their mix of 'social housing' quotas and ghettos will displace the badgers, foxes, barn owls and field mice.  We really are fools, short-sighted fools.

Dogs and cats airlifted to a safer environment in this country are welcome, they will cost little to house in the short term and at least have the chance to be re-homed in a loving, caring environment where they will become part of the family.  Umpteen thousand Afghans on the other hand will, as do all refugees, migrants -  call them what you will - cost the taxpayer a fortune in housing and services.  How the hell can we afford them.  Our schools are over-stretched as it is, we lack pre-school care, we lack after-school care, we lack youth clubs, we lack activity centres.  You can bet your bottom pound that all these newbies to our shores will be in need of trauma counselling - more taxpayer expense.  (I wonder how many recipients of our enforced welcome will consider suing the government for a lack of first class accommodation on the flight from Kabul, or possibly a lack of in-flight entertainment maybe, no vegetarian food option?). 

It is with despair and not a little anger that I noted Spelthorne Council in Surrey offering fifty plus stray Afghans accommodation!  Why?  What have the good citizens and ratepayers of Spelthorne ever done to deserve yet another financial burden?  At a time when councils throughout the land plead extreme poverty there is no stopping their collective generosity to the worlds displaced.  It is not our problem!!  People want post offices, libraries, banks, graffiti-free shopping centres, NHS dentists, health centres with doctors you can actually make an appointment to see.  This is a third-world state in everything but name.  Services have been pared to the bone.  We have a shortage of lorry drivers, we have a shortage of fruit-pickers, we have a shortage of nurses, doctors, care staff, social workers... the list goes on!  

Do not blame our leaving the EU, blame our oversized, over-generous welfare system. Blame those recipients of universal credit who have clung to the shirt-tails of a system designed to benefit those on benefit. There are hundreds of thousands of work-shy spongers idling their way through their life and our hard-earned income. When will we see a political party that isn't hell bent on destroying everything that was dear to our nation?  Parties of all political colours have spent decades  replacing all that worked well leaving us with a feckless, disrespectful and selfish society determined to look after themselves and bugger everybody else! And here we are, adding yet more Afghans to our collective financial and social burden. These aspects of life never affect those elected to represent us, the poor sod in the street.  An MP never wakes to damp walls in a northern tenement before making their way to work. They live in splendour, very often splendid isolation - remote family farms spread over hundreds of acres, grand mansions of grand design, it's a different world and they will never be at one with the view of ordinary people because their world is so remote, so contained, so relatively easy...

So, to Paul (Pen) Farthing, I raise my glass... well, cup of tea at this time of day!  Thank you Sir for your tenacity, your commitment and your perseverance, you've made a lot of people  proud.  If your dogs and cats could talk I'm sure they would join me in a toast to a very fine Englishman - a rare breed in itself! Well done that man!!

Wednesday, 18 August 2021




Here we go again, another war-torn country and another umpteen thousand refugees are to be allowed sanctuary in our already overcrowded island!  The BABC described them as being 'welcomed' to Britain in its Red Button news story, but then they would do, wouldn't they!

Have we recolonised Australia?  Maybe New Zealand or most of Africa is once again within our grip and they will be our dumping ground?  Could it be the Americas that are going to take the brunt of the souls fleeing tyranny under Taliban rule?  No, none of that appears to be the case unfortunately which means they will end up here in dear old Blighty, home for those sailing and paddling - as I write - from France  by the boatload.

Why?  Why are we taking one single soul?  They are not our responsibility, never have been and never should be!   Ten thousand over four years is apparently what we have initially agreed to. That is ten thousand too many.  The only native Afghans I would allow are those involved in the animal rescue centre run by an ex serviceman who stayed on to open a sanctuary. Afghans are not generally known for their warmth and care regarding animals.  In fact, the animals would be my only flight priority for a new life here with a caring home.

On the basis that our Islands are still the same size as they were yesterday, can somebody please tell me where all these refugees - women and children first - are going to be housed?  Can someone be honest and tell the public just how much more land still designated 'Green Belt' will be needed for housing as we are concreting at a vast rate of knots - about the same rate of knots as the wind brings migrants from France!

The twenty year intervention by the USA, UK and other allied forces has been a complete waste of time, lives and money.  What must the parents and loved ones think of the death, pain, life-changing injuries and general suffering caused to our troops over that period?  And for what?  Russia didn't win in Afghanistan, America didn't win...  No-one wins in Afghanistan.  To my mind you have two choices, you either avoid the country and let matters take their own course or you are there for a very long time. That means leaving only when change is complete and society is stable and government is strong and in full control.  What the west has done is to fall between two stools where there are losers both home and abroad with fanatics virtually handed the keys to the country.

Did those in charge of western policy really believe that the Taliban wouldn't return?  These people are hell bent on power and ruthless control.  Last Friday I heard a spokesman comment during a radio interview that whilst the Taliban had captured several cities it would be months before Kabul fell!  Unbelievable!  

As our Government announced the terrible news regarding the sheer number we will be allowing in, Labour was telling the country that we are not doing enough. I turned off the news at that stage.  Labour, and their Liberal Democrat sidekicks are hell bent on taking the assumed moral high ground and would invite the whole Afghan population to resettle here given half a chance.  I have only one comment to make on their 'grand gesture' - remember Brexit and why we voted to leave!  Luckily we have the 'Talking Pictures' channel where I can watch English actors in English scenes in an England I can still remember!  Aaaaahhhh...

Monday, 12 July 2021




That's that then,  England lost on penalties - again!  I didn't watch the match, preferring to become immersed in a 1994 episode of 'Taggart'.  Two hours plus of drama matching that being played at Wembley but without the excruciating spectacle of an English team going down on one knee in embarrassing subjugation to black rights.  That white players should belittle themselves so publicly is shameful and does not bode well for racial harmony despite such fanfare of optimism displayed by the 'media of the left' and the BABC.

If the Italian team had not, out of respect for the opposition so I understand, followed suit and similarly caved in to the race lobby, I would have hoped they had won the match.  There are, as is often the case, several aspects that require a good mulling over.  For instance, the make-up of each team and the behaviour of the supporters. I read that half of England's squad was comprised of players with either a parent or grandparent not born in England, or even within the UK.  Indeed, out of the eleven players who started the match against Denmark last week, only four were actually 'English'.  Seven had either a parent or grandparent from overseas. These figures come from a 'spoke' on behalf of the Migration Museum.  I can't imagine such a museum being so politically incorrect to have a spokesman or a spokeswoman - though I have always preferred the notion of a 'spokeslady'. The form runs parallel to a 'chairlady' as opposed to the cold and impersonal 'chair'!  Regarding behaviour, thugs masquerading as fans caused havoc and mayhem at both Wembley and Leicester Square, with many policemen sustaining injuries.  Their mums will be so proud...

It was interesting to note that France had 17 members of its squad with overseas - or non-French connections.  Switzerland was second highest with 16, they must be desperate, trawling the world for wannabe flag bearers.  England was third (one place below last night's final position in fact) with 15, while Wales, with 14 appears to be following Switzerland in the race to dissolve their... well, race...  At the other end of the list, the low end in numbers, but the high end in heritage and national dignity, Italy only had 4, while Poland can stand proud with 0! Nil!  None!  Bugger all!  How good that must feel as a nation, but then, while we were conquering all and sundry over a number of centuries, Poland was consumed from both the left and right of its borders.  As England drowns in a sea of diversity, Poland produces home-grown talent giving vent to national pride.  How joyous that must feel in comparison to the  timid acceptance of an England moulded and populated to please the sandal-wearing dons of Oxbridge and all those students who follow their doctrines.

Dissolving my enthusiasm even further was the understanding that during one match, Harry Kane, England's great white hope wore a rainbow armband in support of LGBTQXI... or whatever, rights.  This was due apparently to the Hungarian prime minister bringing in legislation banning the subject of transgender rights, and all that goes with it, being taught in schools to under 18's.  It is Hungary's policy, not ours.  The European Union is up in arms, a situation that always warms the cockles of my genuinely English heart.  I have to ask, why get involved in another country's policies?  Why not just leave politics out of it, especially the more tawdry side of politics?  Going down on one knee is not going to bring harmony between races, more likely the complete opposite judging by the number of like-minded people who have had the guts to express their views though the media - the section of the media still believing in freedom of speech and opinion that is! 

There was an interesting comment from a lady called Lauren Tavriger who regales under the heading of 'executive assistant at Best of Britain', whoever they are.  Anyway this slightly thought-skewed lady stated that: 'The squad is a wonderful example of the benefits of immigration and is a celebration of diversity.'  She goes on, 'Cheering on football this summer will not just be about celebrating when the ball hits the back of the net.  It will also be to celebrate diversity, immigration and freedom of movement.'  I wonder how many football fans felt the same way as this sad, deluded, out-of-touch-with-the-common-man executive assistant?

What I do know is that when all was said and done, when push had come to shove and the 90 minutes plus extra-time and penalty shoot-out was concluded, Italy were the victors.  It appears that they were generally considered the better team on the night.  As far as I could tell they all had good old Italian names. Names you would identify with the players being Italian.  Maybe that helped their camaraderie?  Thirty-four matches unbeaten tells you something, the match going to penalties tells you that England's chances had dipped considerably by the end of extra-time.  Five England penalties, two taken and scored by white players, three taken and missed by black players.  Missing a penalty is one thing, the manner in which it is missed is another!  I watched a repeat of Mr. Rashford's woeful attempt. What on earth was he thinking?  All that posturing, playing mind games with the Italian goalkeeper, moving position, dance-like movements - and all before he struck the ball.  It must have been music to the goalkeeper's ears.  Every Rashford pre-kick move gave advantage to Italy.  The goalkeeper must have thought 'What a twat!' - or whatever the equivalent phrase is over there, probably Il Twatto?  I note that Dover's female Tory MP suggested that Sir Marcus of Manchester (my description) might consider practising penalties rather than getting involved in poverty politics. The lady's not wrong.

All three players have been subjected to on-line abuse for their penalty failings.  I do not condone that action for one minute, but it is not surprising when you step back and look at the role played by the authorities and the sycophantic cries on behalf of lives mattering for one colour but another not even getting a mention.  The hoot of all this kneeling malarkey is that the man whose death spawned the movement, an American, wasn't exactly someone you'd want as a neighbour, let alone a family member.  In short, he wasn't an overly-nice person, but the manner of his death gave those with spare time to conjure up yet another racial cause the inspiration for world division and derision.  Thanks for that!

If England had won, we could have looked on it as an example of the country's newly-found confidence having left the EU.  A sort of  'This is what independence from the stifling club means to us' moment.  It wasn't to be our greatest two hours, but who minds, we still have our never-fading memories of 1966 when we fielded a 'proper' England team that included eleven English men!  We won that afternoon as I recall...

Sunday, 11 July 2021




So, after seventeen months we are (hopefully) going to see restrictions lifted and a sense of normality return.  Many false dawns along with many false starts have seen society accept, adapt and carry on regardless.  It is what the majority of us do because we have an innate desire to survive.  Sadly, it is the minority who for a wide number of reasons, make life awkward at best and dangerous in the extreme for those who have toed the line, followed guidance and been vaccinated twice.  

I understand there are those who, due to a medical condition cannot be given the jab, but in similar vein to disabled badges, 'vaccination exemptions' appear to be handed out willy-nilly.  I suspect that in many cases, the exemption holder feels, in the same way as a parent of a child with so-called 'special needs'... well, special!  It appears to be an achievement all of its own.  Something to be talked about, someone to be talked about.  We live in times when the needy are at their neediest. In a way - a very small way - I can cope with stories, or hearing word of these people, because they are basically sad under-achievers with little self-esteem and you're rather glad you don't know them personally.  I do not possess the greatest patience or time for those who do not help themselves, they generally blame everyone else for their situation and wallow in self-pity and helplessness.

Apart from the genuinely exempt and the needy exempt are those with agendas - the naysayers, disbelievers, conspiracy theorists, those who use their religion as a shield instead of a vaccination, the arrogant, the sheer bloody-minded and worst of all, the 'professional' protester, those incomplete wastes of space who drain our welfare system and contribute the square root of bugger-all to the country that houses, feeds and clothes them... (Feeling better now!)

However, cometh the 19th, cometh the implementation of our potentially new-found freedom, the finer detailed points of which are, at the time of writing, still to be announced.  It is expected that face-masks will still be necessary on transport and possibly when shopping.  I fully expect people to be keeping their distance for many a month yet regardless of any relaxation we may be afforded.  There are many who still do not wish to venture out, for the fear is palpable in many instances, especially in the older age bracket.

What I would like is a breakdown of statistics in relation to who exactly is defying advice and continuing to remain unprotected.  They obviously consider themselves above infection, or are convinced that Covid doesn't exist.  Either way they have complete disregard for others.  Ninety-nine per cent of all new cases are of the Indian... sorry, sorry... Delta variety, averaging 25,000 new cases daily, though with many fewer hospitalisations.  We've previously discussed the most infectious geographical areas and the make-up of those who live there, but is it race, religion or arrogance that deters due to information from mainly 'white professionals' advising you of both risk and protection.  A lot of professional, informed Asians work within the medical profession and encourage those within their fellow religion or race to protect themselves and others. The 19th should/will see greater numbers meeting in closer proximity.  Is it fair on those who have been responsible to have to sit next to, shop next to, have a meal next to someone who has flouted advice and therefore the opportunity of a jab? 

I still feel that a vaccination passport is the answer.  No playing the game, no freedom of movement. Arrogance fronting any perceived reason would mean being housebound.  Home deliveries only, no travel, no friends or family other than those living within that household.  Those within that household who enjoyed a modicum of intelligence and had been vaccinated would be forced to forego their freedom due to the stubborn or misguided soul(s) within their family who had made things bad for everyone.  How do we know who is a danger and who is not.  Pressure from the airline and travel industries isn't helping with more pressure heaped upon the government for one reason and one reason only - money!

I realise there would be hell to pay by the libertarians but you either play your part in society or you face the consequences.  It would of course give the rest of us a fighting chance but we sadly live in a world where rights are everything and responsibility comes a very poor second...

Sunday, 4 July 2021



                                          WHAT PRICE SUCCESS... AND FALSE PRIDE?

Winning is everything, the taking part is essential, but the ultimate glory goes to the winner and all who sail in their moneyed fame and triumphal wake.  Agents take their cut, media invitations offering a myriad of celebrity opportunities arrive with remarkable ease and Britain's latest sensation has hit the headlines. Fame lasting from fifteen minutes to a lifetime beckons.

Not that I watch, for I have little interest in perpetual grunting, but one cannot be unaware that Wimbledon is back and taking up a lot of screen time.  Mr Murray has just been knocked out of the Men's Singles and our remaining hopes lie with... no, I do believe they have all gone, knocked out, defeated in the early stages.   So, no surprise there, but at least they took part, which is nice if you're not overly bothered about winning, but a complete bummer if you're of an extremely competitive disposition!

With the ladies 'our' collective hopes commenced this time round apparently with Johanna Konta, Heather Watson and Emma Raducanu... oh... and there is also Naiktha Bains and Eden Silva to add to the list of flag-flying hopefuls over the next few years... maybe.

The problem is, just how 'British' are they? Heather Watson was at least born here to parents carrying British passports.  That her British family history and lineage does not go back the five hundred years I would make a prerequisite for being 'British', I have to accept that this principle could be subject to discussion in certain left-wing circles.  Johanna Konta's claim to represent Britain is laughable.  She was born in Australia to Hungarian parents.  How on earth can she so readily trade nationalities and sides?  Could it be because she might, just might, win a few matches for her adopted country of choice?  And whose choice was it?   Did she make the move to become British and thus represent our mongrel land, or did the tennis authorities spot her and think 'We'll take a chance on this one 'ere!'   Who knows, but it does make you think... No it does, really!

With regard to Emma Raducanu, this seemingly talented young lady was born in Toronto to a Hungarian father and a Chinese mother.  The family moved to the UK when Emma was two years of age.   Other than living here for the majority of her still young life, what qualifies her to racket for Britain?   Hungary, China or failing that her country of origin, in her case, Canada all seem to be fair game, so surely her links to Blighty, other than residency are tenuous?  But... she might be a winner, and that's what counts!

In the case of Leeds born Naiktha Bains, her father is Indian.  She moved with him to Brisbane when she was eight years old.  Now, with the previously-mentioned thoughts in mind, she could play for GB due to her being born here, however,  there is a whopping great fly in a rather syrupy ointment.  From 2014 to 2019 she represented Australia.  She then changed allegiance and from that same year is now strutting her stuff for Britain, though she continues to be a resident of Brisbane and commutes between the two continents whilst contributing greatly to the worlds carbon footprint.  I have to ask, 'Is this right?'   Eden Silva, born in London is the offspring of a Russian father and a Sri Lankan mother.  Why is she not representing one of the two countries she is linked to by parentage as opposed to a city her parents have adopted for either work or personal reasons?  It appears to be a case of 'bugger the ethics, we need a  winner! '  Game, Set and Match to misguided and unwarranted national pride...

Friday, 25 June 2021



                                                WHEN 'DELTA' REPLACED 'INDIAN'

Delta!  The new, politically-correct name for Indian, a well-known variant brought to you by the Covid family.  We've had the Kent version, now re-named Alpha, Brazil's offering is now Gamma, while South Africa chimes in with good old Beta.  It's interesting to note that nobody worried about the latter three being associated with two countries and an English county - as it happens, the 'Garden of England' - but India!  Living in Surrey, a county bordering Kent, I didn't descend into panic mode and not cross the border.  I didn't sue for compensation and trauma.  I know many a 'Man of Kent'...  and many a 'Kentish Man' come to think of it.  Mind you, they are what I'd call 'proper people' born and bred in 'Sarf East London' in the days when most of it was still Kent. 

Suddenly, a new strain appears on the Asian horizon and all hell breaks loose at the World Health Organisation.  You can just imagine a gaggle of Head Office headless chickens running about in panic as the realisation that the very origin of this latest variant could cause an outbreak of anti-Indian sentiment in far-flung overseas Indian territories such as the north-west of England for instance!  

Who do the WHO think we true Brits are?  We are no more likely to mutter a word of anti-Indian criticism or comment, for as a nation we've been programmed to accept colonisation by the migrant masses for decades.   It's what we do best, we accept.  We are a nation of acceptors.  We might grumble at home to loved ones who have witnessed Britain's diverse decline and are of a like mind, but speak publicly of fears and concerns? Only at the ballot box during the referendum did we see the public express its dissatisfaction with Britain's lot.  Sadly we, the present generation, ironically pays the price for our colonial forebears who landed on continental shores two to three hundred years ago and left us to pay for it by way of what some would  describe as 'ethnic communities' and which  many more would consider 'ghettos'. 

It isn't without coincidence that many north west towns in Lancashire and those previously within that once beautiful county and now enmeshed within the sprawling metropolis that is Manchester, have shown an inordinate increase in Covid cases.  Bedford, Luton, Slough, Reading, the 'Republic of East London' and many more towns and areas densely populated with Asians have all recorded spikes in cases, enough nationally to put back the end of lockdown while denying millions of community-spirited and responsible people from resuming their work after fifteen months of enforced lay-off!  But that's OK, everyone has rights.  Everyone has the right to say 'No' to a vaccination thus depriving themselves of protection and more importantly, others who they will undoubtably contaminate.  

The Government should make it a lot tougher, a lot more difficult to say 'No'.  I'd like to see a public proclamation stating the rights of the individual versus the penalty for nonconformity.  This would include the inability to work as it would be a condition of employment that full vaccination had taken place.  No jabs - no job!  There would be a complete withdrawal of all welfare benefits as it was the lack of action from a stubborn, selfish sod who decided to put him or herself in this position in the first place.  Admittance to any shop, leisure activity, museum, pub... in fact any outdoor pursuit would be prohibited.  In essence, one would be grounded, confined to a ghetto, literally ring-fenced by bricks, mortar and quite possibly flammable cladding.  The only travel allowed would be via a one way flight to a destination of our Government's choice, namely the country that gave its name to the variant in the first place.  Hopefully a huge dollop of humble pie would be eaten and not a little reality finally kicking in with others of a similarly selfish ilk also signing up for a jab - or two.  

What fools we are to put up with such dissent by those from an ethnic background who fail to accept our science or culture.  What fools we are to equally put up with the dross that spreads misinformation about the virus, in all its forms.  Do they really not believe what has happened worldwide over the past year and a quarter?  That the virus hasn't 'taken out' those who contribute little to humanity and all that goes with it is a real bugger, and not a tad disappointing if I'm honest, but that's life... or possibly death if you fail your fellow man - or woman, obviously!

Monday, 21 June 2021




This was a previously safe Tory seat although the party had been haemorrhaging votes over the past two elections in 2017 and 2019.  The constituency's seemingly popular MP, one Cheryl Gillan, achieved 33,514 votes in 2017.  That equated to 60.7 per cent of the total votes cast.  In 2019 the lady attained 30,850 votes, equal to 55.4 per cent.  

Her death brought about last weeks by-election where the Tory candidate polled a miserable 13,489 votes (35.5 per cent)  coming second to the Liberal Democrats who are probably preparing for government. They certainly would be if the now somewhat discredited David Steel was still at the party's helm!

Often the second largest party nationally takes advantage of a mid-term opportunity, but Chesham and Amersham  is not what you'd call traditional Labour territory.   It is Bucks not Bolton, very little in the way of ferrets, cloth caps and ghettos.  It has green rolling countryside... or rather it has green rolling countryside that is being built upon at a vast rate of knots.  As elsewhere in the south-east of England, county councils are under extreme government pressure to build anywhere - everywhere!  We are fools, we destroy the very reasons people moved to these towns and villages in the first place.  There is no joined-up thinking in government policy regarding house-building, merely joined-up towns. 

The Tories may well poo-poo this result but the writing was on the wall during the recent local elections when they lost many council seats to the Lib-Dems.  The irony of that lies within that party's wider policies of  relaxing immigration and refugee laws should that 'bastion of Remainers' ever get into power.  How many houses would we need for them?   The country is steeling itself for the next invasion from Hong Kong, it's only a matter of time, and where do we put all of them - their offspring, their parents, their grandparents, their Aunt Fanny Hoo Poo who is once removed twice over in the family pecking order but cannot be left behind!

This constituency is also suffering great upheaval and change brought about by the ridiculous HS2 project. Indeed, only today it was mentioned in the papers for no worse reason than its cost has just risen by another 1.6 billion pounds.  This is an added bone of contention to the local non-yokels and another reason for dissent, for protest, for voting tactically and giving a bloody nose to those who fail to listen.

Whilst the Lib-Dems crow their success it has to be noted that even though locally the party is against HS2, nationally they support it.  So what would happen if False God forbid, they ever did achieve power?  Well, national policy trumps local every time, so the destruction would continue - only with more allotted space for social housing.

What is significant is the dramatic fall in the Labour Party vote.  As mentioned above, it is not a 'Red Wall' area, but back in 2017 Labour amassed 11,374 votes (20.6 per cent) coming second, in 2019 their vote was 7,166 (12.9 per cent) coming third.  Last week they scrambled 622 votes, coming fourth after the Greens (1.1 per cent).  To rub salt into their unknown policy wounds the Labour Party ended up with less than half of the Green Party's haul of 1.480 votes (1.6 per cent), which in itself is pretty abysmal!

We have Batley and Spen, a true 'Red Wall' constituency by-election coming up next week.  'Ee by 'eck as like, that should make reet good reading and no mistake...  Now where's that ferret?

Sunday, 20 June 2021



                                          AN ALTERNATIVE PHONETIC CODE

Whist walking the dog yesterday and thinking of aspects of life not considered for at least an hour, I contemplated a new phonetic code designed with more than a nod towards England's left-leaning universities and their mealy-mouthed, unforgiving, vexatious students.

So, with the above in mind here goes!

A - Albion   (Britain in ancient times when the population was British)        

B - Boy   (One of only two sexes)

C - Colonial   or   Colston   (Either should inflame their lack of senses...)

D - Democracy   (Not a word they understand or encourage)

E - Empire   or   England    (See C)

F - Far-Right  (A way of thinking engendered by their blinkered views!)

G -  Girl   (The only other sex)   or   Genocide  (Underrated means of reducing population growth)

H - Homophobia  (A word used to slate an opposite viewpoint or opinion)

I - Indian   (Name of a Covid19 variant until the WHO changed it to 'Delta' as a sop to racial harmony)

J - Jeopardy  (Where their lobbying and protesting is putting democracy)

K - Killjoy   (Blanket description of these miserable, obsessed scrotes)

L - Lee   (As in Robert E...)   or   Limp   (As in 'wristed')

M - Migrant   (Not a term used - or indeed required -  in the Albion of yore)

N - Neurotic  (Hopefully their pain will cease when they reach 35, own a house and vote Tory!)

O - Obnoxious   (How 'normal' people perceive them)

P - Pander   (What University Chancellors and Dons do to these paragons of virtual dictatorship)   

Q - Queer   (How many students see themselves - and coincidentally how we see them too!)

R - Rhodesia   or   Rhodes.  (See C... again!)

S - Slavery   (C above... Sorry, See above!)

T - Territories   (See E... See also LMS Jubilee Class locomotives for a wide range of former territories)

U - United Kingdom   (What can never be bettered yet they seek to destroy!)

V - Victim.  (Term used to describe the unwashed, the unemployable, the socially deprived and depraved)

W - White   (Needs no explanation...)

X - Xenophobia   (See H)

Y - Yam Yam   (Never forget the Black Country... or re-visit!)

Z - Zealot   (Term used to describe the 'Left-of-Corbyn students permeating Britain's universities. These thoughtless - for they are thoughtless - activists heralding from both our shores and  former colonies are hell-bent on undermining the fabric and history of this country using literally destructive methods in order to achieve their goals.  See D!)

I enjoyed doing that and I will use it when and as required. After all where would the world be without a bit of light-hearted fun and banter?  Oh yes, ruled by those 'bright young things' with an excess of intelligence and a complete lack of proportion and common sense.

Thursday, 10 June 2021



                                   THE SOMEWHAT IGNORANT MR. FERDINAND

The Mr. Ferdinand in question is an ex-footballer.  First name Rio, he has taken a swipe at those attending England football matches who have had the effrontery to boo as England players go down on one knee in order to pay homage to black superiority.  Now I know that is not what was and is intended by this action, but that is exactly how it is perceived by many.  

Before I move on to the main thrust of this post, I feel the need to air a thought, I wonder how/why he ended up being called Rio?  Was it after Grande, perhaps somebody in his family liked the film of the same name.  Was he conceived there maybe on a family holiday?  Rio de Janeiro could be worth a punt... or did relatives have shares in Rio Tinto Zinc?  The possibilities are destined to run out soon, so I'll quit while I'm behind.

Right, on with the 'thrust'.  If I were to attend a match, be it an England game, a Premier League or a EFL match and players went about this divisive action before kick-off I would be booing as loudly as my ageing lungs could muster.  Does that make me and all who boo racist?  In the eyes of those with the giant shoulder chip, of course it does, but the retort goes a lot deeper than a mere vocal reaction.   It is the white man's cry against the systematic and continuous assault on our society by an influential, vocal and biased BABC on an everyday basis. Then there are programme makers, news editors, advertisers, film makers,  educationalists,  charities, support groups and protest groups  to name but a few, all putting in their four pennyworth of drip-fed black issues.  Everywhere you turn it's a case of black this and black that.  Oh the poverty, oh the deprivation, oh the unfairness of living in England.  The weight of that black shoulder chip is never mentioned in any programme, but then nothing is debated when dealing with race - or as many see it, England's teflon-coated vociferous and not-so-small minority problem.

Rio Ferdinand suggests that those who boo are 'ignorant and should be educated'.  Coming from a spokesperson who purports to represent a race of people whose own anti-social activities are historically known to be extremely dubious - murder, knife crimes, assaults, robberies, drug running... one could go on - I find his comment regarding 'white education' to be a bit rich!

If the pandemic had not been around and crowds were swelling the turnstiles at matches both national and international, I'm certain Mr. F would have had a far greater number of candidates up for re-education.  It would have shown exactly what we thought of this ridiculous posturing.  It certainly isn't gaining newly-converted friends from the white majority, they just feel bereft of identity and voice.  

Note to the latest flag-bearing whinger:  Put yourself, if you will, in the mind of someone who is white and a true native of our once glorious country.  You and your ilk collectively fail to understand that by harping on about 'Black lives mattering' you are excluding the (still) majority of the population in their own country. You sir, are insulting the natives!  If it was a case of  'All lives mattering', irritating as the slogan would be, at least true Englishmen and women would feel included and not completely isolated whilst all focus is on those whose colour is non-white!

Footnote:  Last night an acquaintance sent me a caption and photo for my amusement and sanity.  The caption reads 'BBC announce remake of 101 Dalmatians'.  The photo is of a black Labrador!  Says it all really!  Hang on, the door bell has rung, it's the Thought Police!  Alright, I made it up, it was actually the post lady, but how long will it be before a racial quip is not monitored online by 'The Establishment' and one is carted off for re-programming before you can say 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry 'before grovelling at the feet (kneeling) of the fully armed 'Race Protection Officer'?  Free speech is akin to a precious stone in need of polishing and restoration so as to be appreciated and respected by all! 

Monday, 31 May 2021



                                  THE END OF AN ERA - FROM BBC TO BABC!

I renamed the British Broadcasting Corporation the 'Black and Asian Broadcasting Corporation' some four years ago when writing 'In Bed With A. Mann'.  Whether it was Part 1 or 2  is up for debate, I remember not, but the point was made. The BBC were starting to irritate not just me, but many white viewers. 

Black lives apparently mattering more than white, colonialism and imperialism both up for awards in the 'What can we hate next?' category and the BEEB's obsession with minorities has seen a once familiar and friendly family member morph into a distant relative with which I have very little in common.

Today sees the final vestiges of the football season come to an end.  At 3pm Morecombe will play Newport County, the victor gaining promotion to League 1 (Division 3 as was).  And so it is over until the new season kicks off in around three months' time -  a further Covid lockdown notwithstanding.  The pleasure of Football Focus and the Saturday afternoon update service on Radio 5 via the Red Button are now but a recent memory, as is Match of the day.  Football Focus was hosted for some ten years or so by Dan Walker, an amiable chap who played the role of anchorman without hype or brashness.  He was easy on the eye and ear.  All change!  I know not whether it was his choice to leave or whether he was pushed out, but his replacement is a black ex-football playing female, which ticks two boxes in one promotion. 

Frankly, I do not wish to listen to a female talking about men's football.  I have absolutely no problem with women discussing,  playing the game or partaking as a pundit,  providing it's woman football.  Slightly partisan, you may ask, and yes, that view could be formed, though I never had that problem with Gabby Logan! Why? Well for one she speaks well, does not drop her 'H's or 'T's.  On consecutive Saturday afternoons earlier this month neither the anchorman - for he was a man - nor the two pundits were white. The score read Black sports presenters 3 - White sports presenters 0.  I know I have mentioned this before but when the BABC do put a white female on as a pundit they invariably choose that dreadful Karen Carney whose command of diction is appalling.  The black male presenters are equally lacking, but they are black and that is the holy grail as far as the Corporation is concerned.  MOTD is no different.  I wonder how long Gary Lineker will continue to hold court?  He is so often the only white face at the desk, presiding over two black pundits who exclaim 'Penal'y', 'Missed opportuni'y', 'posi'ive', 'ge'in' (getting), 'li'le' (little), 'quali'y', 'coun'er'.  Quantity over quality, it's a race to the bottom in the name of race!

Away from football Eamonn Holmes and his other half have been replaced on daytime TV by a black female presenter.  A black male and female now host a game show so I've been informed.  The London news segment has a far greater ratio of black and Asian presenters than truly represents the population at large.  From Countryfile to Bargain Hunt they have sprung a number of ethnic presenters onto previously white middle-class programmes watched by white middle-class viewers.  Far from the heady days of James Braxton, James Lewis and David Harper, a chap called Danny Sebastian is now treading the boards, so to speak.  A tall, pleasant enough black chap, but does he really have to don a ridiculous bowler hat with a feather?  Is that his style of attire - in which case the man is a complete arse - or is it a'whizz' idea by the stage managers?  Either way, I now choose which episodes to watch...  Dragons Den will, from the next series have a new dragon, a black chap who has made a fortune by some means or other.  He will make his mark apparently by not wearing a suit!  Why?  Would a suit not fit due to an excessive shoulder chip?  

The white viewer is made to feel guilty at every stage of BABC commissioning.  Switch on the TV and there is a trailer informing the viewer of a forthcoming programme on Black music, Black subjugation, Black history, Black lack-of-history, the 'Windrush' debacle, sub-standard  black schooling and institutional racism, and on it goes...drip... drip... drip... Does it make the white viewer contrite, remorseful or grief-stricken for alleged unfairness at best and hatred at worst?  Does it buggery!  If the ordinary man in the street and park that I speak to is anything to go by, it just makes people resentful, angry that so many chips can be counted on so many shoulders and all singing the final verse from the 'White man's lament' which reads: 'If you don't like our ways or our traditions and past, GO! LEAVE! Interesting of course is that the teflon-coated ones never do, they merely wreak havoc with our society.

The BABC are not alone, the commercial stations are just as determined to drive away their basic white audience. Virtually every advert has a black/mixed-race family on show or a lesbian/homosexual couple happily playing their part in destroying the social balance, forcing it down the gullet of the viewer.  I feel I know what it's like to be a duck force fed its diet prior to being served up as foie  gras! Channel 5 are running a programme this week on Anne Boleyn, the leading role played by a black actress - Why?  They must feel so proud that once again they have tipped reality upside down and shocked middle England.  I've said this before but would a white Othello be allowed to enter stage left?  I very much doubt it!  What is good for the black goose is not always good for the white gander.

So, farewell MOTD, Football Focus, Football Update, Countryfile and any future programme that doesn't include a greater commitment to white actors and presenters.  I'm not holding out much hope obviously, so Talking Pictures and Yesterday will be my regular programmes for good, traditional British films when Black and White held sway, but in a manner befitting a nation that was yet to become a hotch-potch of  diversity and social breakdown.  By Christ have we paid a heavy price for our colonial past. The laugh is that my generation never garnered any benefit from the acts of our forefathers, we came under heavy and relentless fire because of them!  Still, as a fellow dog walker lamented only the other day 'I never thought I could feel so disconnected with my own country in front of my own television!'  Says it all really...

Monday, 24 May 2021



                                      YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR?  YOU'RE JOKING!

I was informed by a very pleasant Boots pharmacist that my being diabetic prevented him from recommending an ointment for a corn.  I took note of his advice, which entailed what formerly was a very simple operation.  No, not one on the affected toe, but a phone call to the local surgery in order to see a doctor.

Back in the good old days when the 'Service' in National Health Service meant exactly what it said on the tin - in respect of booking an appointment - you simply rang 'The doctors'.  Consolidation,  changes in care policy and cutbacks produced 'Practices' and 'Surgeries'.  These in turn became 'Health Centres', and with every move forward, service went backwards.  Not the service given by a doctor, but the service, or lack of it, you received, and continue to receive from what were formally known as 'Receptionists', and are now unofficially, but very accurately described by most patients as 'Gatekeepers'!  You struggle to get past the buggers!

The act of communication with my Health Centre is akin to visiting post offices in order to tax your car.  It was always a relief when the errand had been fulfilled and the transaction completed. You felt a real sense of achievement as you metaphorically skipped back to your car, disc in hand whistling a happy tune and basking in the success of another years hassle-free motoring.  Sadly, whilst taxing your car on-line has taken the stress out of queuing, the stress of the inevitable clashing of patient against gatekeeper becomes evermore tense.

"Ring your doctor' the pharmacist advised, an ordeal in the making if ever there was one and seemingly with a cast of thousands.  It was Monday afternoon, the week before last that I first attempted communication with a gatekeeper.  My call was met by a robotic voice harping on at length about Covid 19 and how help and information could be found on the appropriate website.  There followed a female voice advising anyone who had the audacity to ring for an appointment that the centre was extremely busy and doctors were only dealing with what she termed 'emergency cases'.  From there another pre-recorded female voice offered four alternatives.  Press 1 for an appointment, 2 for prescriptions, 3 for test results and 4 for referrals.  I pressed  number 1 regardless of the previous warning and waited patiently as I travelled my journey from No. 13 in the queue over a twenty-eight minute period to the now enticing position where the irritating robot informed me that I was 'number one in the queue, waiting to speak to a representative'.   Out of interest, it matters not which number you press as they all go through to the same person who happens to pick up the phone.  So much for four options!

Vying for  position of 'Top Dog' in the 'Irritation Handicap Stakes' along with the robot was the music that accompanied my journey, my experience... my bloody frustration!  When I eventually heard a 'live' female voice, my relief was palpable, a real person,  This experience was  similar to traipsing across a dessert for a week under a burning sun and then espying an oasis... I explained that it was only a corn, my first in over seventy-three years on this planet, however my attempts to find a solution via our good friend at Boots had elicited a request to seek doctorial advice due to my being diabetic. Whilst I never expected to see a doctor that afternoon, I could see no valid reason why an appointment couldn't be made for the following day, or even the day after that. No! Not on your life, No way. A discussion ensued regarding the length of time it took to answer the phone, the lack of flexibility and the fact that everything is skewed towards and for the benefit of those behind the glass-fronted reception 'wall'  It was at this point that the gatekeeper, with all the charm of a disgruntled scorpion wrapped up the conversation from her end and replaced her handset leaving me speaking to no-one in particular, or more precisely no-one at all. I cannot abide rudeness. Twenty-three minutes later, the same format and rigmarole saw me talking to another gatekeeper. She explained that with not enough doctors, not enough gatekeepers ( she used the term 'receptionists', but we know!) and 30,000 patients  on their books it is no longer possible for appointments to be made for another day.  Unbelievable!

I rang back, I do not give up easily, and after fifteen minutes spoke to another, more civil gatekeeper who reiterated the scorpion's comments regarding the statistics adding 'There's nothing more we can do about it really, it's the system.'  My argument that someone actually instigates the system, not a computer, got me nowhere save an offer for the Practice Manager to give me a call that afternoon.  Safe to say, three hours elapsed and guess what? That's right, bugger all.  I did catch up with her midweek, but apparently there had been a breakdown in communication. She mentioned the same statistics and system so that's obviously the party line whipped out for all and sundry complainants. Oh well...

Everything is on the side of the surgery - let's call it that.  All they do is pick up the next call, it matters not a jot to them how long the poor sod has waited on the end of the line listening to the excruciating music interspersed with the asinine comments and forlorn hope of ever making human contact again.  I actually managed to get the gatekeeper to ask a doctor to ring me and  he did, that evening.  I told him there would be a whole generation of newly-qualified doctors who will never see a patient in the flesh.  All consultations will be virtual. With youngsters living in a world of social media, virtual friends and little real social contact, the thought of new GP's gaining experience from actually seeing patients sat opposite them on the other side of the desk and getting to know them will soon be a thing of the past. So much for that 'Caring Society' we read about! 

Funnily enough,  the doctor seemed to listen to my concerns as a patient and booked me an appointment for the Wednesday morning with a diabetic nurse to check my toe. Why couldn't the gatekeeper have done that in the first place. 

Upshot of it all,  'cause I know your'e eager to learn,  is that a pumice stone and plaster along with a watchful eye should sort the problem. I was also informed that the pain I was suffering, pain that was far greater than childbirth, obviously, would dissipate and I should recover and continue to live a fairly healthy and increasingly grumpy existence,  pining for the 'Good Old Days' and reminding all who care to listen - and those who don't! - that 'Receptionists used to work on behalf of the patient, not the other way round!'.

Right, a cuppa and change of plaster beckons. Until my next surgery encounter - Cheers!

PS:  As of this morning you can no longer queue when you ring to make an appointment for a doctor to call you.  A robotic voice informs you that in order to save you time by queuing you need to ring back later, when you will be queuing once more!  If ever a system needed surgical intervention, it's this one!

Sunday, 16 May 2021



                                  FOR MINORITIES, EVERY DAY IS A 'SPECIAL DAY'.

Sadly, there is an increasing number of activists in this country.  Lawful and peaceful protests are one thing, stopping officials going about their business is another.  What should be seen and reported as a disgraceful waste of police time and expense is seen by a Guardian reporter  as a 'Special Day'.  

Libby Brooks, the paper's Scotland correspondent told her story in Friday's edition.  What glee she seems to take from the knowledge that an immigration enforcement van was stopped in its tracks by baying mobs intent on releasing two men suspected of immigration offences.   This Libby character (is it short for Liberal?) is obviously not on the side of law and order, but heavily backs disruption and mayhem.  Writing for The Guardian is, of course, an ideal outlet for such wayward, anti-society, left-wing sympathies.  So much so in fact that the poor misguided lady can no longer see the migrant wood for the indigenous trees.

Crowds of 'locals' - I use the word extremely loosely - commenced their intimidating action in Glasgow's southside at 9am with the stand-off lasting a full eight hours before the  'Southside 2', as I think of them, were freed and by Friday were receiving advice from asylum support groups - well they would be, wouldn't they!  Some complete arse who goes by the name of 'Van Man' crawled under the enforcement vehicle for much of the day in order to discourage movement.  What soft fools we are!  I'd have given him a very generous five minutes to 'get out and bugger off before the vehicle moves on'.  It would then have been his choice, and it is all about choices, as to whether he lived to irritate and disrupt come another day, or be a road fatality.  It really wouldn't have bothered me one way or another... though I do have a slight preference.  Hmmm... I wonder if he works?

All over the country there are legal eagles, asylum support groups, minority rights groups all there at the sniff of a deportation ready to grind our laws into the dust - bastards!  Getting back to the 'Scottish Skirmish', there was a translator called Declan Blench who sat behind the van to stop it from reversing - same rules would apply to him as they would to Van Man if common  sense were ever to be taken into account.  A lawyer by the name of Aamer Anwar described the heavy police presence as 'inflammatory and provocative'.  Thats rich!  He then goes on to add that he 'couldn't believe that the Home Office had done this on one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar'.  Let me set you right on this, Mr Anwar, there are people who live outside your ethnic and white supported bubble. They are called the general population who couldn't give a flying fig about any ethnic 'holy day'.  All you have done is to tie up an already overstretched police force in order to free two men who should by now be in secure accommodation whilst the rights and wrongs of their case is discussed in a lawful manner.

Imagine sir, if you will, the joy, the adrenaline rush that comes when we, the native, and constantly under-fire white, far-sighted resident of these isles hear or read of another plane load being deported for varying reasons.  It's music to our ears,  dear boy,  pure music....

It comes back as always to the choices we discussed earlier.  If you don't like how we do things in OUR country, you don't have to stay, which for many of your ilk would be our preference... given the choice that is!

Sunday, 9 May 2021



                                        THE ELECTIONS - WEREN"T THEY EXCITING!

The elections are over, but not the shouting. The Tories took Hartlepool in a by-election and several English councils in the local elections. The SNP swept back into power in Scotland for a forth consecutive period.  With the help of the Greens, whose views align with much of the ruling party, the SNP will be baying like terriers at the ankles of Westminster in order to push for a vote on independence.  In Wales the Labour Party did extremely well to resist challenges from both the Tories and Plaid Cymru.

For the first time in modern politics it really does look as if we are three nations linked by land only.  In England, the Tories have been buoyed by the effective roll-out of the covid 19 vaccines and possess a leader who took us out of Europe. The latter is bourn out by the by-election win, which was emphatic, along with a the number of council seats won in traditional Labour heartlands.

Like her or loathe her, Nicola Sturgeon has done a fine job of leading her party. The court case with her old boss turned out to be no more than an irritation. Alex Salmond, for all his 'Not guilty' verdicts is a spent force. He didn't appear to garner much public support after the inquest/trial, and that lack of sentiment came through during the elections where his newly-formed Alba Party was cast adrift as the results unfolded. I do wonder what form independence would take if the Scottish public were to vote, assuming the vote goes ahead at some stage and it pans out the way the SNP so clearly desires. Would Scotland be able to re-join the EU? I'm sure the Euro powers-that-be would work hard to add another state to their club if only to spite England and Wales, who also voted to leave don't forget.  If this were to happen what form would a border take?  I can see Scotland becoming a Mecca for migrants desperate to settle in England,  a weak border producing a soft option and a rush of opportunists.  Should we 'do a Trump' and start building a wall - or re-build Hadrian's Wall now? It's a thought!

In Wales the electorate stood strong and returned a Labour-led Senedd.  Mark Drakeford, their leader should take credit for that show of solidarity.  All through the pandemic he was a familiar face on  television.  His approach and general demeanour was calming and reassuring.  I'm certain he built up a following because he epitomised what voters look for in a leader.  He told it like it is, no faff, no catch-phrases, no marketing speak, no hype, no bluster, no jingoistic terminology. Good diction, plain English, measured... Oh, and a Welsh lilt helped of course!  Above all, the man showed dignity. He didn't go off at a tangent making political capital out of the situation, he stuck to the point and subject in hand.  Many aspiring politicians could learn from these performances because his approach to politics engenders trust and support in a leader.

So what went wrong for Labour in England?  Being fair to Mr Starmer, the pandemic has hindered any aspirations of the usual cut and thrust of Westminster politics and all that goes with it.  Andy Burnham, however, did well in Manchester, being re-elected as Mayor with a significantly increased majority, but he is seen to be constantly battling for the people he represents.  Labour supporters, many of them Leave voters, especially in the north-east, north-west and West Midlands felt betrayed at the last election.  The prospect of a second referendum should Labour get into power, led by a man steeped in the mould of Michael Foot - scruffy, lifeless, completely bereft of leadership qualities tested their patience.  Many who voted Tory are probably not overly-enamoured with Boris, but he gave people hope, leadership! 

What happened locally? Well, Surrey remains a Tory stronghold though not as strong as it has been hitherto.  I voted for  the sitting Tory councillor but he was defeated by a lady representing the Lib-Dems. Now, this is the same lady I commented on in a post way back at the turn of the year.  I rang her during March to ask why she wasn't standing as an independent because if that had been the case  I may well have voted for her.  She really seemed to care about the area in which she lives - and now represents.  Well done that girl!  I could however, never bring myself to vote Lib-Dem after their treachery regarding the EU referendum - I don't forgive easily, or in some cases -Ever!!  Truth is, I find there is a pervading arrogance that sits uncomfortably alongside the bloated egos of the Tories in Surrey.  Several lost their seats in the Guildford area to Residents Associations whose supporters are rightly upset with the continual erosion of the Green Belt, and the selling off of land for housing and industrial use.  In Woking many are unhappy with the council for their corporate arrogance, best displayed in the building of town centre tower blocks, hideous to the eye and outwardly portraying all the hallmarks of tomorrows slum clearance.  You can see these monstrosities from parts of Guildford and Ripley.  The worst offended are the good residents of Horsell who wake up to them every day of their lives. It can't have done much for their house prices. What on earth did the good residents of Horsell do in a previous life to deserve this?  The main thing is that a lot of fat cats have doubtless got a lot fatter, so no change there.  Never trust a politician, that way you won't be disappointed!

And the Lib-Dems?  Overall they lost seats... Elections can be so satisfying at times...

Sunday, 2 May 2021



                                                          WHAT GOES AROUND...

Not many coups are thwarted within three days, but an attempt by powerful figures within the tawdry world of football to change what is already an obscenely corporate business came to nowt - for the time being, anyway...  How joyous it was to witness fans who would normally be at opposition throats coming together, united in a common cause, one centred on adding yet more golden geese to an already inflated pond of golden geese.

Going back to the 'Good old days', the 'Golden age', we had, in this country a system that worked well for over a century with a little refinement here and a little tweak there. What we had was stability within the game and a great sense that the clubs we supported were our clubs.  They were clubs, not 'Brands'!  They were part of our lives and we, the supporter, were part of theirs. 

There were four divisions - League Division 1, 2, 3 and 4.  It was a simple system, free of razzamatazz and corporate greed, though I suspect personal gain played a not insignificant part in many a transfer deal, but sadly, where there is money there are those who see it as easy and often rich pickings.

Along with this easy to follow system came a similarly easily remembered kick-off time. It was every Saturday throughout the season at 3pm - with the exception of Newport County who kicked off at 3.15pm in order that workers in the steel industry could finish their shift and still make it to the game!  Midweek matches kickeed-off at 7.30 unless there was very good reason to alter the timing.  Promotion and relegation were more or less what happens at the current time.  The exception is that in England we now have a pyramid system that allows for automatic promotion and relegation between the lowest division, now known as League 2, and the Fifth tier known as the National League and sponsored by various organisations, which lowers the tone of any sporting event.

Incidentally, since the fifth tier, originally called the 'Conference' was formed commencing with the 1986/7season, it has had a fair number of sponsors.  These include:- Gola, Vauxhall, Nationwide Building Society, Blue Square, Skrill and currently Vanarama - and doesn't that sound classy!  I point out these names because I detest sponsorship. I know clubs need income, I know that smaller clubs struggle and this form of advertising is a lifeline for many, but it's the long-term cost.  Many a club has cut its cloth according to the size of the sponsored investment.  At some stage this relationship ends - either at the agreed termination date - or the messiah leaving the club high and dry by terminating unexpectedly early for whatever reason.  These clubs have relied on a false sense of security and for the duration of that relationship and mutual advertising the club changes the name of its ground to reflect the financial involvement. 

The delightfully named Brighton and Hove Albion played for many years at the Goldstone Ground, they moved some twelve plus years ago to the Falmer Stadium.  I've never been a fan of the word 'stadium', it conjures up thoughts of being 'Above oneself', 'Up your own backside' etc.  You know where you are with a 'Ground', or a 'Park'.  It is where a football match is played.  My local team is Aldershot Town, though it is many years since I stood on the terraces, mainly because it is a very different town from the one visited during the seventies and early eighties, but I'll write a blog on that subject later in the month!  Humble Aldershot Town played for decades at the 'Recreation Ground', they now play at the 'EBB Stadium'. Same ground, same address, but while gaining a sponsor it loses a part of its soul. 

Back in the late eighties and the early nineties, the moneymen who wormed their way into football decided to form a breakaway league and call it the Premier League.  All the top teams were for it.  Greater autonomy, greater bargaining power with the media, colossal deals for viewing rights... and all for the greater greed and little thought for the greater good.  Three matches in the Premier League today, all kicking off at different times to maximise revenue from the media.  Who's game is it anyway?

Thirty years on and six English teams, along with three from Spain and three from Italy, announced their 'Grand European plan' to a fairly unsuspecting public one day, encountered unexpected flak from governments, football associations, managers and players across Europe, but most importantly - fans the next day and by the third day it was on hold!  There followed statements by club owners, humble words of remorse and regret, the like of which had not been encountered since an Oscar winner last thanked his or her grandmother for 'Being there for them'!  The wringing of hands was sickening in the extreme as their excuses about 'not understanding the feelings of supporters' and 'doing it for the games very survival' cut little ice with genuine fans. It is they who pay good money to follow their club and in many cases a dream that will never be fulfilled, but that is why they go!  Among the crowds who demonstrated holding aloft banners that showed in no uncertain terms the strength of feeling to the Euro dream, one stood out above all others.  This was the one that displayed the sentence  'We just want to play Stoke on a cold night'  which says it all...

Like so much in life, society is governed and futures chiselled into shape by those who flex their financial muscle for personal gain.  No English club should be foreign owned, no owner should be allowed to own more than one club.  That would be my starting point for the major reforms needed so that the likes of Barrow, Grimsby Town, Rochdale and Port Vale could get a fair share of the fortunes made by the moneymen at the top of the pyramid who wish to share only with like-minded moneymen within a very limited and tawdry select few.  The gap between rich and poor would be considerably shorter if I had my way.

Oh... and if those at the top could see their way to reducing the power of  that most grotesque troupe of leeches - the agents - I would be 'over the moon' as I believe they still say in footballing circles. 

Monday, 19 April 2021



                                   A TWO-TIER SOCIETY?   THANK GOD FOR THAT!

What is it about an international pandemic, the likes of which has never previously been encountered, that causes such a  swathe of vaccine scepticism and conspiracy theories?  Everybody I know has had their first, and in many cases, second jab.  They were pleased and not a little relieved to be informed of the date when they would feel more secure, more positive, more relaxed about just going out.  I realise that I'm referring to people in their sixties and seventies, but this does not give rise to suggestions by conspiracy theorists that our age has diluted our powers of individual thought and that we are easily persuaded by false gods and a herd mentality.

As discussed in previous posts, my views on protesters, be they anti-vaccination or anti-lockdown, are the same.  It appears that the subject or cause matters very little but confrontation, aggressive behaviour  and a destructive agenda remains their calling.  The problem lies in the knock-on effect that bad publicity engenders.  If everybody agreed to be vaccinated the following points wouldn't be up for discussion because we would have 'just got on with it!'

I understand that race, colour and religion have had a lot to do with the low take-up in certain groups of residents.  It is at this point the term 'Human rights' comes to the fore - as it does with boring regularity! Human rights co-exists alongside its bedfellow - Responsibility!  They go hand-in-hand, they are inseparable. If you wish to reject the offer of a vaccination designed to protect you and those you come into contact with then that is your right, But... and it is a big 'But', you also have to accept the limitations incurred by your decision.

As we leave what will hopefully be our last lockdown, the government is cautiously allowing venues to open up once again.  Trials with a limited number of spectators will be taking place at sporting and musical events across England.  These trials will experiment with numbers of attendees, the close proximity of attendees, the wearing and non-wearing of masks etc.  Those attending must also show proof of a negative test.  Where is the problem with this approach?  Surely it is a step in the right direction?  Not to some it seems.  Sadly a measured approach equals the introduction of state surveillance. 

I have to say that  up till now I have never been in favour of identity cards. I felt it was something that was probably needed for 'Johnny foreigner', as they couldn't be trusted anyway - certainly not the French - but that it would be an invasion of our privacy and more to the point, I wouldn't trust the government not to include personal information on the card that the individual was not informed about.  These, however, are strange times and what was good for our previously covid-free world  has changed society and the way we live our everyday lives.  It therefore follows that formerly held views and principles sometimes require a review in line with that change.

As with many aspects of life, the more the great unwashed, the minorities and the left complain, the more I am open to change.  Why should dissenters be allowed into a gathering of say... six or sixty... or six hundred?  I would much prefer to visit a restaurant knowing that all those sitting within the establishment have either been vaccinated or tested.  Surely it is is the 'right' of everybody to feel safe and secure when eating their meal, clapping their team or singing along with their singer of choice? Do I care if 'someone of colour' or someone with a religious hang-up cannot see the bigger picture? Do I care if they are refused entry because of their stubbornness or bloody-mindedness?  No, I do not!

It was not unexpected to note that over 120 church ministers from Anglican and Catholic faiths have urged Boris Johnson not to introduce vaccine certificates, saying they are an 'unethical form of coercion'.  This is  rich coming from a collective cult of like-minded saps steeped in a centuries-old history of sexual abuse. As of today, there has been an announcement of racism within its corridors of power - shock, horror, surprise!  I also note that non-disclosure agreements have been signed prior to 'compensation' being paid to the 'injured' party. This dubious and possibly illegal practice is doubtless implemented in order to prevent any heinous crime committed by one of its 'God-fearing fraternity' finding its way into the public domain.  Where is their god when they need him  - or her - huh?   The UK Equality Watchdog said passports could create a 'two-tier society'.  Well I for one am all in favour of it.  What a joy it would be, sitting amongst those that you feel you have something in common with, those you feel you could be with for a whole evening without the fear of being blown to bits by a suicide bomb detonated by a chap with a rather large grudge and sporting an anti-British shoulder chip to boot! 

Aaaaahhhhhh... I'm just basking in the thought of all the minorities, the misfits, the misguided and the logically-challenged retards who think only of themselves... And the more I think of it, the more I really would  welcome a two-tier society -  the 'Jabs' and the 'Jab-nots'! 

Saturday, 17 April 2021



                                          JUST YOUR AVERAGE FAMILY FUNERAL   

Before I start on the 'funeral of the day', let me say how glad I was to note that nearly 120,000 like-minded citizens also took to the phone or keyboard and complained about the total overkill of the BBC's coverage last Friday relating to Prince Philip's passing.  I won't go on... no really!, but I only came across the re-scheduled 'House of Games' by chance, before enjoying the final of 'Masterchef ' six days later than expected, the transmission date of which was thankfully announced in advance.

And so, eight days on and the public will be invited to watch the small family funeral take place from  the comfort of their own homes, not only in this country but across the world.  The public are also being discouraged from visiting the family's abode in Windsor.  As I said, it is a small covid-restricted affair limited to thirty people as against the eight hundred that would have attended the do, should that dratted virus not got in the way and buggered up the whole proceedings. 

One comment, made by someone who should know better, caused me a little head shaking prior to an 'Oh dear, oh dear' followed by 'What is the man thinking of?'  This referred to Jeremy Vine musing that the funeral will be attended by thirty 'white' people.  What does he expect, fifteen members of PP's closest to be replaced by Masai Mara warriors, Aborigines, Maoris  and Sikhs in order that the Commonwealth can be represented?  A totally unnecessary comment but sadly to be expected from someone working within the cloistered world of the Black and Asian Broadcasting Corporation.

The media, particularly the Beeb, are constantly dropping the fact that like any 'normal family' holding a funeral during these trying times, masks will be worn and social distancing will be adhered to.  I read that the whole affair will be conducted in an informal manner ie. no military uniforms weighed down by insignia, bangles, baubles and sashes handed out just for who the wearer is/was, though certainly not for genuine involvement with a regiment or service prior to attainment of high military rank.

It was with a wry smile - not the first and certainly not the last - that I noted around 730 soldiers will be in attendance.  730?  I wasn't aware the Army had that many soldiers to call upon, presumably we've brought everyone back from their overseas postings just to be there and make it a jolly good show. Note to Taliban: 'If you're thinking about attacking someone - anyone! - then this weekend would be as good as any, if not better than most I'd say...  'The Arsebishop of Canterbury will be performing the ceremony in the family chapel at the other end of the garden.  PP will be driven to his resting place in a converted Land-Rover he helped design - Oh, and haven't the media laboured that little  point of trivia!  Still, as has been mentioned, it is only a small family do.

What I find amusing is the planning that has gone into who walks alongside who in the cortege. The idea of cousin Peter equidistant between Princes William and Harry makes for mental playfulness!  Does the Lord Chamberlain, who I understand is tasked with organising this low-key, though not low-budget event, envisage a 'set-to' between Wills and H?  One can only imagine the conversation taking place as all and not much sundry make their way in solemn procession...   

W  (Sniffily) 'I see you came alone then, only enough money for one flight now your allowance has been cut?'

H   (Aghast)  'Certainly not!  Me-again... I mean Meghan was advised not to travel on medical grounds due to her condition.'

W   (Mischievously)  'What condition?  Do you mean the condition you've put her in so as to double the number of 'dubious heritage offspring' we'll have in the family, not that Jeremy Vine wouldn't be in chocolate covered clover, or maybe a condition she imposed before you left, just to make sure you abide by her Yankee rules - and the Yank does rule!'

H   (Pretty peeved)  'Good job I'm not wearing school... I mean military uniform or I'd shove my ceremonial sword up your Harris!' 

W   (Sneering mode)  'Netflix deal not looking so rosy Bruv?'

CP   (Enjoying middle, if not centre stage)  'Oh really you two, this is no time to bicker, it's bad enough having Uncle Andrew's little peccadillos  aired in public let alone allowing a Z-lister into an A-listed family...' 

I could go on but then it be called a novel!  CP by the way refers to Cousin Peter... And I am aware that there should be a 'whatsit 'over the first 'e' in cortege, but I'm buggered if I can find it on the keyboard and I've only got so much time left to live!

Wednesday, 14 April 2021



                                      KEEPING FAITH WITH THE NATIONAL TRUST

As of last Monday, 12th April, shops, public houses, hairdressers, outdoor attractions including zoos and gyms reopened across England.  If all goes well and the Covid infection rate does not rise significantly we could be on track for indoor entertainment and leisure activities to recommence during May and June.

One of the major attractions for those with a feel for centuries-old 'grand design' and history will involve visits to a National Trust property.  Over the years I have spent many a pleasurable day or part-day walking around well-staffed buildings, well-kept grounds, exploring woodlands and reading the fascinating histories of various owners and founders who bequeathed their properties to the nation.  It is our heritage, our past that is there to be shared by all. 

Sadly, after the disgusting actions of the great unwashed, unemployed and probably unemployable, statues were torn down in Bristol while the police stood by and watched.  If ever there was a need to fire tear gas or dowse the protesting dross using water cannons then this was it!  But no!  We are talking about 'slavery'.  The very use of the word engenders such emotion - why?  Governments are frightened stiff of upsetting black minorities, police tread with such caution as to be totally ineffectual and the left-wing papers have a field day preaching to their own with articles written by journalists who show absolutely no empathy with the native white resident of these septic isles.

Last September, riding on a groundswell of minority unrest, the National Trust published its findings into its own involvement with slavery.  Anyone with a modicum of common sense - so not groomed at Cambridge, Oxford or the LSE - and a rounded education would be aware that capitalists made their fortunes on the backs of others and slavery was a perfectly legal way of keeping expenditure to the minimum  in centuries past.

The Trust's AGM produced some very heated discussion and a lot of that rarely found 'common sense' was on show for all to listen to.   The view of the average NT visitor was succinctly put by 'Diana from Leicester' who complained that the 'majority of members just want to see beautiful houses and gardens, not have others' opinions pushed down their throats'.   Hear, hear, Diana!  And that is it in a nutshell.  Peter Mitchell, a journalist with The Guardian wrote an article published in the edition dated 12 November 2020.   His piece is, as expected, one long diatribe citing government failings on a more general level, why a group of MP's are questioning the Trust's funding and why slavery is important to our history.   He refers to a fellow scribe by the name of Nesrine Malik. He or she  wrote that  some feel '... the culture of these islands is being stolen from the (implicitly white, native and straight) majority, or indeed the entirety of western civilisation... '  He or she is not wrong, in fact they are very, very right, and bloody fed up with it we are too!  In my opinion, it is the average visitor (mainly white and educated in my experience) who should be listened to, not some miserable hack with an agenda supporting minorities with their pseudo-sensitivities  and skewed ideology!

It goes to show just how trendy the NT has become, they no longer have a chairman, they are led by the cut back version, the politically correct 'chair'!  His name is Tim Parker and, according to The Guardian, he has acknowledged the importance of Black Lives Matters'.  I bet he has!  More than his career is worth to say anything else, but wouldn't it be a joy if he said:  'You know what? I really couldn't give a monkey's if we were totally funded from a family fortune founded on slavery.   We offer great afternoon teas and sell highly sought after plants, cakes and jams.   So stick that up your jacksy and bore the pants off some other like-minded tyke who displays little empathy with Britain or its native white, straight visitor, and who, just like 'Diana of Leicester' merely wishes to have a nice day out!

Tuesday, 13 April 2021


Anthony Mann is an author of books and narrator of CDs that appear under the auspices of Trouser Press Publishing at:

Good morning, afternoon or evening and welcome to the Anthony Mann blogspot. 

To order books and CD's please visit the above website for details of delivery, postage charges and forms of payment. Thank you.

Anthony's Book and CD catalogue presently comprises the following in date order:


From Where I Sit   First published 1990, reprinted 2002 , 2009, 2017, 2023 and 2024.   Price £9.99

Written in the forlorn hope that we could have been able to send our youngest son to private school where he wouldn't have had to mix with council house children, unlike our daughter who, despite enjoying a high-ranking in English and geography, still cannot spell properly and hasn't the faintest inkling that Bradford could be in Yorkshire. She knows every street of the way to Nelson Mandela's house. Mind you, living in the Home Counties she hasn't had the benefit of learning traditional children's songs in Urdu.

'Set to become a humour classic... the find of the year' - WH Smith's Bookcase Magazine.  (WH Smith 'Book of the month')

'Liberals with a heart condition beware!' - Croydon Advertiser

As I Was Saying  First published 1992, reprinted 2017.    Price  £7.99            SOLD OUT

I  am indebted to all the newspapers, both national and local, who have provided inspiration to examine in detail certain stories upon which they have reported.
I am indebted to all who became parents and bestowed upon their children an array of imaginative names, not to mention those who ingratiated themselves to the point where I felt compelled to include them within this tome.

'Courageous enough to write what most of us think...' - Surrey Advertiser

'Rude, insensitive, arrogant, self-opinionated, sexist - he is also very, very funny' - Wandsworth Borough News (Author's note:  I particularly warmed to this review!)

'A humorous look at life as it really is' - Croydon Advertiser

The Further Thoughts Of Chair Mann  First published  1999.    Price  £5.99

DO NOT proceed  if you are from the lower classes or a single parent or you are on benefit. Chances are, I'm paying for your copy, which defeats the object of the exercise, so kindly don't buy it and finger Jeffrey Archer instead. On second thoughts, take it. After all, I subsidise your cigarettes, alcohol, lottery tickets and children. Oh, and by the way, for those who are used to getting something for nothing out of life, try something novel - like paying for it on the way out! Who knows, you might just learn a little (there, hope that doesn't sound too pompous).

DO NOT flick through in the hope of finding a section of glossy pages of photos - it's all words, and although it is not joined-up writing, some contain more than one syllable. Thought you should know...

Last Mann Standing    First published 2010, reprinted 2013, 2020, 2023 and 2024.    Price  £9.99
Welcome to the antidote to all that is politically correct.  Packed full of views, observations, anecdotes and jokes, there is hopefully something here for everyone.  Long words, such as 'pulchritudinous' and 'disesttablishmentarianism' for the educated, the highbrow and those who shop at Waitrose, and short words such as 'like' and 'stuff' for those who shop at Asda.  Not to be forgotten - for this is a very 'inclusive' book - there are also three-syllable words for the workshy who came upon them by default and the taxpayers generosity, words like 'ben-e-fit'!

This is an England in decline and whilst I cannot guarantee that by reading this book the country's standards will rise, I think one can say with some certainty that a few blood pressures will!

In Bed With A. Mann Part 1 Pre-Referendum  First published 2018.    Price  £8.99

The entire contents of this book is handwritten, similar in rustic charm to 'hand-battered cod', hand-cut chips and hand-finished pastry. At Trouser Press we pride ourselves on our green credentials.  The paper used for the printing of this book all came from trees that were old anyway and probably from a foreign country - or Yorkshire as some people call it!

The completed work shows no signs being genetically-modified and appears to be lactose tolerant, gluten-free, tallow-free, non-nut allergic, ceoliac resistant and 'ism' free.  You know, all those special needs we never knew we didn't suffer from during the fifties and sixties... happy days... Enjoy! 

In Bed With A. Mann Part II Post-Referendum  First published 2019, reprinted 2023.    Price  £9.99

Life can be likened to two lifts.  The one going up is crammed with political correctness, diversity and health and safety.  The one going down possesses common sense, justice and humour.  Join me as we cogitate, ponder and digest the effects of Brexit, gender reclassification, fridge magnets and the rise in sales of quinoa in Waitrose.

As someone once observed, we should all take a lesson from the weather, as it pays absolutely no attention to criticism!

Remember never to take life too seriously. After all, no-one gets out alive...

Of Mice And Mann  First published 2024, reprinted 2024. Price £9.99

From politicians to stand-up comedians, a culture of fear pervades. Shoppers are afraid to discuss the lack of Toilet Duck in their local supermarket in case it offends.  And don't mention minorities, be they ethnic, vegans, travellers or transwhatevers!  Doing so plays into the hands of the anti-social media trolls, the influencers of young guns, who so readily judge with their pack mentality.

Millions of people lost their lives in two world wars so that we had freedom of speech.  We should not give up our right of expression in order to sate the needy, the closeted and the easily offended.  One can still have an opinion - it's called democracy!

CDs:     Please note, the CD's are  double pack (90 minutes play)

A Mann At Last  -  Released 2003 in Audio-tape form. CD in 2006, Re-pressed 2008.    SOLD OUT

A Mann For All Reasons  -  Released 2008, Re-pressed 2013.   Price  £11.99
From the under-stated to the over-staffed, the under-blown to the over-estimated, all human life is here - and there.

Enjoy listening as the CD unfolds and all human frailties are exposed. From the under-stated to the over-staffed, the under-blown to the over-estimated, all human life is dissected and reassembled.

'Refreshingly thought provoking'  -  A friend of the author...

It's A Mann Thing   -  Released 2012.   Price  £11.99  SOLD OUT
Anthony's most recent lament on the state of life in (Great) Britain today.

Equality! Political correctness! Tolerance!... You'll find none of it here. News, views and comments on life's little problems... like life itself... - Another friend

'A cynical view of these septic Isles'  -  A  friend of a friend...


You may also be interested in a further book by Anthony Mann's alto ego, Mel Rees:
 The Club - An Everyday Story of Trainspotters  First published 1995, Reprinted 2011. Price  £6.99

The story concerns a group of similarly dedicated individuals, brought together from many walks of life. The reader follows their every day trials and tribulations which are inevitably entwined with the world of steam, modelling, exhibitions, day trips and a yearning for the past. The result is their membership of the Surbiton Railway Club.

'There is humour found aplenty in Mel Rees's novel, The Club' -  Sunday Express

'There is an honesty about the characters that is refreshing... the story is highly entertaining, I struggled to put it down.'  -  Railway Magazine

'The author has discovered a rich vein of comic drama, a highly readable story unfolds. David Shepherd's appearance adds a further touch of authenticity to a believable story.' -  British Railway Modelling